Unit Submission Form (USF)
Qualification title / Level 3 Certificate/Extended Certificate in Applied BusinessUnit code / ABS 8
Unit title / Unit 8 Marketing communications
· This form records the learner’s achievement for the internally assessed unit.
· When completed, please attach this form to the learner’s work and send it to the moderator as required.
· Please retain a copy of the form in the centre for your records.
· The declarations should be completed by the learner and Tutor as indicated.
Centre number Centre name
Learner number Learner’s full name
Work submitted for assessment must be the learner’s own. If learners copy work, allow learners to copy from them, or cheat in any other way, they may be disqualified.
Learner declaration
I confirm that my submitted work is all my own work and was conducted under the conditions laid out in the specification.
Learner’s signature Date
Tutor declaration
I confirm the learner’s work was conducted independently and under the conditions laid out by the specification. I have authenticated the learner’s work and am satisfied that the work produced is solely that of the learner.
Tutor’s signature Date
Unit 8 Marketing communications
Unit Achievement Record
· To be completed by the tutor.
· Performance criteria (PCs) must be awarded in accordance with the instructions and criteria in the specification.
· Merit and Distinction criteria may not be achieved where associated Pass and Merit criteria have not been achieved first.
· PCs recorded must reflect the PCs awarded for individual assignments.
· Tutors must only tick the relevant performance criteria achieved by the learner in the grid below or cross those not achieved. Tutors must not use the grid to record learners’ UMS point scores for each PC. AQA will perform this calculation for each learner and determine each learner’s final grade.
Performance Outcomes / PassCriteria / Achieved
ü / X / Merit
Criteria / Achieved
ü / X / Distinction
Criteria / Achieved
ü / X
PO1 Investigate small business marketing communications / P1 / M1
P2 / M2 / D1
PO2 Plan a marketing
Communications strategy / P3
P4 / M3 / D2
P5 / M4
P6 / M5 / D3
PO3 Develop a marketing
communications mix / P7 / M6 / D4
P8 / M7 / D5
PO4 Recommend a schedule
of marketing communications / P9 / M8
P10 / M9 / D6
Totals (ü) / Pass: / Merit: / Distinction:
Grand total
(i.e. the sum of Pass + Merit + Distinction üs):
Internal standardisation
Y / NUnit result agreed?
PCs achieved*If no, amended result
Reasons for amended result
*Pls note: this figure should agree with the ‘Grand total’ box above.