It’s Not Just a School – It’s An Attitude!


2364 Valleyhigh Drive NW

Rochester, MN 55901

Main Phone: (507) 282-3325

Fax: (507) 282-0976

Web Page:


This handbook is intended to promote consistent and fair treatment of all students in an atmosphere of open communication, self-discipline, and clearly understood rules and regulations. To the best of our knowledge it complies with the Minnesota Department of Education.


ROC Charter High School guides adolescents in developing the academic, work and life skills necessary to transition to higher education, employment, and citizenship.


Many young people experience barriers in their lives that limit their ability to succeed. Lack of success in school may lead to falling behind, or in many cases dropping out. Rochester Off-Campus Charter High School (ROC) is an education option for students looking to be successful. The goal of our program is to provide an education focusing on the whole child. The curriculum is designed to meet the standards set forth by the Minnesota Department of Education.


ROC Charter High School uses the Graduation Incentive rule (124.D.10) for enrollment.


It is the goal of the school that students maintain “satisfactory progress” in all subject areas. We understand that “satisfactory progress” is and should be an individualized benchmark for each student. If performance should drop below this standard, the student will be informed by the classroom teacher and strategies, along with possible modifications when applicable, will be discussed to promote success. If “satisfactory progress” does not result from implementation of these, a teaming will be scheduled to discuss other interventions and/or options.


ROC Charter High School is in compliance with state and federal laws prohibiting actions by employees or other persons acting in the name of or behalf of this district which exclude from participation in, deny benefits from, or discriminate in any educational program or activity because of the sex of the student. The school district will not discriminate against or harass any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, disability, age, marital status or status with regard to public assistance.


The following rights will apply to all students and staff at ROC Charter High School and are in effect the entire school day, including travel to and from school.

(1)  The right to develop one’s personality (so long as it does not interfere with the rights of others) without disrespectful criticism or pressure from cliques.

(2)  The right to be free from physical abuse and from mental abuse such as name calling, intimidation, or harassment. The right to be treated with respect is of utmost importance.

(3)  The right to be free from mockery or discrimination because of race, sex, religion, physical strength, size, features, friendship groups, age, culture, handicap, financial status, clothing, classroom performance, etc.

(4)  The right to an education – which means that teachers should be free to teach and students free to learn – without being interrupted by inconsiderate or unruly students.

(5)  The right to have personal and school property respected is part of your rights. Our school community should be a safe place for property as well as people.


Students and staff at ROC Charter High School may dress in a way they believe appropriate. If a person’s choice of dress is seen as disrespectful to or by anyone, the articles of clothing must be removed or covered, and the person will be instructed to not wear the item again.


The administration shall be responsible for maintaining and securing privacy and/or confidentiality of the student records. Student records may be reviewed only by written permission of the parent or the student (if the student is 18 years of age or older) except under the following circumstances:

(1)  When school officials have a legitimate educational interest in the student’s records.

(2)  When student records are forwarded to other schools or post-secondary institutions to which the student transfers, applies for admission, or enrolls.

(3)  When the student’s records are in connection with financial aid for which the student has applied or received.

(4)  When it is for educational research, with the permission of the administrator, researchers may review records and report information, which does not identify individual students.

(5)  To federal, state, and local authorities when such information is specifically required by law.

The school district may release, on an individual basis, what is termed student “Directory Information” which includes the following student information: student’s name, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, sex, major field of study, participation in officially organized activities and sports, weight and height, dates of attendance, grade levels completed, awards received and previous educational institutions attended.

If any parent, guardian or student (18 years of age or older) does not want this information to be released without prior written consent, they must notify in writing, the administrator. The following information must be included:

(1)  Name of student

(2)  Home address

(3)  School presently attended by student

(4)  Parent’s legal relationship to student

(5)  Specific categories of directory information that will not be made public without the parent’s prior written consent.


Parents and students have the right to examine the school records. The request should be made to the administrator or administrative coordinator. Although 45 days is legally allowed for response to such a request, ROC Charter H.S. many times may honor such a request the same day. If a student is 18 years of age or older, he/she can request in writing that the parent/guardian receive no communication from ROC Charter High School. ROC will communicate (report cards, mailings, e-mails, phone calls, etc.) with the parent/guardian for all enrolled students, unless otherwise instructed by the appropriate form being filled out by the student and on file.


The ROC school week is as follows:

11:15 a.m. – 3:10 p.m. on Monday (closed lunch 12:45-1:15)

8:10 a.m. – 3:10 p.m. on, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday (lunch 12:05-12:50)


Special Education is a continuum of services available to eligible students with disabilities. Guided by the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and Minnesota regulations, ROC School District ensures all special education students receive a free and appropriate public education. This is guided by the Individualized Education Plan (IEP) development process, which results in a comprehensive plan addressing needs specific to the individual student.


All visitors must sign in at the front office upon arriving. Students are not to have visitors during the school day. Students from other schools should not be on ROC Campus during the school day.


ROC provides our students the opportunity to access community service providers at school during the school day. ROC welcomes the services of Olmsted County including Social Services, Corrections, Victim/Witness Assistance, Public Health, mental health professionals, law enforcement workers, and many other community support agencies. It is our hope that by providing this access, students will connect with and participate in those services to promote success.

