Brussels, 10.4.2007

SEC(2007) 425


Annex to the
{COM(2007) 167 final}


Annex: Tables of main fisheries control data by Member States





















The sources of data are as verified by the MemberState concerned:

  • Data of national fleet: FRONT on 01/01/2003 or 01/05/2004 (CY, EE, MT, LT, LV, PL, SL) and 31/12/2005;
  • Size of EEZ and continental shelf: except for IE, NL;
  • The coastline length: except for FI, IE, NL;
  • Figures are extracted from the annual control reports as provided by Member States pursuant to Article 35 of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2847/93 as amended.


EEZ: 3447 km², continental shelf: 3447 km², COASTLINE: 67km

Year 2003 Data as appropriate / Year 2004 Data as appropriate / Year 2005 Data as appropriate
Fishing Activity
Number of vessels i) over 15m / 126 / 116
Number of vessels ii) between 10 m and 15m / 4 / 4
Number of vessels iii) under 10 m / 1 / 1
Number of landings i) over 15m / 4559 in total / 4482 in total / 4983 in total
Number of landings ii) between 10 m and 15m
Number of landings iii) under 10 m / None / None / none
Number of ports – large (landings>20M €) / 2 / 2 / 2
Number of ports – small (landings<20M €) / 1 / 1 / 1
Number of first sale auction markets / 3 / 3 / 3
Inspection resources
Number of dedicated offshore inspection vessels / 3 / 3 / 3
Number of dedicated inshore inspection vessels / 1 / 1 / 1
Number of fisheries surveillance aircraft / 1 / 1 / 1
Number of land-based inspectors (in full time equivalents of personnel who dedicate >50% of their time to fisheries control) available for: / 4 / 4 / 4
-Landing control / 2 / 2 / 2
-Market control / 1 / 1 / 1
-Fish transport control
-Cross-checking data / 1 / 1 / 1
Inspection activity
Number of patrol days at sea where fisheries was the main task / 47 / 70 / 85
Number of inspections at sea i) flag state / 84 / 78 / 151
Number of inspections at sea ii) other states
Number of hours flown on fisheries surveillance tasks / 40 hrs (45 flights) / 40 hrs (43 flights) / 40 hrs (48 flights)
Number of land-based inspections of:
-Landings / 15 % of landings (62 operations) / 10 % of landings (43 operations) / 10 % of landings (48 operations)
-Market/other premises inspections
-Fish transport
-Cross-checks / 75 % of landings / 75 % of landings / 75 % of landings
Percentage cross checks between statutory documents / 70 % / 70 % / 70 %
Catch registration
Percentage of statutory documents received within 48 hours: / 70 % (?) / 70 % (?) / 85 %
Percentage of required catch data entered into data base within 15 days / 100 % / 100 % / 100 %
Source of data for catch registration / Sales note / Sales note / Sales note
Source of data for monitoring fishing effort (days at sea) / Log sheet / Log sheet / Log sheet
Operational authorities
Name, address and web site of the operational authorities for
-Control at sea / Dienst Zeevisserij
Administratief Centrum - Vrijhavenstraat 5 - 8400 Oostende (routebeschrijving)
Tel. 059 43 19 20 - Fax 059 43 19 22
-Fisheries Monitoring Centre / Dienst Zeevisserij
-Control of landings (EU and third country within the meaning of Title VIa of Regulation 2847/93 / Dienst Zeevisserij
-Sampling of landings / Dienst Zeevisserij
-Marketing at first sale / Dienst Zeevisserij
-Transport of fish before and after first sale / Dienst Zeevisserij
-Receipt of logbooks, landing declarations, sales notes and transport documents / Dienst Zeevisserij
-Registration of catches and effort / Dienst Zeevisserij
-Investigation of offences against the CFP and implementing sanctions / Dienst Zeevisserij
-Registration of buyers and sellers / Federale Overheidsdienst Economie, KMO, Middenstand en Energie
Vooruitgangstraat 50,1210 Brussel
Tel.: (02) 277 51 11 – Fax: (02) 277 51 07
-Fishing vessel registration / Federale Overheidsdienst Mobiliteit en Vervoer
Maritiem Vervoer, Scheepvaartcontrole
Perronstraat 6, 8400 Oostende
Tel. 059/56 14 85–Fax 059/56 14 84
-Measurement of fishing vessel characteristics / Federale Overheidsdienst Mobiliteit en Vervoer
Maritiem Vervoer, Scheepvaartcontrole
-Issue of fishing licences and other permits / Dienst Zeevisserij


