Bonnie Mylinda Lashewicz, PhD


Room 3D20, Teaching Research Wellness (TRW) Building

3280 Hospital Drive NW, Calgary, Alberta, T2N 4Z6

Associate Professor, Community Rehabilitation & Disability Studies Program (CRDS), Department of Community Health Sciences

Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary

Phone: 403 220-4980



i.  PhD, Department of Human Ecology, Family Studies

Dissertation Title: Equity Among Equals: Sibling Views of Fairness in Parent Care and Asset Distribution, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta

2001 – 2006

ii.  Master of Education, Community Rehabilitation and Disability Studies, Department of Educational Psychology, Faculty of Education, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta


iii. Bachelor of Education, Secondary

University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba

1980 – 1984


2016-present Associate Professor, University of Calgary, Community Rehabilitation and

Disability Studies, Community Health Sciences, Cumming School of


2009-2016 Assistant Professor, University of Calgary, Community Rehabilitation and

Disability Studies, Community Health Sciences, Cumming School of



i. Undergraduate

a.  Courses instructed:

HSOC 408 Health Research Methods and Research Practicum; 78 hour course, team-instructed with Drs. Gavin McCormack and Tanya Beran 2013-2014, 2014-2015, 2015-2016, 2016-2017

CORE 425 Social Constructions of Disability and Health, 39 hour course, re-designed and instructed 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016

CORE 475 Community Rehabilitation Practices & Aging, 39 hour course re-designed and instructed 2009, 2010, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, adapted for online delivery, instructed 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016

CORE 471 Children with Special Needs and their Families, 39 hour

Course re-designed and instructed 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013

CORE 487 Community Rehabilitation Practice and Professional

Conduct Practicum and Seminar, each offering entails supervision

of approximately 20 students each year in 130 hour field practicum

placements and corresponding 20 hour integration seminar

instructed 2010, 2011, 2012.

b.  Undergraduate Student Supervision

Supervisor: May-August, 2017

Natalia Kruger, Bachelor of Health Sciences, O’Brien Centre Summer Studentship

Project title: Confident dads raising children with Autism: Impacts of culture, socioeconomic status and access to formal services

Supervisor: January, 2015 –

Asalah Alareeki, Bachelor of Health Sciences, O’Brien Centre Summer Studentship, 2015; Bachelor of Health Sciences 210 hour research practicum (HSOC 408), 2016-2017

Project title: ‘Get your child in order’: Perceptions of stigma by fathers comparing raising children with and without autistic spectrum disorder (ASD)

Bachelor of Health Sciences, Undergraduate honors thesis (MDSC 508), 2017-2018

Project title: Felt and enacted stigma experiences of fathers of children with autism from culturally diverse backgrounds

Supervisor: January - April, 2017

Alicia Liang, Bachelor of Health Sciences, 210 hour research practicum, 2017

Project title: Meanings of independence and effective support for people coming of age while being raised by foster parents

Supervisor: May, 2016-June, 2017

Hilton Chan, Bachelor of Health Sciences, Undergraduate honors thesis (MDSC 508)

Project title: Managing mental health needs among men working in the energy sector: Does generation matter?

Supervisor: May, 2015 - April, 2017

Camille Duque, Community Rehabilitation & Disability Studies, 2 x 130 research practicum courses

Project titles: Expanding the reach: Understanding and building on non-conventional communication of adults with developmental disabilities; Who do we think we are? Disrupting conventions of quality in qualitative research.

