Anzio 2006

Oct.2nd – Oct.4th 2006

Organized by Romana Film Sottili


Monday, October 2nd

08:00 - 09:00 Registration

09:00 - 09:30 Opening Remarks - C. Misiano

Morning Session Chairman: H. Pulker

09:30 - 10:00 “The Strange Case of the Disappearing Plasmon Resonance”

Angus Macleod and Chris Clark- Thin Film Center Inc. (USA)

10:00 - 10:20 “Matching thin layer for Surface Plasmon Resonance tuning on Lithium Niobate Waveguides”

C. Santini, M. Cherchi, C. Giaconia, S. Riva Sanseverino - University of Palermo (I) A. Parisi, S. Guarino, A. Cino - CRES Monreale (I)

10:20 - 10:40 “Optical and structural properties of optical thin films”

A. Hallbauer, D. Huber, R. Tessadri, H. K. Pulker - University of Innsbruck (A)

10:40 - 11:10 Coffee Break

11:10-11:40 "Market and Business in the Field for Coatings for Optical Instrumentation”

N. Kaiser- Fraunhofer Institute of Applied Optics and Precision Engineering, Jena (D).

11:40 - 12:00 “Pre-production investigation of optical coatings aimed at raising production yield”

A. Tikhonravov - Research Computing Center of Moscow State University (Russia)

12:00 - 14:00 Lunch


Afternoon Session Chairman: C. Corsi

14:00 - 14:30 “High-Density Nanomorph Metal Oxide Films”

H.K. Pulker - Institute of Ion- and Applied Physics, University of Innsbruck (A), U. Kaiser - Material Science Electron Microscopy, University of Ulm (D), S. Yulin - Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering, Jena (D)

14:30 - 15:00 “Advantages and drawbacks of atmospheric plasma technology”

H. Barankova, L. Bardos– University of Uppsala (S)

15:00 - 15:30 Coffee Break

15:30 - 16:00 “Replacement of Pulsed Laser Ablation Deposition with Ion Plating for Dental Surgical Implants Treatments”

C. Misiano - Romana Film Sottili, Anzio (I).

16:00 - 16:20 “Properties of DC and DC-Pulsed sputtered Nb2O5 Films ”

S. Schlichtherle, G. Strauss –PhysTech GmbH, (A)

16.20 - 16:40 “Plasma sources and Ion Guns in industrial optical thin film applications”

A. Colautti, R. Lean, F. Moreni, A. Vannucci- Satisloh Italy SpA(I)

16:40 - 17:00 “Large Area Ion Beam Sputter Deposition of Nanometer Multilayers”

A. Leson, S. Braun, P. Gawlitza - Fraunhofer-Institut für Werkstoff- und Strahltechnik, Dresden (D), M. Nestler - Roth & Rau AG, Hohenstein-Ernstthal (D)

17:00 - 17:30 Vendor session

Chairman: C. Misiano

17:30 – 18:00 “Progetto BARRACUDA: Uno studio scientifico per la prevenzione dell’erosione degli arenili”

E. Olzi – CNR (I)

(This paper will be presented in Italian with slides in English)

18:30 Concert

Tuesday, October 3th


Morning Session Chairman: A. Macleod

09:00 - 09:30 “ Structural properties of ternary W-Si-N thin films”

G. Ottaviani - University of Modena (I)

09:30 - 10:00 “Standardization as a tool for reliable measurements”

P. Hatto – IonBond Ltd. (UK)

10:00 - 10:30 “Test procedures for coated plastics”

U. Schulz, K. Lau, N. Kaiser - Fraunhofer Institute of Applied Optics and Precision Engineering, Jena (D)

10:30 - 11:00 Coffee Break

11:00 - 11:30 “Thin-film optical filters and mirrors performance under g irradiation”

A. Piegari, S. Baccaro, A. Cecilia, I. Di Sarcina – ENEA, Rome (I)

11:30 - 11:50 “Plasma characterisation of Reactive Low Voltage Ion Plating under varying process conditions”