EEZ: 98 707 km², continental shelf: 4 042 km², COASTLINE: 648 km

2004 / 2005
Fishing Activity
Number of vessels i) over 15m / 48 / 40
Number of vessels ii) between 10 m and 15m / 95 / 94
Number of vessels iii) under 10 m / 758 / 752
Number of landings i) over 15m / Number of Landings not available for 2004
510,756 kg / 190 - 615,578 kg
Number of landings ii) between 10 m and 15m / 408,637 kg / 78 - 120,565 kg
Number of landings iii) under 10 m - estimated / 964,230 kg / 946,930 kg
Number of ports – large (landings>20M €) / none / none
Number of ports – small (landings<20M €) / 15 / 15
Number of first sale auction markets / none / none
Inspection resources
Number of dedicated offshore inspection vessels / none / none
Number of dedicated inshore inspection vessels / 4 / 4
Number of fisheries surveillance aircraft / none / none
Number of land-based inspectors (in full time equivalents of personnel who dedicate >50% of their time to fisheries control) available for:
-Landing control / 9 / 9
-Market control / 0
-Fish transport control / 0
-Cross-checking data / 0 / 1
Inspection activity
Number of patrol days at sea where fisheries was the main task
Number of inspections at sea i) flag state / 167 / 104
Number of inspections at sea ii) other states / none / none
Number of hours flown on fisheries surveillance tasks
Number of land-based inspections of:
-Landings / 411 / 417
-Market/other premises inspections / 0 / 14
-Fish transport / 0
-Cross-checks / 0 / 50
Percentage cross checks between statutory documents
Catch registration
Percentage of statutory documents received within 48 hours: / 100% for all trawlers
no documents for the rest of the fleet because they do not exceed 50kg per vessel per day / 100% for all trawlers
no documents for the rest of the fleet because they do not exceed 50kg per vessel per day
Percentage of required catch data entered into data base within 15 days / Our database is being updated and not ready to use yet / Our database is being updated and not ready to use yet
Source of data for catch registration / Logbooks and other documents provided by fishermen / Logbooks and other documents provided by fishermen
Source of data for monitoring fishing effort (days at sea) / VMS, logbooks and inspections / VMS, logbooks and inspections
Operational authorities
Name, address and web site of the operational authorities for
-Control at sea / 1.Department of Fisheries and Marine Research,
Ministry of Agriculture Natural Resources and Environment
Aeolou 13 1416, Nicosia

2. Port and Marine Police
3301 OldLimassolPort

-Fisheries Monitoring Centre / Department of Fisheries and Marine Research,
Ministry of Agriculture Natural Resources and Environment
Aeolou 13 1416, Nicosia

-Control of landings (EU and third country within the meaning of Title VIa of Regulation 2847/93 / 1.Department of Fisheries and Marine Research,
Ministry of Agriculture Natural Resources and Environment
2. Customs, Ministry of Finance
Andrea Karuou 1, Engomi Nicosia

3.Health Services, Ministry of Health
Markou Drakou 10, 1040 Nicosia

4. Veterinary Services, Ministry of Agriculture Natural Resources and Environment
Louki Akrita, 1100 Nicosia

-Sampling of landings / Department of Fisheries and Marine Research,
Ministry of Agriculture Natural Resources and Environment
-Marketing at first sale / Industry
-Transport of fish before and after first sale / Industry
-Receipt of logbooks, landing declarations, sales notes and transport documents / Department of Fisheries and Marine Research,
Ministry of Agriculture Natural Resources and Environment
-Registration of catches and effort / Department of Fisheries and Marine Research,
Ministry of Agriculture Natural Resources and Environment
-Investigation of offences against the CFP and implementing sanctions / Department of Fisheries and Marine Research,
Ministry of Agriculture Natural Resources and Environment
-Registration of buyers and sellers / Department of Fisheries and Marine Research,
Ministry of Agriculture Natural Resources and Environment
-Fishing vessel registration / Department of Fisheries and Marine Research,
Ministry of Agriculture Natural Resources and Environment
-Measurement of fishing vessel characteristics / 1. Department of Merchant Shipping,
Ministry of Communication and Works
Axaion 28, 1424, Nicosia

2. Department of Fisheries and Marine Research,
Ministry of Agriculture Natural Resources and Environment
-Issue of fishing licences and other permits / Department of Fisheries and Marine Research,
Ministry of Agriculture Natural Resources and Environment


EEZ: 105 989 km², continental shelf: 105 266 km², COASTLINE: 7 314 km

Year 2003 Data as appropriate / Year 2004 Data as appropriate / Year 2005Data as appropriate
Fishing Activity
Number of vessels i) over 15m / 601 / 493
Number of vessels ii) between 10 m and 15m / 548 / 468
Number of vessels iii) under 10 m / 2666 / 2308
Number of landings i) over 15 m / 36 221 / 35 168 / 31 602
Number of landings ii) between 10 m and 15 m / 51 227 / 48 206 / 44 367
Number of landings iii) under 10 m / 62 022 / 58 736 / 57 283
Number of ports – large (landings>20M €) / 6 / 6 / 6
Number of ports – small (landings<20M €) / 279 / 287 / 296
Number of first sale auction markets / 14 / 10 / 9
Inspection resources
Number of dedicated offshore inspection vessels / 3 / 3 / 3
Number of dedicated inshore inspection vessels / 1 / 1 / 1
Number of fisheries surveillance aircraft / 0 / 0 / 0
Number of land-based inspectors (in full time equivalents of personnel who dedicate >50% of their time to fisheries control) available for:
-Landing control / 38,1 / 42,4 / 35,1
-Market control / 5,3 / 5,7 / 4,8
-Fish transport control
-Cross-checking data / d
Inspection activity
Number of patrol days at sea where fisheries was the main task / 652 / Not specified / 772
Number of inspections at sea i) flag state / 797 / 831 / 818
Number of inspections at sea ii) other states / 187 / 105 / 125
Number of hours flown on fisheries surveillance tasks / 0 / 0 / 0
Number of land-based inspections of:
-Landings / 5 667 / 6 195 / 5 203
-Market/other premises inspections
-Fish transport
Percentage cross checks between statutory documents / 100 / 100 / 100
Catch registration
Percentage of statutory documents received within 48 hours: / Sales notes: 77
Logbooks: 59 / Sales notes: 75
Logbooks: 59 / Sales notes: 74
Logbooks: 55
Percentage of required catch data entered into data base within 15 days / 99 / 99 / 99
Source of data for catch registration / Sales notes, logbooks / Sales notes, logbooks / Sales notes, logbooks
Source of data for monitoring fishing effort (days at sea) / Logbook / Logbook / Logbook
Operational authorities
Name, address and web site of the operational authorities for
-Control at sea / Danish Directorate of Fisheries
Nyropsgade 30, DK-1780 København V
Tel: +45 33 96 30 30; Email: ; Web:
-Fisheries Monitoring Centre / Danish Directorate of Fisheries
-Control of landings (EU and third country within the meaning of Title VIa of Regulation 2847/93 / Danish Directorate of Fisheries
-Sampling of landings / Danish Directorate of Fisheries
-Marketing at first sale / Danish Directorate of Fisheries
-Transport of fish before and after first sale / Danish Directorate of Fisheries
-Receipt of logbooks, landing declarations, sales notes and transport documents / Danish Directorate of Fisheries
-Registration of catches and effort / Danish Directorate of Fisheries
-Investigation of offences against the CFP and implementing sanctions / Danish Directorate of Fisheries
-Registration of buyers and sellers / Danish Directorate of Fisheries
-Fishing vessel registration / Danish Directorate of Fisheries
-Measurement of fishing vessel characteristics / Danish Maritime Authority, 38C Vermundsgade
DK-2100 Copenhagen
Tel: + 45 39174400; Email: ; Web:
-Issue of fishing licences and other permits / Danish Directorate of Fisheries