Supervisor: May, 2015 - April, 2017

Nicholas Boettcher-Sheard, Bachelor of Sociology, Movember “Preventing Depression Project” Summer Studentship

Project titles: Organizational support for employee mental health in Canada: A systematic literature review; At work with stress, depression and masculine psyches: Understanding and responding to gender specific mental health struggles for working men; Supporting working men’s mental health: Stress, strategies and suggestions for employers from The BroMatters Study

Supervisor: September, 2014 – April, 2016

Amanda Lo, Bachelor of Psychology, 380 hour research inquiry course (MDSC 528) and 180 hour research practicum course (CORE 589)

Project titles: Listening to fathers raising children with ASD: Are some voices more equal than others? Fathers raising Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Stories of Marital Stability as Key to Parenting Success

Supervisor: 2014- 2016

Kritika Sharma, Bachelor of Health Sciences, 210 hour research practicum and undergraduate honors thesis (HSOC 408; MDSC 508);

Project title: Understanding fathers raising children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: The influence of culture and socio-economic status

Awarded PURE Studentship (Program for Undergraduate Student Research Experience), May-August, 2015

Supervisor: 2014-2016

Raidah Noshin, Bachelor of Health Sciences, 210 hour research practicum (HSOC 408)

380 hour research inquiry course (MDSC 528)

Project title: Orchestrating voices: Interrogating meanings of “acquiescent” behavior by adults with disability diagnoses

Supervisor: 2013-2015

Kevin Lien, Bachelor of Health Sciences, 210 hour research practicum and undergraduate honors thesis (HSOC 408; MDSC 508)

Project title: Money talks: Meanings of financial resources for fathers raising children with Autism

Thesis title: Stance and struggles on work versus family responsibilities for fathers raising a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder

September, 2013 – June, 2014: Awarded O’Brien Centre Summer Studentship, May-June, 2014

Supervisor: 2012-2014

Samantha Cheuk, Bachelor of Health Sciences 280 hour research inquiry directed study, 210 hour research practicum and honors thesis (MDSC 528, HSOC 408, MDSC 508)

Thesis title: Hybrid identities among fathers raising children with ASD

(September, 2012- April, 2014); Awarded Program for Undergraduate Research Experience (PURE) Award, 2013; Sheila O’Brien Award for Excellence in Women’s Leadership, 2013; Jason Lang Scholarships (2011, 2012)

Supervisor: 2013-2014

Leah Shipton, Bachelor of Health Sciences Honors thesis (MDSC 508)

Thesis title: Perspectives on providing “better” care for adults with mental health disorders and/or developmental disabilities living in group homes

Supervisor: 2013-2014

Lindsay Brooks, Community Rehabilitation & Disability Studies, 2x 130 hour research practicum courses (CORE 589.01 & CORE 589.02)

Project title: Quality of life according to whom? A comparison of views of adults with disabilities and their parents

Supervisor: 2011-2014

Kassi Shave, Community Rehabilitation & Disability Studies, 210 hour Research inquiry course and 2 x 130 hour research practicum courses (MDSC 528; CORE 589.01 & CORE 589.02)

Project title: Fatherhood across generations: Listening as fathers of children with autism describe emulating and compensating for their own upbringings.

Awarded Dr. Gary McPherson Leadership in Disability Award (2013; 2014); Stars of Alberta Volunteer Certificate of Excellence (2013)

Supervisor: September - December, 2013

Kailyene Stevenson, Community Rehabilitation & Disability Studies 24 hour Research practicum (CORE 205) Project title: Overshadowed siblings: Undiagnosed mental health issues among siblings of adults with disabilities

Supervisor: September, 2011- April, 2013

Melanie D’Souza, Bachelor of Health Sciences, 210 hour Research practicum and honors thesis (HSOC 408 & MDSC 508)

Thesis title: Understanding relationships between parents and siblings of adults with disabilities and/or mental health issues.

Supervisor: September, 2012- April, 2013

Alycia Horwood, Community Rehabilitation & Disability Studies, 2 x 130 hour research practica (CORE 589.01 & CORE 589.02)

Project title: Protection and privacy in families of adults with disabilities

Supervisor: January - April, 2012

Meena Mann, Community Rehabilitation & Disability Studies, 130 hour research practicum (CORE 589.02).

Project title: Identity construction in relation to siblings with mental health issues.

Supervisor: 2010-2012

Kersten Struthers, Bachelor of Health Sciences, 210 hour Research practicum and honors thesis

Thesis title: Sibling support for people with complex needs: Love, labor and loyalty

Supervisor: 2009-2010

Sheri Weston, Community Rehabilitation & Disability Studies, 2 x 24 hour research practicum (CORE 205 & CORE 207)

Project title: Case law representations of protection and duty within families

Undergraduate Honors Year Research Preceptor: 2010-2011

Emily Hutcheon, Bachelor of Health Sciences honors thesis

Thesis title: Identity constructions among differently abled youth

Supervisory Committee Member: 2009 – 2010

Megan Locke, Bachelor of Arts, Honors, Culture and Communications

Thesis title: My brother and I: Citizenship, disability and family

c.  Bachelor of Health Sciences Undergraduate Honors Thesis Examiner:

2017 Dae Kim

Thesis title: The Impact of Physical Activity and Lifestyle Factors on Biomarkers of Colorectal Cancer: A Systematic Literature Review

Melanie Varkey

Thesis title: Survey Redesign to Elicit Family-Borne Costs of Pediatric Patients with Gastroenteritis

2016 Erika Friebe

Thesis title: Neglected voices, neglected diseases: Igniting youth-driven innovation in sanitation solutions in pastoral Maasai Pastoralists

Gianella Pana

Thesis title: Mother’s level of confidence in caring for her pre-term infant: A mixed methods study

2015 Kyla Brown

Thesis title: Gender and social contact as moderators for the relationship between work dissatisfaction and sleep problems among Canadians in the latter half of life

Defended: March 27, 2015

Jagdeep Virk

Thesis title: The association between driving behavior and weight status among men and women

Defended: March 27, 2015

2014 Eniola Salami

Thesis title: Bridging the disciplinary divide: Examining monism and interdiscplinarity at a Calgary public health research facility

Defended: April 8, 2014

Kalie Mosig

Thesis title: Media portrayals of Autism Spectrum Disorder: Impact on parents of children on the spectrum

Defended: April 8, 2014

Jaskarn Jawanda

Thesis title: Associations between maternal depression, obesity and quality of maternal-child interactions

Defended: April 8, 2014

ii.  Graduate Level Courses and Student Supervision

a.  Courses instructed

CORE 630 Foundations and Futures of Community Rehabilitation

and Disability Studies, block week course coordinated and co-

instructed, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014

CORE 691.36 Doctoral Pro-seminar in Disability, Community and Rehabilitation, coordinated and co-instructed 2012-2013; 2014-2015

Masters in Public Health Degree at Catholic University of Health and Allied Sciences, Mwanza, Tanzania, developed in partnership with University of Calgary. Module in Health Leadership developed and delivered to (2010, 2011, 2012)

b.  Graduate Student Supervision

Supervisor: 2017-

Patricia Desjardine, Ph.D. student, Community Rehabilitation and Disability Studies

Thesis title: Disrupting scripts of script: A phenomenological study of mothers’ experiences raising children with disability diagnoses

Supervisor: 2017-

Saryn Modderman, MSc. student, Community Rehabilitation and Disability Studies

Thesis title: Disrupting gender binaries for individuals with autism: A narrative examination of professional views

Supervisor: 2017-

Mona Aboumrad

Thesis title: Building trauma informed supports for First Nations adults with mental health disorders

Co-supervisor: 2017-

Nicholas Boettcher-Sheard

Thesis title: Advancing digital health solutions for adults with mental health disorders

Principal Co-supervisor: 2012-2017

Jennifer Mitchell, Ph.D candidate, Community Rehabilitation and Disability Studies

Thesis title: More than a pal: Meanings and goals in fathers’ experiences of leisure pursuits with their children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Awarded Gary McPherson Leadership in Disability Award, 2015

Capstone Project Preceptor: 2013-2016

Valerie Budd-Pritchard, MDCS student, Community Rehabilitation and Disability Studies

Capstone title: Mental illness/disorders among Canadian children and youth: A scoping review of how prevalence rates are determined

Principal Co-Supervisor: 2009-2011

Laura Mooney, MSc., Faculty of Education, University of Calgary

Thesis title: Inclusive education for students with severe disabilities: Illuminating the issues.

