Thank you for your interest in providing a foster home for our rescue dogs. Being a foster-based rescue group, foster homes are vital to our success. With dedicated people like you, we can have save more dog’s lives and for that, we thank you!



Zip Code:______Phone:______Email:______

Emergency Contact:______Phone:______

Reference Name:______Phone:______

Reference Name:______Phone:______

For the safety of our rescue dogs, do you authorize DDWR to complete a background check? ____Yes ____No

What type of rescue dogs can you assist with? ____Medical Needs ____Seniors

____Behavioral/Socialization Issues ____Puppies

Do you have previous fostering experience? ____Yes ____No

If yes, when and with what group? ______

Do you currently have other pets in your home? ____Yes ____No

If yes, list the type, breed and age of each pet:______


Are your pets spayed or neutered? ____Yes ____No

Are your pets current on their vaccinations? ____Yes ____No

Do your current pets have any behavioral issues? ____Yes ____No

If yes, please explain:______


Do your current pets have any illnesses? ____Yes ____No

If yes, please explain:______


If you do not have any current pets in your home, have you had pets in the past?

____Yes ____No

If yes, please explain why they are no longer in your home______


Are there children living in your home? ____Yes ____No

If yes, what are their ages?______

Do you ____Own ____ Rent ____House ____Apartment

*If renting, it is your responsibility to verify authorization and breed/size restrictions with your landlord prior to fostering our rescue dogs.

Do you have a fenced yard? ____Yes ____No

Height and type of fence:______

How long will the foster dog(s) be left alone?______

Where will you keep the foster dog(s) when you are not home?______


Where will you keep the foster dog(s) at night?______

What type of exercise will you provide for the foster dog(s)?______


Are you willing to administer medication if needed? ____Yes ____No

If medical attention is necessary, are you willing to transport the foster dog(s) for Veterinarian visits?

Special Concerns:______



Foster Agreement

DDWR’s first and foremost concern is for the wellbeing of our rescue dogs. We must insure that every dog’s individual needs are met and will take action at our discretion to insured their foster home meets their needs.

We understand every dog is different and need your help by communicating any behavioral changes, problems or concerns. We will keep in contact with you on a regular basis; however, it is your responsibility to notify us immediately of any unusual changes in your foster dog.

Please read and sign below:

I, ______, understand I am willingly volunteering as a foster parent for Doggy Dog World Rescue (DDWR). I will be professional and respectful of all entities of this rescue group. If at anytime I wish to withdrawal from this program, I will provide DDWR with 72 hours notice to transfer the foster dog(s) from my home. If my foster dog(s) is not “fitting” in with my family, I agree to discuss any issues I may be having with DDWR in an attempt to work through those issues.

I agree to contact DDWR immediately if there are signs of aggression with my foster dog(s), any emergency involving my foster dog(s) or my family, signs of medical issues, or if my foster dog(s) is lost.

I agree to notify DDWR of any changes to the information contained in this application and of any upcoming time frames when you will not be able to foster.

I understand that a representative of DDWR will be doing an in-home visit prior to my application approval and DDWR reserves the right to accept of deny my application for any reason.

I agree to participate in animal wellness checks as DDWR deems appropriate.

I agree to follow and abide by all of DDWR’s rules, regulations, recommendations and policies.

I agree to provide all foster dogs in my care with a calm, loving, healthy environment and will use only positive reinforcement techniques in training and correcting behavior.

I will feed all foster dogs in my care daily and work to rehabilitate them per DDWR’s recommendations.

I understand DDWR reserves the right at any time, for any reason, to request a foster dog be returned back to the group and if the request is not met within 24 hours, the appropriate authorities will be contacted and legal action may be taken.

I do not hold DDWR or any of its participants responsible for damages incurred. I understand I working with animals and understand the potential risks that may occur. I agree to take every precaution to avoid injury, incident, or damage to myself, my foster dog(s), my home, and others.



Doggy Dog World Rescue

4550 S. Kipling St. # 14

Denver, CO 80127

(303) 979-4642