EEZ: 36 992 km², continental shelf: 36 992 km², COASTLINE: 3794 km

2004 / 2005
Fishing Activity
Number of vessels i) over 15m / 120 / 113
Number of vessels ii) between 10 m and 15m / 140 / 140
Number of vessels iii) under 10 m / 793 / 792
Number of landings i) over 15m / 6259 / 5924
Number of landings ii) between 10 m and 15m / 691 / 714
Number of landings iii) under 10 m / 7 / 0
Number of ports – large (landings>20M €) / 0 / 0
Number of ports – small (landings<20M €) / 33 / 27
Number of first sale auction markets / 0 / 0
Inspection resources
Number of dedicated offshore inspection vessels / 0 / 0
Number of dedicated inshore inspection vessels / 4 / 4
Number of fisheries surveillance aircraft / 0 / 0
Number of land-based inspectors (in full time equivalents of personnel who dedicate >50% of their time to fisheries control) available for: / 23 / 16
-Landing control / 20 / 16
-Market control / 16 / 16
-Fish transport control / 16 / 16
-Cross-checking data / 16 / 17
Inspection activity
Number of patrol days at sea where fisheries was the main task / 8 / 9
Number of inspections at sea i) flag state / 3 / 0
Number of inspections at sea ii) other states / 0 / 0
Number of hours flown on fisheries surveillance tasks / Around 3000 / 4320
Number of land-based inspections of:
-Landings / 336 / 429
-Market/other premises inspections / 139 / 200
-Fish transport / 154 / 100
-Cross-checks / 250 / 300
Percentage cross checks between statutory documents
Catch registration
Percentage of statutory documents received within 48 hours: / 50,91% / 53,42%
Percentage of required catch data entered into data base within 15 days / 92,47% / 94,63%
Source of data for catch registration / Ministry of the Environment / Ministry of the Environment
Source of data for monitoring fishing effort (days at sea) / Environmental Inspectorate / Environmental Inspectorate
Operational authorities
Name, address and web site of the operational authorities for
-Control at sea / Estonian Environmental Inspectorate
Kopli 76 ,Tallinn, Estonia

-Fisheries Monitoring Centre
-Control of landings (EU and third country within the meaning of Title VIa of Regulation 2847/93
-Sampling of landings
-Marketing at first sale
-Transport of fish before and after first sale
-Receipt of logbooks, landing declarations, sales notes and transport documents / Ministry of Agriculture
Lai 39/41, 15056 Tallinn

-Registration of catches and effort
-Investigation of offences against the CFP and implementing sanctions
-Registration of buyers and sellers
-Fishing vessel registration / Ministry
of Environment
Narva mnt 7a
15172 Tallinn, Eesti
/ Ministry of Agriculture
Lai 39/41, 15056 Tallinn, Eesti

-Measurement of fishing vessel characteristics / Ministry
of Environment
Narva mnt 7a
15172 Tallinn, Eesti
/ Ministry of Agriculture
Lai 39/41, 15056 Tallinn

-Issue of fishing licences and other permits / Ministry
of Environment
Narva mnt 7a
15172 Tallinn, Eesti
/ Ministry of Agriculture
Lai 39/41, 15056 Tallinn


EEZ: 87 171 km², continental shelf: 85 109 km², COASTLINE: 45 974 km*

Year: 2003 Data as appropriate / Year: 2004 Data as appropriate / Year: 2005 Data as appropriate
Fishing Activity
Number of vessels i) over 15m / 100 / 69
Number of vessels ii) between 10 m and 15m / 333 / 281
Number of vessels iii) under 10 m / 3139 / 2917
Number of landings i) over 15m / NA / 3090 / ~ 4500
Number of landings ii) between 10 m and 15m
Number of landings iii) under 10 m / Recorded on monthly basis, individual landings can not be specified / Recorded on monthly basis / Recorded on monthly basis, individual landings can not be specified
Number of ports – large (landings>20M €) / 0 / 0 / 0
Number of ports – small (landings<20M €) / ~ 200 / ~ 200 / ~ 200
Number of first sale auction markets / 0, only direct sale / 0, only direct sale / 0, only direct sale
Inspection resources
Number of dedicated offshore inspection vessels / 7 Coast Guard vessels / 7 Coast Guard vessels / 6 Coast Guard vessels
Number of dedicated inshore inspection vessels / 5 / 6 / 6 + (60 Coast Guard vessels)
Number of fisheries surveillance aircraft / 13 Coast Guard aircraft (2 planes + 11 helicopters) / 13 Coast Guard aircraft / 13 Coast Guard aircraft (2 planes + 11 helicopters)
Number land-based inspectors (in full time equivalents of personnel who dedicate >50% of their time to fisheries control) available for: / 15 / 15 / 15
-Landing control / 6 / 6 / 6
-Market control / 6 / 6 / 6
-Fish transport control / - / - / -
-Cross-checking data / 3 / 3 / 3
Inspection activity
Number of patrol days at sea where fisheries was the main task / 64 / 73
Number of inspections at sea i) flag state / 79 / 73 / 72
Number of inspections at sea ii) other states
Number of hours flown on fisheries surveillance tasks
Number of land-based inspections TRIPS (several vessels/premises inspected during one trip) of: / 146 / 148 / 124
-Landings / 132 / 65 / 178
-Market/other premises inspections / 59 / 51 / 37
-Fish transport / - / - / -
-Cross-checks / Daily, routine work / Daily, routine work / Daily, routine work
Percentage cross checks between statutory documents
Catch registration
Percentage of statutory documents received within 48 hours: / ~ 95%
Percentage of required catch data entered into data base within 15 days / 100 % / 100 % / 100 %
Source of data for catch registration / Logbook / Logbook / Logbook
Source of data for monitoring fishing effort (days at sea) / Logbook / Logbook / Logbook
Operational authorities
Name, address and web site of the operational authorities for
-Control at sea / TE-Centres + Coast Guard
-Fisheries Monitoring Centre / Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
Department of Fisheries and Game;
Mariankatu 23, HELSINKI