Supervisory Committee Member: 2016-

Yang Yang Fang

Thesis title: TBD

Supervisory Committee Member: 2016-

Suzanna Crawford, MSc. Student, Faculty of Nursing

Thesis title: A tale of two families: Understanding power and support through narrative inquiry

Supervisory Committee Member: 2015-

Grace Salvo, MSc. student, Public Health, Department of Community Health Sciences

Thesis title: Barriers and supports to physical activity in adults following residential relocation: a qualitative study

Supervisory Committee Member: 2013-

Anuya Pai, PhD student, Community Rehabilitation & Disability Studies

Thesis title: Post-secondary education access for students with disabilities

Supervisory Committee member: 2012 -

Patricia Foy, PhD candidate, Community Rehabilitation and Disability Studies

Thesis title: Post-secondary students with disabilities share stories of belonging

Supervisory Committee member: 2013-2017

Lucy Diep, MSc., Community Rehabilitation & Disability Studies

Thesis title: Disability and emerging discourses: Re-thinking self-advocacy in Canada for ability-diverse rights organizations-

Supervisory Committee member: 2012-2016

Faisal Albagmi, PhD, Community Rehabilitation and Disability Studies

Thesis title: A Phenomenological Inquiry into the experiences of adults with physical disabilities navigating medical services in Saudi Arabia

Supervisory Committee member: 2013-2016

Diane Lorenzetti, PhD, Community Health Sciences

Thesis title: Faculty mentorship: A comparative case study of factors associated with academic career mentoring programs

Supervisory Committee member: 2011-2015

Emily Hutcheon, MSc., Community Rehabilitation & Disability Studies

Thesis title: “Cripping” resilience: Generating new vocabularies of resilience from narratives of post-secondary students who experience disability (September, 2011 – May, 2015); Awarded 2014 Graduate Student Support, University of Calgary ($1,500); 2013 Graduate Citizenship Award, Government of Alberta ($2,000); 2013 Queen Elizabeth Graduate Scholarship, University of Calgary ($10,800); 2013 Alberta Graduate Student Scholarship ($3,000); 2013 Student Travel Grant, Canadian Sociological Association ($400); 2013 Graduate Student Support, University of Calgary ($1,000); 2013 Student Activities Fund ($400); 2012 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Joseph-Armand Bombardier CGS Master's Scholarships ($17,500); 2012 Student Activities Fund ($465) [not accepted]; 2012 Student Travel Grant, Canadian Sociological Association ($600); 2012 Queen Elizabeth Graduate Scholarship, University of Calgary ($10,800); Marlin Styner Achievement Award, Alberta Premier’s Council, 2013; Graduate Achievement Award Nominee, University of Calgary, 2013

Supervisory Committee member: 2011-2014

Donna Baird, PhD, Community Rehabilitation & Disability Studies

Thesis title: The discursive (re) construction of health capacity

Internal/External Candidacy Examiner (Retake): July 6, 2016

Ruksana Rashid, PhD student, Community Health Sciences

Candidacy topics: Health disease and risk perceptions: the influence of culture and gender among South Asian Canadians

Internal Candidacy Examiner: December 11, 2015

Taryn Graham, PhD Student, Community Health Sciences

Internal/External Examiner: August 25, 2015

Eelco Buitenhuis, PhD candidate, Educational Research

Thesis title: Bullying in the context of politics, pedagogy and power in faculties of education

Internal Candidacy Examiner: May 7, 2015

Ruksana Rashid, PhD student, Community Health Sciences

Candidacy topics: Health disease risk factors among multi-cultural groups

Internal Candidacy Examiner: December 8, 2014

Kelsey Lucyk, PhD. student, Community Health Sciences