D. Huber, A. Hallbauer, H.K. Pulker - University of Innsbruck (A)

11:50 - 12:10 “Measurement of water permeation through uncoated and coated polymers” S. Hübner, D. Huber, H.K. Pulker - University of Innsbruck (A)

12:10 - 14:00 Lunch

Afternoon Session Chairman: G. Ottaviani

14:00 - 14:30 “Osseointegration Response “in vitro” and “in vivo” to TiC coated titanium surfaces by Pulsed Laser Deposition PLD”

R. Scandurra – University of Roma 1 (I)

14:30 - 14:50 “Surface Plasmon Resonance Measurement of Neutravidin Layer on Gold Thin Film”

A. Taormina, A. Busacca, S. Riva Sanseverino - University of Palermo (I) A. C. Cino, G. D’Arpa, S. Guarino, S. Maddiona, A.Parisi, A. Piazza, S. Sclafani – CRES, Monreale (I)

14:50 - 15:20 Coffee Break


Afternoon Session Chairman: S. Riva Sanseverino

15:20 - 15:50 “Nanostructured Hard Coatings - Architecture, Properties and Deposition”

H. A. Jehn - FEM (D)

15:50 - 16:10 “TiMgN –an innovative PVD hard coating in competition to standard corrosion- and wear resistant coatings”

M. Balzer, M. Fenker, H. Kappl - FEM(D)

16:10 - 16:40 “SEM and AFM study of morphology and defects in PVD hard coatings”

P. Panjan – Jozef Stefan Institude(SI)

16:40 - 17:00 “ECD and ACD (Electroless) Deposition of Metal Matrix Nanocomposites”

L. Magagnin, P.L. Cavallotti Politecnico di Milano (I)

17:00 – 18:00 Panel Discussion

Chairman: C. Misiano

20:00 Social Dinner

Wednesday, October 4th


Morning Session Chairman: E. Olzi

09:30 - 10:00 “Comparison between Vacuum and Non-Vacuum Processes”

R. Phillips – JDSU Flex Products Group (USA)

10:00 - 10:30 “Vacuum web coaters: Process & Equipment developments and Innovation for speciality coatings and new applications”

F. Rimediotti – Galileo Vacuum Systems (I)

10:30 - 11:00 Coffee break

11:00 - 11:30 “Issues with ITO Deposited on Temperature Sensitive Plastic Substrates”

C. I. Bright US-Corporate/3M (USA)

11:30 - 11:50 “Transparent Scratch Protection Coatings with Nanocomposites”

W. Diehl, B. Szyszka et al. Fraunhofer Institute for Surface Engineering and Thin Films (D)

11:50 - 12:10 “Evaluation of wettability, mechanical, tribological properties of super hydrophobic coatings based on organic-inorganic hybrid coatings”

A. R. Phani, D. Di Claudio, S. Santucci– CNR, INFM, University of L’Aquila (I)

12:10 - 14:00 Lunch

Afternoon Session Chairman : N. Kaiser

14:00 - 14:30 “High temperature Metal-Carbon system deposition for biological application”

G. De Maria R. Scandurra, University of Roma 1 (I) R. Teghil - University of Basilicata(I)

14:30 - 15:00 “High temperature selective emitters: applications and technology”

S. Mengali – CREO (I)

15:00 - 15:30 Coffee Break

15:30 - 15:50 “Textile vacuum treatments and coatings ”

M. M. Maltagliati, R. Ravagli - Biancalani(I)

15:50 - 16:10 “Enhanced antibacterial and photocatalytical properties of Fe+3 doped TiO2 sol-gel films ”

A.R. Phani, D. Di Claudio, F. Ruggeri , S. Santucci – CNR, INFM, University of L’Aquila (I)

16:10 - 16: 30 “Submicron film technology of novel materials: Ferromagnetic shape memory alloys”

V.A. Chernenko°* , S. Besseghini* - °Institute of Magnetism of Kiev (Ukraine), *CNR IENI (I), M. Ohtsuka - Tohoku University (Japan)

16:30 - 16:45 Closing Remarks: C. Misiano










Registration (full registration) 300 €

Technical Session Speaker full Registration 150 €

One day Registration 150 €

Student full Registration 70 €

Social Dinner (for not Registered) 50 €