All local show hosts and WSMA will pull from this document for all announcements and printed program information. Please save and e-mail document to for publication on the WisconsinMarching website, where show hosts will be able to grab information. If your information needs updating later in the season, please update and resend via e-mail for publishing.

Name of band: Marching Blackshirts

Director(s): Abby Mazza


Pre-show announcement

According to WSMA guidelines, all preshow announcements must follow the following format. Please fill in accordingly.

“Joining us from Waukesha, WI (city, state), please welcome the Marching Blackshirts (name of band)! Waukesha South’s (name of school) show is titled Fusion (show title), and features the following musical selections: Distorted, Journey of Man, and Incantation from Cirque Du Soleil. (song titles/composers if desired). We are proud to present, in (choose from dropdown menu) performance, drum majors Matthew Cornale (COR-NAL-EE), Dillon Culver, Erick Juarez (WAH-REZ), and Abby Watson (DM names, including pronunciations please) and the Marching Blackshirts (name of band).”

Example: Joining us from Green Bay, WI, please welcome the Green Bay Packers Marching Band! Green Bay’s show is titled Lambeau Field – Through the Years, and features the following musical selections: Power Sweep by Vince Lombardi, 25 Years a Loser by Lynn Dickey, and Resurgence by Ron Wolf. We are proud to present, in Super Bowl performance, drum majors Aaron Rodgers, Brett Favre, and the Green Bay Packers Marching Band!

*No other information will be read in the preshow announcement sequence

The announcer will begin the preshow announcement when it appears all staff has left the field and drum majors are ready. If you have any specific timing requests for when the pre-show announcement is read, please enter them here: Please begin reading when I point to the box.

Example #1: Please begin reading when the drum major reaches the top of the podium.

Example #2: Please begin reading when the drum major turns and faces the audience.

Post-show announcement

Please enter your post-show announcement exactly as you’d like it to be read by the announcer, including pronunciations of staff names. Ideally, contest hosts will be able to cut and paste from this directly into an announcing scripts. Contest hosts will contact you if there are any questions, and announcers reserve the right to edit if necessary based on the flow of the show (on time, running late, etc).

The bands at Waukesha South are in their 93rd year and in their first year under the direction of Mrs. Abby Mazza. The Marching Blackshirts are part of a music program that includes a wide variety of ensembles. Jazz and concert bands, chamber orchestra and full symphony orchestra, as well as a variety of choral ensembles make up the music department at Waukesha South. In addition, classes in digital music, film music, and guitar are great opportunities for students from all backgrounds to learn what many of us already know…that music is THE universal language. Off the field, the Blackshirts Bands, along with the Waukesha South Music Department have developed a School Year Concert Series that offers a variety of music experience; from classical to pop that reach a broad audience. In particular, South’s 1200-seat auditorium is home to many concerts throughout the year.

This year’s instructional staff includes:

Director of Bands: Abby Mazza

Drill Instructor: Dale Bigus

Percussion Instruction: Chuck Brummond and Mason Lee

Auxiliary: Lexi Hogden

Visual Technician: Ben Malone

Drum Majors: Matthew Cornale, Dillon Culver, Erick Juarez, and Abby Watson

The Blackshirt Bands wish to thank the Waukesha South Band Booster Association and all of the family support of our students and school. The band would not be what it is today without generous support. We wish to thank our administration and school board for their continued commitment to music education.

Printed program information

Please check one of the following:

Use our pre-show/post-show announcement information to grab whatever information is necessary for your program.

In addition to the above information, I have more information that is not in our announcements that I would like included in the printed program if it fits your program format. I have included that information here:

Additional information

If there is any additional information you’d like to submit, please enter it below: