The Gorge Parish Council

Minutes of the Full Council meeting of The Gorge Parish Council held on Tuesday 21st April 2009 in The Gorge Parish Council Office at 7pm.

FC/2009/63: Apologies and Attendance: Apologies were accepted from Councillors Osmund-Smith, and Williams. Present Councillors E Swift, M Swift, Bragg, Hobson, Taylor and Smith.

FC/2009/64: Public Session: Dave Ottley Landscape and Recreation Business Unit Manager Telford and Wrekin Council: Mr Ottley attended to explain the Playbuilder programme grant received from Government: TWC has been granted £1.1 million to be spent by March 2011. There are to be a minimum of 22 projects paid for from the fund. The money is specifically targeted at 8-13 year olds. It has to fit the National play strategy including more naturalistic play. There will be no revenue to support new build sites . Three sites have been identified in The Gorge Sunniside, Dale End Park and Cherry Tree Hill. Mr Ottley is reviewing each site. Some of the money will be spent at the Dale End site. He will be in touch when proposals are available for sites in The Gorge.

FC/2009/65: Declaration of Interest: a. Prejudicial. None.

b. Personal. None.

FC/2009/66: Minutes of the full council meeting held on Tuesday 17th March 2009 and 7th April 2009. It was RESOLVED to sign and approve both sets of minutes: It was RESOLVED to sign and approve the minutes of the full council meeting held on Tuesday 17th March 2009 and planning meeting on Tuesday 7th April 2009.

FC/2009/67: Borough Councillors: Cllrs L Lomax, T Hope and C Mollett : No reports.

FC/2009/68: Strategy Day: update: a. Update from the day on February 28th 2009: Clerk as produced a list of 12 points. These were read out and confirmed. Clerk to produce a copy for each councillor. Clerk has written to organisations the parish council has representation on and has received replies from five. Clerk to organise a meeting with Broseley TC and Madeley PC to decide terms of reference for the new WHS parish group. Action clerk to organise the meeting.

FC/2009/69: Matters Arising: a. Enforcement issues reported recently: The car sales sites in Lloyds Head and Waterloo Street are being investigated with a case being built to take formal enforcement action. The signage outside the Enterprise HQ is also being investigated. Also the signage at Merrythought. Enforcement is taking longer than usual because of the lack of officers. Photos of the Brewery cottage site have been sent and the complaint is being investigated.

b. SGCT Access 2 Nature Package has now been received.

c. response from highways re problems reported. All the issues raised at meetings and outside meetings have been reported. The following responses have been received some are to Borough Councillors Lomax’s queries.

·  Gully on Churchill opp 45 cleared on 5th Dec,

·  gully outside Bridge Car Park should have been repaired on 3rd April,

·  Gully on Church Steps Ironbridge is not working a camera has proved the pipe has collapsed an estimate for the work is being obtained,

·  Coalport High Street drainage work should have been completed on 16th March.

·  Salthouse Road. Loose bolts on the wooden road. Work completed?

·  Coalport blocked gully opposite YHA: entered into the system

·  Potholes between Shakespeare and The Lloyds Coalport. Filled in.

·  Sutton Bank. Entered into system.

·  Traffic Management plan for Jackfield: clerk has contacted J Bedesha. Highways have not responded.

Clerk to report at Gradual development of a hole at bottom of Churchill


d. STROWP response to Rights of Way Improvement plan TWC ( copy in pack). Noted.

e. Street Lights on Waterloo Street. They should be replaced during May.

FC/2009/70: Reports: a. Coalbrookdale. Nothing to report

b. Coalport – signs slowing down for ducks not appeared. Building site.

c. Jackfield- Bus Shelter. How disappointed not to come to Jackfield disabled not to come. Write to TWC. Broseley pipes. Gorge connect. Salt bin in between the one near Severn Trow and the one at the entrance to Half Moon Inn. Traffic management plan.

d. Ironbridge. no

e. Lightmoor. no

FC/2009/71: Financial: a. Invoices to pay: a. It was RESOLVED to defer payment to SALC £759.00 and copy the information sent with the invoice. It was RESOLVED to pay the following invoices Viking Direct £397.14, Madeley Print Shop £485.00, Information Commissioner £35.00, N Power £59.30, Telford and Wrekin Council £606.25(this may be reduced because of government intervention TWC are waiting for more info. It is recommended some payment is made), MNA £100.63, Npower (gas) £37.84, Mrs J Madeley £510.42, Shropshire Council £158.50 and Inland Revenue £286.60.

b. It was RESOLVED to Adopt the accounts for the year ended 31.3.09

c. Consider paying for Local Council review for each councillor £15.00 each. It was RESOLVED

d. Consider grant application from STABLE – letter enclosed. No grant.

e. Consider direct debit for gas consumption. It was RESOLVED to sign a direct debit form to pay for gas.

f. Consider sponsorship of a race at Ironbridge rowing club regatta see report. It was RESOLVED to sponsor an eights race for £170.00. Clerk to inform rowing club.

g. Consider sponsorship of a firework display at the WHS Festival. It was RESOLVED to sponsor and arrange the fireworks for the festival £600 inc vat. As a one off.

FC/2009/72: Planning: a. New Applications: a. 1 W2009/0289 Mr & Mrs J Shepherd, Greenacres, Buildwas Road, Ironbridge. Erection of a single storey rear extension

full planning.The Parish Council has no objection to this application however the application does not state whattype of windows will be installed. The Parish Council would like to see windows as per existing are used.

2 W2009/0290 Mr G Garner, Treetops, 56a Madeley Road, Ironbridge

Tree works as per schedule. The Parish Council has no comment to make on this application.

3 W2009/0292 Mr S Hill, Glendawn, The knowle, Jackfield

Erection of a detached double garage. Full planning

The Gorge Parish Council has no objection to the application however in view of the fact there are mine workings on the site The Parish Council would like to ensure the stability team at the Borough Council is informed of the development.

b. Decisions See list of decisions. 1 W2009/0022 BVT, Land adjacent to Stoney Hill, Horsehay. Extension of High Street ( Lightmoor Way South|) to connect the lIghtmoor Village centre with the Ironbridge By pass. Reserved matters

Comment 03/02/09 The Parish Council has no comment to make on this application. Decision 21/04/09 Approval of reserved matters

2 W2009/0053 Installation of 1 Window and 1 door replacement of railings around parking area laying of patio and installation of railings installation of 2 satellite dishes

Mr C Butler Boring Mill Cottage 24 Dale Road Coalbrookdale. Full Planning

Comment 18/02/09 The Parish Council has no objection to this application. However it appears the work has started already.

Decision 21/04/09 Planning Permission.


3 W2009/0066 Mr C Butler, Boring Mill Cottage, 24 Dale Road, Coalbrookdale

Carry Out Tree Works as per schedule. Comment 18/02/09. The Gorge Parish Council has no comment to make on this application. Decision 21/04/09. Consent

4 W2009/0068 Mr J Silk, Woodlands Holdings, Orchard Lane, Ironbridge

Erection of a conservatory to side and porch to front. Full planning

Comment 18/02/09 The Gorge Parish Council has no comment to make on this application. Decision 21/04/09 Planning Permission

5 W2009/0091 Mr P Kelly, Barberry Cottage, 71 Bower Yard, Ironbridge

Installation of replacement windows to front elevation of existing dwelling

Full planning Comment 18/02/09

The Gorge Parish Council has no comment to make on to this application.

Decision 21/04/09 Planning Permission

6 W2009/0092 Mr J Haywood, 1 Old School House, School Road, Coalbrookdale

Felling of 1 Leylandi and crown thinning of 1 willow tree.Trees in conservation area

Comment 18/02/09 The Gorge Parish Council has no comment to make on this application.

Decision 21/04/09 Consent

7 W2009/0165 Meadow Inn, Buildwas Road, Coalbrookdale

Installation of decking area and post and chain boundary to car park

Full Planning Comment 04/03/09

The Parish Council has no comment to make on this application

Decision 21/04/09 Planning Permission

c. any other planning matters: Telford and Wrekin Council Private Sector Housing Strategy 2009-11. Draft. Cllr M Swift took the report away to study

d. Amendment to GPDP Householder Permitted Development. A presentation. Copy to each councillor.

e. presentation about the MIS upgrade ( ie how TWC will deal with planning applications.) Noted.

f. Householder appeals Service copy of a presentation with information about how it will work. Copy to each councillor.

g. TWC Tree Preservation Order. Order confirmed on Ash Tree at 4 Severn Terrace. Noted.

h. TWC has responded to our submission in response to the SHLAA document. The email was forwarded. The officer cannot find any reference to SSSI to sites 429 and 571 who are near the Bourneville site. Noted. These two sites are not SSSIs but classed as wildlife area of the BVT site.

i. Any other urgent planning matters: Clerk to report to Enforcement officer re the brewery at Coalbrookdale who are planning to hold a beer festival 11am to midnight. Query planning.

FC/2009/73: a. Woodside Allotments: a. Telford and Wrekin has drawn up a second draft of the lease. There is a meeting on 22nd April 09 to discuss the future. Clerk is looking for a suitable lease between parish council and association. A copy of the response to the first draft of the lease is enclosed. There should be no extra insurance liability subject to the allotment association has its own cover. Clerk to ask TWC for a long lease at the meeting on the 22nd April 2009.

b. Coalbrookdale project. Nothing further to add.

FC/2009/74: Ironbridge Regeneration and Borough Towns Initiative South Telford Partnership: There is now a web page of TWCs website for regeneration. Follow links Environment and Planning and Then Regeneration.


South Telford Partnership. The partnership meeting took place at Park Lane centre on 20th March 09. The successes of the last twelve months were flagged up. Including some in The Gorge. Eg improvements to the Coalbrookdale play area? and Dale End car park traffic calming A ten point plan for the next year was presented. (none to be carried out by the Parish council)

FC/2009/75: Gorge Connect: This year’s service has started and covers most of the gorge except Jackfield. It does not cross the river. Clerk has been lobbied by residents and businesses upset at this. Reasons given are lack of funding and lack of need. IGMT have no problem with this as they suggest visitors cross the memorial footbridge to visit Jackfield. Clerk to write to Telford and Wrekin regarding the none service of Jackfield.

FC/2009/76: WHS Festival: The committee recently met and after the announcement that Jonathan Lloyd is to retire shortly the committee has sought assurances that TWC will continue to support the event financially. The committee has asked if the Parish Council would consider sponsoring a firework finale similar to the one at the end of the Christmas Lights switch on. Shelagh Lewis from Madeley PC is coordinating the Do you remember? Project she needs contact details for local groups. Can you please help me out?

FC/2009/77: Parish Plan: a. Future. Clerk is working on the plan. Copies of the amendments have been sent via email. (70ish). Chair of the steering group has written to Chair of pc via Clerk enclosing a copy of the process for parish plan completion.

Clerk is working on the plan. Copies of the amendments have been sent via email. (70ish). Chair of the steering group has written to Chair of pc via Clerk enclosing a copy of the process for parish plan completion. Each councillor has also received a copy of the plan

Chair should respond collectively. Working for pc email round first. Target date June 09. Holding email next two weeks. Refer email of 26th March.

FC/2009/78: WHS Strategy Group: The next meeting is 20th May 2009. Is there anything the Parish Council wants to ask or discuss at the meeting?

FC/2009/79. Correspondence: a. Telford and Wrekin CVS free training workshops. Noted.

b. TWC Standards code of conduct training questionnaire. Copy in pack. Noted.

c. Letter from Mr ND Hunter sent to the annual meeting. A Copy has already been sent to the police who are dealing with the police matters. A copy of the letter is in your pack. Clerk to respond

d. IGMT Meccano Mania 2-4 May at Enginuity. Noted.

e. Walkabout Wrekin Walking for health project. Noted.

f. SALC training programme for next few months. Noted.

g. Clerks and Councils Direct. Noted.

h. Telford CVS Newsline. Noted.

i. Local Council Review. Noted.

j. various presentation about market town success, Vision for Telford Town Centre from last Wrekin Area Committee of SALC’s meeting. Noted.

k. TWC School transport consultation. Do you want to respond to this consultation. Complete.

l. Telford Regeneration Forum request to use the Marches energy agency at events. Refered to partnership chair. Noted.