Gunnison City Council Work and Council Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, May 4, 2016, 6:00 PM
Gunnison City Hall, 38 West Center
Gunnison, UT 84634
Present: Mayor Bruce Blackham, Gunnison City Councilmembers: Robert Andersen, Blake Donaldson, Andy Hill and Blane Jensen, City Recorder Janell Braithwaite, City Treasurer JoAnn Taylor, Librarian Carolyn Childs, Parks and Cemetery Supervisor Matt Reber, Public Works Supt. Donald Childs, Police Chief Trent Halliday, Officer Tyler Donaldson, Gary Keddington with Keddington and Christensen, Robert Stevens with the Sanpete Messenger and Anita Lyons with the Gunnison Gazette
Presiding: Mayor Bruce Blackham
Work Meeting
6:00 p.m. Discuss 2017 Tentative Budget ~ Gary Keddington, Keddington & Christensen, LLC
Mayor Blackham turned the time over to Gary Keddington to review the presented tentative budget. He noted Gary would hit the highlights, and this would need to be adopted at the council meeting scheduled to follow. Gary mentioned that the final budget would need to be adopted prior to or at the last meeting in June. Gary reviewed the B&C road money that was carried over from previous years, transfers from the water fund and all of the departments including revenues and expenditures. He reviewed the additional costs associated with the new water system as well. Gary compared the budget numbers to the budget for the previous year, and special attention was made to those departments that had significant increases or decreases noting the reason why there were such differences. Gary commented on the improvement of the budget at the swimming pool. He also noted the increase of the assessments from the irrigation company for the water shares and was asked to put the numbers together noting the need to look at increasing the fees. Gary also reminded the Council of the sewer impact fees that would need to be utilized or at least note the project they will be used for in the near future to avoid having to refund the money. The Capital Outlay needs were also reviewed for the coming year.
7:05 p.m. JoAnn Taylor, Carolyn Childs, Matt Reber, Donald Childs, Tyler Donaldson, Gary Keddington and Robert Stevens left
Council Meeting
Invocation: Mayor Blackham
Discuss Resolution 2016-2, Adopting the Six County Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan ~ Chelsea Bakaitis, Six County
Recorder Braithwaite noted Chelsea no longer worked for Six County, and would not be attending tonight. Mayor Blackham stated he had spoken with Emery Polelonema regarding Resolution 2016-2 noting this resolution doesn't obligate the City to do anything, but would prohibit the City from applying for any federal grants through FEMA if it is not in place.
Proposed Approval of Resolution 2016-2, Adopting the Six County Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan of 2015-2020
Councilmember Carlisle made the motion to approve Resolution 2016-2, Adopting the Six County Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan of 2015-2020. Councilmember Donaldson seconded the motion. The motion passes with a 4-0 vote.
Proposed Approval of 2017 Tentative Budget, Resolution 2016-3
Councilmember Jensen made the motion to adopt Resolution 2016-3, the 2017 Tentative Budget as presented. Councilmember Carlisle seconded the motion. The motion passes with a 4-0 vote.
Councilmember Jensen reiterated the importance of utilizing the sewer impact fees so the City does not lose the money, and would like to get the projects identified and get a resolution adopted as soon as possible. The areas within the City that could possibly be used for future expansion and would benefit for were discussed. Councilmember Carlisle will touch base with Supt. Childs.
Mayor Blackham felt the budget was well controlled and reviewed the transfers from the Water Dept. the revenues from the water fund were discussed in wanting to make sure the revenues were enough to cover the expenditures and all of the bond payments. Recorder Braithwaite noted it had been determined to review this quarterly this first year, and reminded them the third well was not into production yet so they were not sure what the total expenditures would be. Councilmember Jensen stressed the importance of staying on top of this in making sure the City could make all of the payments and also allow for savings for future water projects. He would rather see increases in small increments rather than wait too long and have to have the larger increases as the City just had to do. The increase in the assessments from the irrigation company was discussed.
Proposed Approval of Property Acquisition at Approximately 155 South Main
Mayor Blackham pointed out the City has received copies of a Phase I Environmental Assessment Study that has been done on the Anderson property and found it to be okay, and therefore believed the City can purchase this property. Councilmember Donaldson stated the studies have been done both on the removal of the gas tanks as well as the asbestos removal and they are both state certified. Mayor Blackham stated if the Council would accept the studies that have been done to qualify for this requirement then a motion could be made.
Councilmember Donaldson made the motion to accept the environmental studies that have been done and reported by the State noting that they satisfy the requirements for the purchasing policy of the City regarding property acquisition. Councilmember Hill seconded the motion. The motion passes with a 4-0 vote.
Mayor Blackham noted the City would need to file and be approved for a demolition permit from the State prior to any demolition being done. Councilmember Donaldson felt the City ought to have the title company do a quick look prior to signing the contract and would get that ordered. Mayor Blackham noted the Council has already approved the Mayor to sign the contract and he would do so now. He has been working with Attorney Larsen who has been in contact with Attorney Richard Chamberlain to determine whether Mr. Anderson is going to take up the offer for demolition, and if he takes up the offer then he will have to match the bid of $49,500, but if he rejects that then the bid will be awarded to Carlisle Excavation. He stated this would be worked through before any money is transferred. Councilmember Jensen brought up the fact there should be a time limit set on the demolition of the buildings in the contract for demolition. Mayor Blackham will speak with Atty. Larsen to make sure this done properly. The taxes of the property were discussed with Councilmember Donaldson wanting to be sure the taxes are prorated and paid up to the date of the acquisition. Mayor Blackham noted he had touched base with Gary Bringhurst at the County Landfill to be sure there would not be a charge for the City to take the refuse from the demolition of the buildings, and Gary verified there would not be a charge as long as the City owned the property. Mayor Blackham would like to begin the process of marketing the property quickly after the property is acquired, and Councilmember Donaldson suggested the City get Atty. Larsen's recommendations for marketing the property.