-Control of landings (EU and third country within the meaning of Title VIa of Regulation 2847/93 / TE-Centres (6 regional centres)+Ǻland
-Sampling of landings / TE-Centres + Ǻland
-Marketing at first sale / TE-Centres + Ǻland
-Transport of fish before and after first sale / TE-Centres + Ǻland
-Receipt of logbooks, landing declarations, sales notes and transport documents / TE-Centres + Ǻland
-Registration of catches and effort / TE-Centres + Ǻland
-Investigation of offences against the CFP and implementing sanctions / TE-Centres + Ǻland -> Police
-Registration of buyers and sellers / TE-Centres + Ǻland
-Fishing vessel registration / TE-Centres + Ǻland + Ministry
-Measurement of fishing vessel characteristics / Finnish Maritime Administration
-Issue of fishing licences and other permits / TE-Centres + Ǻland + Ministry


EEZ: 908 402 km², of which Guyane: 135 048 km²,Guadeloupe 95 832 km²,

martinique 47 204 km² andreunion 315 002 km²

COASTLINE: 3 427 km

Year 2003 Data as appropriate / Year 2004 Data as appropriate / Year 2005 Data as appropriate
Fishing Activity
Number of vessels i) over 15m / 1229 / 1112
Number of vessels ii) between 10m and 15m / 1281 / 1255
Number of vessels iii) under 10m / 5645 / 5492
Number of landings i) over 15m / 180.000
Number of landings ii) between 10 m and 15m
Number of landings iii) under 10 m / 95.000
Number of ports – large (landings>20M €) / 13 / 13 / 13
Number of ports – small (landings<20M €) / 46 / 46 / 46
Number of first sale auction markets / 41 / 41 / 41
Inspection resources
Number of dedicated offshore inspection vessels / Affaires Maritimes: 6
Marine Nationale: 17 / Affaires Maritimes: 5
Marine Nationale: 17 / Affaires Maritimes: 5
Marine Nationale: 17
Douanes: 25
Number of dedicated inshore inspection vessels / Affaires Maritimes: 67
Gendarmerie Maritime: 20 / Affaires Maritimes: 64
Gendarmerie Maritime: 23 / Affaires Maritimes: 64 Gendarmerie Maritime: 27
Number of fisheries surveillance aircraft / Marine Nationale: 9 / Marine Nationale and Gendarmerie: 20 / Marine Nationale: 9
Douanes: 8
Number land-based inspectors (in full time equivalents of personnel who dedicate >50% of their time to fisheries control) available for: / Affaires Maritimes: 290 / Affaires Maritimes: 265 / Affaires Maritimes: 265
-Landing control / No specific information regarding other administrations partly involved in fisheries control ( navy, custom, gendarmerie, DGCCRF, veterinary services) / No specific information regarding other administrations partly involved in fisheries control ( navy, custom, gendarmerie, DGCCRF, veterinary services) / No specific information regarding other administrations partly involved in fisheries control ( navy, custom, gendarmerie, DGCCRF, veterinary services)
-Market control
-Fish transport control
-Cross-checking data
Inspection activity
Number of patrol days at sea where fisheries was the main task / 7 828 / Affaires Maritimes: 2462
Marine Nationale: 1412
Customs: 3010
Gendarmerie Maritime:634 / Affaires Maritimes:1323
Customs: 2845
Marine Nationale:18099
Gendarmerie Maritime: 12020
Number of inspections at sea i) flag state / 4 128 / Affaires Maritimes + Customs: 3704 / 3241
Number of inspections at sea ii) other states / 296 / Affaires Maritimes + Customs: 411
Number of hours flown on fisheries surveillance tasks / 8300 / Affaires Maritimes + Douanes: 6770 / Marine Nationale: 331
Douanes: 6208
Gendarmerie: 71
Number of land-based inspections of:
-Landings / 3490 / 4878 / 3222
-Market/other premises inspections / 3640 / 3775 / 9603
