Appendix to the resolution adopted by shareholders’ meeting of JSC ’’Ventspils nafta’’ on November 19, 2009 on payment of dividends

Procedure of payment of dividends in euro currency.

1.  Payment of dividends is made in Latvian lats, except the case and the procedure mentioned in this procedure of payment of dividends in euro currency (hereinafter – procedure).

2.  Amount of dividends payable in euro currency shall be calculated and converted pursuant the currency exchange rate stated by the Bank of Latvia 1 EUR = 0.702804 LVL.

3.  If a person who owns shares of joint stock company “Ventspils nafta” on the date of calculation of dividends (hereafter referred to as the Shareholder), wants to receive dividends in euro currency, the Shareholder shall submit a written application in accordance with the example enclosed in Appendix A to the office of joint stock company “Ventspils nafta” at Vaļņu Street 3 (2nd floor), Riga not later than two business days after the date of calculation of dividends.

4.  Dividends are not paid in euro currency to Shareholders whose shares are stored in the Primary Register as at the date of calculation of dividends and/or who have not provided information on euro account which is attached to financial instruments account in which the shares are stored, in the application above mentioned in Clause 3 of the procedure, and/or who do not have a euro account which is attached to financial instruments account in which the shares are stored, opened.

5.  Dividends are not paid in euro currency to Shareholders who have specified incorrect and/or inaccurate information and/or who have not specified all information in the application mentioned above in Clause 3 of the procedure.

6.  Rounding-off of the money to be paid in Dividends in euro currency by converting of currency shall be carried out by observing the algorithm fixed in Clause 3.6. of Regulations of Latvian Central Depositary No.8 “On Payment of Dividends, Interest, Principal Sum and other Income”.

7.  Payment of dividends in euro currency is carried out in accordance with this procedure and the Regulations of the Latvian Central Depositary No.8 “On Payment of Dividends, Interest, Principal Sum and other Income”, as far as in this procedure is not stated otherwise.


Procedure of payment of dividends in euro currency


Place, date

To: joint stock company “Ventspils nafta”

at Vaļņu Street 3, Riga, LV-1050


of shareholder of

joint stock company “Ventspils nafta”


Name, surname or title


Personal ID No., other personal identification data or registration number


Address or legal address

Please, pay the dividends due for me for shares of joint stock company “Ventspils nafta” in euro currency. The joint stock company “Ventspils nafta” shares owned by me are stored in the following credit institution or investment broker corporation:

Title, registration number, legal address of the credit institution or investment broker corporation / Financial instruments account number / Number of shares

I confirm that I have a euro currency account open, which is attached to my financial instruments account and it will be possible to transfer my due dividends to it.

I confirm that the shares owned by me are not stored in the Primary Register on the date of calculation of dividends.

I confirm that data and/or information specified in this application is correct, complete and/or true, as well I confirm that I do not have and/or in future will not have any objections against joint stock company “Ventspils nafta”, if shall be established that data and/or information specified in this application is not correct, complete and/or true.

I confirm that I do not have and/or in future will not have any objections against joint stock company “Ventspils nafta”, if due to payment of dividends in euro currency, which I have chosen, the time of payments between joint stock company “Latvian Central Depositary”, its shareholder and the credit institution where my euro currency account, which is attached to my financial instruments account, is opened will be longer than fixed in LCD Regulations No. 8 “On Payment of Dividends, Interest, Principal Sum and other Income”.

I confirm that I do not have and/or in future will not have any objections against joint stock company “Ventspils nafta”, if payment of dividends will be made in Latvian lats in accordance with the resolution adopted by extraordinary shareholders’ meeting held on November 19, 2009.


Signature and its clarification