Proposed Approval of Part-time Lifeguards for the Pool ~ Councilmember Donaldson
Councilmember Donaldson presented the name of Kenzie Dearden to fill a part-time lifeguard position at the pool. He noted she is certified as a lifeguard, and has been interviewed and recommended for hire by Manager Havey.
Councilmember Donaldson made the motion to approve Kenzie Dearden as a part-time lifeguard at the swimming pool. Councilmember Jensen seconded the motion. The motion passes with a 4-0 vote.
Councilmember Donaldson mentioned he met with the Chairperson of the Pool Committee, Stacey Reid, and Manager Havey and they would like to purchase a Gym Assistant. This would allow people to come in and swipe their fobs to keep track of their swim passes. This cost of this equipment would be $1,600. Councilmember Jensen mentioned they would need to take into account the ongoing cost of the cards and the cost of the cards noting the cards are not cheap. Councilmember Jensen felt they would definitely provide for more accurate reports and the ability of keeping track of things, but questioned how they could recoup the cost of the cards.
Councilmember Donaldson mentioned they also wanted to propose a family summer pass for $75 that would be good from June 1st to August 31st noting an annual pass for a family of five is currently $450. Councilmember Carlisle spoke as a parent and as a consumer noting he felt that would be a good idea. Councilmember Jensen voiced his approval of Manager Havey and the great job he has done as well as earning the trust of the Council and the community, and felt he had a good knowledge of what needed to be done for the betterment of the pool. Councilmember Hill gave his comments as a consumer and a parent. He also passed along the good comments he has heard from the community regarding the Wibit. Councilmember Donaldson reported Chairperson Reid is currently taking the lifeguard certification class for those times Manager Havey needed extra help at the pool.
Proposed Approval of Part-time Seasonal Maintenance Workers ~ Councilmember Hill
Councilmember Hill presented the name of Saul Duran as a part-time seasonal maintenance worker. He reported Supervisor Reber had recommended Saul to fill the open position noting the work experience Saul has had and the benefit it would be for this position.
Councilmember Hill made the motion to hire Saul Duran for the part-time seasonal maintenance worker for the summer of 2016. This would be for 20-30 hours per week. Councilmember Carlisle seconded the motion. The motion passes with a 4-0 vote.
Discuss July 4th Celebration
Councilmember Carlisle reported the committee had not yet identified who would be the benefactor of the auction yet and detailed the two projects that would vie to be the recipient. He noted the permit had been acquired for the parade and everything seemed to be in motion. The name of the band is Eclipse 6, an a cappella group from Logan, and felt they would do a great job.
Councilmember Donaldson reviewed the details of the splash pad including the funds that have already been raised and the proposed grant application for additional funds. The placement of the splash pad was discussed further.
Councilmember Carlisle state he would get with Recorder Braithwaite to get the parade letters out for the royalties and noted Lori Nay was in charge of parade registrations. He stated they were planning on having vendors again for the food as it has worked out well and allows those who are always busy serving to have time with their families.
8:00 p.m. Anita Lyons arrived
Discuss and Proposed Approval of Planned Road Closure to Facilitate Gunnison Valley Hospital's Health Fair ~ Chief Halliday
Chief Halliday was not in attendance due to an emergency, and Recorder Braithwaite reported the hospital is planning on hosting a health fair on Saturday, September 10th and they would like to close the street of 100 North from Main Street to 100 East from 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.. They would still allow access to the
residents, but would like to have the ambulance and the Fire Dept. set up on the street as well as host a barbeque for those attending. Chief Halliday had wanted approval so he could let the hospital know if they could proceed with their plans or not.
Councilmember Carlisle made the motion to approve the planned road closure on Saturday, September 10th from 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. on 100 No. from Main Street to 100 East to allow for the health fair hosted by the Gunnison Valley Hospital. Councilmember Jensen seconded the motion. The motion passes with a 4-0 vote.
Proposed Approval of City Council Meeting Minutes for Wednesday, April 20, 2016, Open and Closed Sessions
Councilmember Jensen made the motion to approve the City Council Meeting minutes for Wednesday, April 20, 2016, Open and Closed Sessions. Councilmember Carlisle seconded the motion. The motion passes with a 4-0 vote.
Mayor Blackham reviewed the staff meeting that had been held earlier in the day. Mayor Blackham brought up the mower Supervisor Reber had suggested the City purchase noting it would be pulled behind the tractor to mow the side streets. The pros and cons were discussed as well as the ability of the equipment already owned by the City to handle the mower. Mayor Blackham reported the concerns he had received from a concerned citizen and wanted to be sure the equipment was heavy duty enough to handle the job. The Council unanimously agreed to try this. Councilmember Hill expressed how pleased he was with the cleanup of the roads that he has seen so far on the west side by Goble's.
Councilmember Hill reported there were currently two applicants for the Court Clerk position and the application period would close on the 10th.
The discussion turned back to the weed spraying and the amount spent in previous years by hiring it out, and would still like to try having it taken care of in house especially where Supervisor Reber is already certified to spray. Councilmember Donaldson mentioned a dye that can be used to show where they have sprayed that may be helpful.
Mayor Blackham reminded the Council of the money the State had appropriated to the City, and felt the proper way to do this would be to put that amount of money into the water fund where the City can have easy access to it. He would like to work with Gary to make sure this is done properly. Mayor Blackham stated he had spoken with Representative Owens who felt this was probably the best way to handle this. The proposed projects at the park and pool were discussed and the possible necessary expenditures involved with these projects.