Applications emailed or postmarked after the deadline, will not be considered eligible

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This Application must be completed by the Host Partner

Applicant Organisation- Hosting Partner

Name/Title of Organisation






Type of Organisation (please tick one)


Voluntary Statutory

Level of Operation (please tick one)


Local Regional National

Contact Person

First Name

Last Name





Legal Representative

First Name

Last Name





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Please give a short description of your organisation/group (regular activities, members, etc.) :

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Your Partner Organisation

Contact Person

Name of Organisation







Type of Organisation


Voluntary Statutory

Level of Operation


Local Regional National

Total number of people travelling (leaders + young people)

Travelling From/To

Means of Transport

Please give a short description of your organisation/group (regular activities, members, etc.) :

Organisation signature box

Please ensure that your partner/s completes and signs this page.
Please use this page more than once if you have more than one partner organisation.

I confirm our participation in each stage of the Causeway Youth Exchange as described in this applicationand have included our full costs in the budget

Sign here





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The Project

What is the title of your Youth Exchange

Dates (from/to)

Location – where will the exchange take place

Number of programme days (not including travelling)

What Causeway themes do you intend to cover during the project? /

What Methodology / Learning Approach will you use throughout the programme?

Please tick () a maximumof 2boxes () / Please tick () one box only ()
Art and culture / Peace Education & Reconciliation / Art
Media & Technology
Sports & Physical Activity (dance etc)
Peer Education
Other (specify
Anti-racism/xenophobia / Participation & Citizenship
Anti-drugs/substance abuse /

Social exclusion (in general )

Crime Prevention /

Relationships among young people on the islands of Britain & Ireland

Equality /

Rural or Urban Development

Environment /

Youth Sports and Leisure

Health / Youth information & Policy
Heritage protection / Other ( Specify)

What is your motivation for doing a Causeway Youth Exchange?

Please detail the aims and objectives of your project.

Please list up to 5 learning objectives that the young people in each group hope to achieve by undertaking this project

Hosting Partner


Sending Partner (s)






Please describe how the young people in each group decided on these objectives. What group or individual activities were used? If the group members are unwilling or unable to articulate their own goals in this way then please describe the reasons behind this eg extremely under-confident group.

Hosting Partner


Sending Partner (s)

The Programme

(i) Please attach a Programme for your Youth Exchange, using the Programme Grid you will find at the end of the application form, ensuring that it includesconcrete daily activities to show how the theme will be put into practice, the working methods you intend to use, how learning objectives can be achieved. Also remember to allow time for the young people’s social interaction and provide sufficient flexibility to allow young people to review and modify the programme themselves to suit the needs of the group

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Project Description

Please use additional pages for each of the following questions. The information that is requested is important for us in the grant selection process and later for the running of the project.

(1) Preparation

How did you find your Partner Group?

Do you have previous youth exchange experience? Please detail.

What have you done or what will you do to prepare for the exchange both within your own organisation and together with your Partner Group?

Hosting Group:

/ Sending Group(s)

Advance Planning Visit.

Please describe the objectives and the programme etc for the Advance Planning Visit.

(2) Involvement of Young People

To what extent do the young people have ownership of the project? Please provide details.

How do you intend to develop their skills in the following areas:

Planning; Organisation; Setting personal and group goals; Teambuilding; Communication; Combating prejudices; Decision making; Design of the programme; Fundraising and budget management?

The young people should have their own set of personal development goals. How will they be encouraged and enabled to meet them? (See section 3 of the Evaluation Workbook).

(3) Community

Who else, apart from the young people involved in the Exchange, will benefit from your project?

How do you, or your partner group, intend to publicise the Exchange in your local community?

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(4) Intercultural Awareness

How do you hope to explore cultural differences in your project?

How will you include the development of mutual understanding and tolerance?

(5) Evaluation

Please give details about how you plan to evaluate your project in relation to:

  • The personal development of the young people involved
  • The impact on your organisation and your partner organisation
  • The impact on your local communities
  • Practical implementation and logistics
Note that we are looking for a clear commitment to evaluation here rather than any particularly sophisticated answers.

What methods will you use?

