Post Doc Society Committee meeting
Meeting: / Attendance: / Jane Dalton, Melissa Brazier-Hicks, Liz Rylott, Katrin Besser, Daniel Paape / Date: / Weds 31st Jan 20131:30 / Apologies: - / Venue: / Q block
Discussion Point / Outcome / Action required
Coffee and pastries / AGM / CoP events will be advertised 3x (1 week and 1 day before and on the day); upon Jen Potts’ enquiry we included YSBL postdocs in invitation to improve communication between YSBL and Biology
Event will be used to advertise work of PDS committee, invite suggestions (post-it notes) and promote buddy scheme
The next CoP event suggested for 23/4/13 / LR booked room, will order coffee and will get pastries for 25x on day and send emails to postdocs;
DP place date on PDS webpage
KB to circulate amended version of listed PDSC activities, events etc
JD to check availability of VWR (sponsors); LR to book room
New Biology post doc starters welcome / All new starters are automatically added to the staff profile list
PDSoc will email all new postdocs to welcome them and invite them to be part of the buddy scheme. / HR started to forward new starters’ details to PDSC; MBH to include starting dates in diary and to send welcome emails to all new postdocs in Biology;
MBH to draft welcome email and circulate for comments
HR work on updating the induction packs in progress
Academic career plan series / One session to go, possibly in Feb 2013; Paul Kaye and Ian Graham suggested as speakers. / JD to contact Paul Kaye and suggest asking Ian Graham. Also arrange date for session.
Job search club / Kelly MacDonald plans to run this as a university wide scheme. / KB to contact Kelly to ask for progress and offer help
Skills share / Postponed till possibly March/April
Research staff on staff pages / Research Committee commented on fact that it is not obvious to which research group people belong to
The availability of the profiles should be advertised on the Biology Bulletin and Paul Waites thanked. / KB contacted Paul Waites who added the PI to each postdocs’ detail
LR to circulate draft announcement to rest of committee for comments
Post-doc society name / Need to ensure that any links or references to the Society are to the ‘Post-doc’ soc rather than the ‘RA’ soc. / LR to contact Hilary Jones about a link on her webpage
Film club / Fiona Frame’s idea. Show films relating to science and then have a question and answer session about the science afterwards.
Should be open to all inc. undergraduates.
Major issue – is it legal to screen films without licence? / JD to investigate if possible to screen films easily as first step
Café scientifique / Members of the committee would like to attend on a biology themed night and invite the rest of the post-docs. / LR to look at program and make suggests of suitable sessions.
Webpages updating / • Advertise PDSC activities
• Update rep list
• New description of HR committee
• Addition of link to university-wide mentoring opportunity / • KB to amend drafted list
• JD to check with Lucy Hudson regarding the social committee and to check with Paul Kaye regarding the HYMS committee
• DP to contact postdoc rep for refined version
• KB to forward link to DP
DP to refresh JD and KB on web CMS while updating webpages
Feedback from postdoc reps / Asking postdoc reps to feedback any issues/decisions which are relevant to postdocs from their committees to inform PDSC / LR to request feedback by email
Next meeting / At the beginning of March / LR to send out doodle poll.
JD to send agenda and chair meeting