In order to facilitate this process, ROC provides space for providers to meet with students during the school hours. If at all possible, providers should be proactive and contact the school in advance to identify a time, which limits the intrusion on the student’s schedule. ROC also understands that not all opportunities can be or will be scheduled. In the case that the provider must meet with a student without prior notice, every effort should be made to allow access with the least intrusion possible.


ROC Charter High School has an open campus policy during the lunch hour. ROC students shall not be on any school campus other than ROC’s during that time or any time during the school day. Students’ out-of-school and/or off-campus conduct may be subject to school regulations when conduct has a direct effect on the welfare of the school. Open campus may be revoked for any student at any time at the staff’s discretion. Students from other schools are not permitted on the ROC Charter High School grounds during school hours.


If a student needs to leave the building during the school day, the student must secure proper permission from his/her homeroom teacher, a parent or guardian and sign out in the office. When the student returns to school, he/she must report to the office and sign in before returning to class. If possible, the student should notify his/her homeroom teacher ahead of time about appointments. Not following this policy may result in closed campus.


It is understood that many students experience issues that may necessitate taking time away from school. Illness, parenting, limited day care, funerals and vacations are some of the reasons ROC students are absent from school.

ROC’s attendance policy provides each student the responsibility to manage their time away from school to maximize their potential and their contributions to the school community. Each ROC student is given 21 hours of personal leave per quarter. These hours may be used for any requested time off (vacations, hunting, etc.) or for any unplanned time off (illness, funerals, etc.) that cannot be scheduled outside of school hours. Any student late for a class will be marked tardy. Three (3) tardies = 1 hour of personal leave. Any student entering a classroom more than 10 minutes late will be marked absent for that class period.

Any student starting after the first day of a quarter will have their personal leave hours prorated according to their start date.

Any student missing more than their allotted or banked personal leave hours may be required to make up class time and required school work on Monday mornings and may have closed campus for a period of time. Using more than the allotted personal leave results in the loss of essential class time, instruction and required school work.

Students with remaining personal leave time at the end of the quarter will be allowed to carry that time over to the next quarter. Students using three or less days at the end of the quarter may have an “attendance perk day” in which an activity (chosen by students) will be planned.

At no time is a student allowed to leave school during the school day without prior parent/guardian permission.


If a student is absent 2-5 consecutive days for an illness, a medical leave may be used if a doctor’s note is provided. The days missed will only be counted as 1 day absent in classes missed. Should a student be absent 6-10 consecutive days for an illness and provides a doctor’s note upon return, he/she will only be “charged” 2 days absence in classes missed. Absences of more than 10 days will be dealt with by the administrator. A student in good standing needing an extended leave for medical, mental health or other required time away will maintain their spot upon return and completion.


Students incurring excessive absences may be asked to provide documentation to support the absences. Excessive absences may result in loss of credit.


Students with a valid driver’s license and proof of insurance on file in the office are allowed to park at school. However, the school reserves the right to revoke a student’s right to park at school if they feel it is in the best interest and for the safety of all of the students. ROC Charter High School provides a 10-ride city bus pass every 5 school days for those students utilizing the city bus to get to and from school. Students must abide by all rules of Rochester Public Transit. Rochester Public Transit may deny ridership to a student for violation of rules. ROC may deny a pass or recall a pass for any student misusing the pass or behaving inappropriately while riding the city bus.


ROC Charter High School does participate in a food program catered by the Rochester Public Schools – ISD #535. All ROC students must fill out an Application for Educational Benefits form. This determines whether or not a student qualifies for free lunches. Students who do not qualify for free lunches may set up a lunch account with the administrative coordinator. Currently we do not offer an online payment option. Lunches should be prepaid. The prices for lunch are $3.45 for those not receiving free lunches ($4.10 for gluten free). ROC also offers breakfast. The price for breakfast is $1.80 for those who do not qualify for free lunch. ROC Charter High School does have an open campus for lunch. However, ROC staff reserves the right to close campus for all students, should the need arise.


When a student’s lunch account gets below $7.00, a notice will be mailed or e-mailed to the parent/guardian, as well as given to the student. No student will be allowed to go below -$20.00. Accommodations may be made for those who do not have food to eat and can no longer order. Students are always more than welcome to bring their own lunch. Should a student’s account go below -$20.00 somehow, a letter will go out and a phone call will be made by the administrative coordinator. If there is no response or if the account is not taken care of in a timely manner, the administrator will then contact the parent/guardian.


In the event that school must be delayed or closed because of bad weather, an announcement will be posted on the ROC webpage and will be made over the following radio/TV stations for ROC Charter High School:


KWWK 96.5 FM KYBA 105.3 FM

ROC serves students from multiple school districts. In the event of inclement weather, if the student’s district of residence is delayed or closed, the student should consider themselves delayed or closed as well.


Fire, tornado and lockdown drills are conducted periodically so that in case of emergency the building may be vacated or locked down with the minimum amount of time. Assume your share of responsibility for the safety of others. Specific directions on how to evacuate and lock down procedures are posted in each room and all staff members have copies of them. There are air horns in every room of the building. These are used ONLY in the case of a lock down and are not to be tampered with. Whoever intentionally gives a false alarm of any kind, or unlawfully tampers or interferes with any station or signal box of any alarm system is guilty of a misdemeanor. When an alarm sounds, all students are to act immediately according to the specific emergency plan.