Hosting Group / Sending Group (s)

What plans or expectations do you have for future contact and follow-up activities with the participants?

Causeway is particularly interested in the personal development of the young people who participate. A Workbook has been produced to aid in this part of the evaluation and is available from your National Agency or the Causeway website. Please describe here the methods you will use…

a)To record what happened

b)To review and analyse what has come out of the experience for each individual
c)To plan for the use and further development of competencies gained

Please do not feel obliged to use the methods described in the workbook.

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The Young People

Total number of people this application covers

Ages and gender of young people (for statistical purposes)

Host group








Sending Partner 1








Sending Partner 2








How were the young people selected to take part in the project?

Are there any participants with less opportunities and possibly special needs, for exampleadditional preparation and support, dietary needs, mobility problems, health care?

If so, please describe.

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The Group Leaders – Give details for each group leader.



















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What procedures will you put in place to check the appropriateness of the group leaders – including criminal records checks?

Where will the group of young people be accommodated during the exchange?

The Grant Requested

Eligible costs under Causeway include travel, accommodation, subsistence, insurance and programme/material costs. You are required to find the most economic means of travel

Here is a list of the different funding sources for Causeway Contact Exchanges

In this application, the host organisation will be applying for money for the full eligible cost of the exchange –, for both the Sendingpartner(s) AND the hostingpartners.The host organisation applying for the funding is responsible for transferring Sending Costs (travel, preparation (including exceptional costs where applicable) to the Sending Partner(s).

Please consult funding grid attached to this application form which explains Causeway funding guidelines and criteria.

Then follow steps (1)–(4) to complete your Grant Requested section

Eligible Sending Costs


Eligible Hosting Costs

Advanced Planning Visit (Travel & Daily rate)

Preparation of Participants

Travel Costs @ 70% of total

Exceptional Costs (if applicable)


Preparation of Participants

Programme Costs

Daily Rate

Exceptional Costs (if applicable)



Please indicate the exchange rate you are using for your partners costs.

Note : Your requested grant must be in either euro (€) if applying in Ireland or sterling (£) if applying in the UK or Northern Ireland.



If you are applying for Exceptional Costs towards either a hosting or sending exchange, please fill in the details below

Exceptional Costs (if applicable)

Exceptional Costs are available for support towards costs that would otherwise stop young people from fully participating in the exchange activities. These must be actual costs, properly supported and justifiable. Please detail the reason for and the nature of the costs


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Causeway Grant Requested

Now please fill in the boxes below, detailing all of the money requested.

Grant Requested


Grant Awarded

For office use only

Hosting Partner Grant

Hosting programme costs: up to €640/Stg£450

Hosting Daily rate: €30/£21per person, per day

(the hosting daily rate includes a contribution
towards accommodation costs)

Hosting Group preparation of participants:

(up to €640/Stg£450

Exceptional costs: (actual costs) – if applicable

TOTAL Grant for Hosting Organisation:

Sending Partner Grant

Sending Advanced Planning Visit Travel Costs(100% travel )

Sending Advance Planning Visit Flat Rate €70/£50 per person per day)

Sending Travel Costs(70% of total costs)

(door-to-door travel for group travelling)

Preparation of participants for SendingGroup:

each partner group can apply for up to €640/Stg£450

Exceptional costs: (actual costs) – if applicable

TOTAL Grantfor Sending Organisation:

Total Grant Requested:

Sending Grant + Hosting Grant



Now please fill in the boxes below with details of the overall budget and all the income of the Exchange (including the Causeway Grant Requested).





Grant Awarded

For office use only

Total Cost of Exchange (Eligible Costs only)

Organisation contribution

Participants contribution



(please indicate source)

Causeway Grant Requested

Total (Expenditure & Income must balance)

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Your Bank Details

Please supply details of your organisation’s bank account, to which any cheque/BACS transfer should be made

Please remember the 8 digits for the account number

Bank/Branch Name

Bank/Branch Address

Account Name

Account Number

Sort Code

IBAN code

Swift/BIC code


I, the undersigned, certify that all information contained in this application is certified truthful and accurate and that no relevant information has been withheld.