-Fish transport / 491
-Cross-checks / 3222
Percentage cross checks between statutory documents
Catch registration
Percentage of statutory documents received within 48 hours:
Percentage of required catch data entered into data base within 15 days
Source of data for catch registration / Logsheets, fishery catch reporting forms, auction halls declarations / Logsheets, fishery catch reporting forms, auction halls declarations / Logsheets, fishery catch reporting forms, auction halls declarations
Source of data for monitoring fishing effort (days at sea) / Logsheets, fishery catch reporting forms and VMS / Logsheets, fishery catch reporting forms and VMS / Logsheets, fishery catch reporting forms and VMS
Operational authorities
Name, address and web site of the operational authorities for
-Control at sea / Affaires Maritimes
Marine Nationale
Douanes Françaises
Gendarmerie Maritime / Affaires Maritimes
Marine Nationale
Douanes Françaises
Gendarmerie Maritime / Affaires Maritimes
Marine Nationale
Douanes Françaises
Gendarmerie Maritime
-Fisheries Monitoring Centre / CROSS Atlantique (Etel)
Avenue Louis Bougo
Château de la Garenne
56410 Etel France
tel: +33 2 97 55 35 35fax: +33 2 97 55 49 34 / CROSS Atlantique (Etel)
Avenue Louis Bougo
Château de la Garenne
56410 Etel - France
tel: +33 2 97 55 35 35fax: +33 2 97 55 49 34 / CROSS Atlantique (Etel)
Avenue Louis Bougo
Château de la Garenne
56410 Etel - France
tel: +33 2 97 55 35 35fax: +33 2 97 55 49 34
-Control of landings (EU and third country within the meaning of Title VIa of Regulation 2847/93 / Affaires Maritimes
Gendarmerie Maritime / Affaires Maritimes
Gendarmerie Maritime / Affaires Maritimes
Gendarmerie Maritime
-Sampling of landings / Affaires Maritimes
Gendarmerie Maritime / Affaires Maritimes
Gendarmerie Maritime / Affaires Maritimes
Gendarmerie Maritime
-Marketing at first sale / Affaires Maritimes
Gendarmerie Maritime / Affaires Maritimes
Gendarmerie Maritime / Affaires Maritimes
Gendarmerie Maritime
-Transport of fish before and after first sale
-Receipt of logbooks, landing declarations, sales notes and transport documents / Affaires Maritimes / Affaires Maritimes
/ Affaires Maritimes
-Registration of catches and effort / CNTS
88 avenue La Perrière
56100 LORIENT France
tel: +33 2 97 37 16 22 / CNTS
88 avenue La Perrière
56100 LORIENT France
tel: +33 2 97 37 16 22 / CNTS
88 avenue La Perrière
56100 LORIENT France
tel: +33 2 97 37 16 22
-Investigation of offences against the CFP and implementing sanctions / Affaires Maritimes
Gendarmerie Maritime / Affaires Maritimes
Gendarmerie Maritime / Affaires Maritimes
Gendarmerie Maritime
-Registration of buyers and sellers / Chambers of Commerce for companies registration and Member state authority (prefet) for fist market purchase in auction halls. / Chambers of Commerce for companies registration and Member state authority (prefet) for fist market purchase in auction halls. / Chambers of Commerce for companies registration and Member state authority (prefet) for fist market purchase in auction halls.
-Fishing vessel registration / Affaires Maritimes (and customs for property registry) / Affaires Maritimes (and customs for property registry) / Affaires Maritimes (and customs for property registry)
-Measurement of fishing vessel characteristics / Customs (Douanes Françaises) / Custom (Douanes Françaises) / Customs (Douanes Françaises)
-Issue of fishing licences and other permits / Affaires Maritimes / Affaires Maritimes / Affaires Maritimes