By signing this application the applicant allows the National Co-ordinating Agency to make available and to use all data provided in this form, for the purposes of managing and promoting the Causeway programme. The data, on paper or electronically, will always be used respecting the privacy of individual persons.
The applicant undertakes to inform the National Co-ordinating Agency of all and any changes affecting the activities as described in this form.

Name of Organisation

Signature of Legal Representative

Name in block letters

Signature of the Contact Person

Name in block letters



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Programme Details

Day & Date / Activity / Why is this activity included & how does it relate to project aims? / How will this activity be used to achieve learning outcomes? / Learning Outcomes – (How do these relate to the aims of the project?) / How will this activity be evaluated?

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Causeway British Irish Exchange Youth Programme

Action /

What is it?

/ Who is it for? / Funding / Criteria
Youth Exchanges / An educational bilateral or multilateral youth group exchange
Note: includes possibility of Advanced Planning Visits for Sending Partners 100% Travel Costs and €70/Stg£50 per adult per day /
  • group of young people
  • aged 13 – 25 years
  • their youth leaders/workers
/ The hosting partner applies for hosting and sending costs.
Sending Costs include:
up to € 640/Stg£450 for preparation
70 % of actual travel costs
Advance Planning Visit ( 100% travel costs plus €70/Stg£50 per person per day)
Hosting Costs include:
Up to € 640/Stg£450 for preparation
Up to€ 640/Stg£450 for activities costs
€30/Stg£21 per person/ per day
  • **exceptional costs up to 100%
  • min 5 – max 21 programme days (excluding travel days)
  • group size (young people) min 6 – max 30 per group
  • Advance Planning Visit can include 2 leaders for up to 2 days.
  • Selection of a theme

Contact Exchanges / Opportunity to build contact and co-operation between groups of young people and their leaders
To establish an environment that will lead to a working relationship involving young people in the planning and preparation of a longer Causeway exchange /
  • group of young people
  • aged 13 – 25 years
  • their youth leaders/workers
/ The hosting partner applies for hosting and sending costs.
Sending Costs include:
  • sending group is responsible for sending costs
  • 70 % of actual travel costs
Hosting Costs include
  • Up to € 500/Stg£300 for activities costs
  • € 25/Stg£16 per person/ per day
  • **exceptional costs up to 100%
  • min 3 – max 5 programme days (excluding travel days)
  • group size (young people) min 6 – max 30 per group
  • involvement of participants at all stages
  • clear and achievable learning objectives
  • Causeway objectives of promoting contact and understanding between young people in Great Britain and Ireland
  • Clear plan to carry out a longer Causeway exchange and Details of “regular” longer exchange to be included on application form

Special Projects

/ Applications for activities which will benefit young British and Irish people will be looked at on a case by case basis.
eg: Multiplier& Training Events
Job Shadowing
Study Visits
Seminars Etc /
  • Youth workers/ leaders, youth organizations / groups /clubs and young people
  • Grants will be up to a maximum of 75% of eligible costs.
  • max £ 15,000 stg
  • Proposals submitted 2 months prior to start of activity
  • innovative
  • good practice

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Checklist – have you given full details and enclosures* where required?

For office use only

Applicant Organisation

Contact Person

Legal Representative

Your Partner Organisation

Organisation Signature Box

The Project

The Programme

*(1) Preparation

*(2) Involvement of Young People

*(3) Community

*(4) Intercultural Awareness

*(5) Evaluation

The Young People

The Group Leaders

The Currency of your Bank Account

Sending Exchange Travel and Costs

Exceptional Costs

All Costs

Income and Expenditure of Exchange

The Grant Requested

Your Bank Details


Applications must be emailed and a full hard copy sent (with signatures) to the appropriate agency by the deadline date. Applications postmarked after the deadline date will not be considered eligible.

United Kingdom applications: Republic of Ireland applications:

Education AuthorityLéargas

Grahamsbridge Road,Kings Inns House
Dundonald, Parnell Street

BelfastDublin 1

BT16 2HS

Tel: 02890 566200Tel: 003531.8871260

Bernice Sweeney Lorraine Gilligan

Applications must be emailed and a full hard copy sent (with signatures) to the appropriate agency by the deadline date. Applications postmarked after the deadline date will not be considered eligible.

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