- Please return this form to the Head of Academic Affairs by 1 August (for UG programmes) or 31 December (for PGT programmes).
- The report will be circulated to the Head of School and the Faculty Dean of Education. PGT forms will also be circulated to the Faculty Dean of Postgraduates.
- The report will also be monitored centrally by Academic Affairs to enable the enhancement of institutional policies and procedures.
- The report will be made available to registered students, as will any response from the University. It is important that staff and students are not named in this report, or otherwise identified. Reports which identify individual staff or students will be redacted.
This report relates to the following programme(s):
Programme TitleSchool/Faculty
Year of delivery / UG / Y/N / PGT / Y/N
Details of external examiner:
Please note that Queen’s students should not attempt to contact the external examiner for their programme.
Office Use Only
Date ReceivedDate Acknowledged
Central Issues / Yes/No / Initialled
CI Details
Section I
Please complete the following checklist, for the programme(s) named above. If you provide a ‘no’ answer to any question, please provide a commentary at Section II of the form.
No. / Question / Yes / No / N/A1 / Were you satisfied with the degree classes awarded?
2 / Were you satisfied that the degrees awarded were comparable with standards in other UK/Irish universities?
3 / Did you attend meetings of the Programme Board of Examiners?
If ‘yes’, were you satisfied with all aspects of the meetings? (e.g. the quality of the administrative support; the sensitivity with which cases were considered; the consistency of the decision making).
If ‘no’, did you feel were properly consulted? (e.g. by post, telephone, fax, or videoconference)
4 / Were you able to discuss the coherence of degree programmes with the staff concerned?
5 / Were you satisfied that the degree programmes provide for coherence and progression?
6 / Were you satisfied that the content of the programme was up-to-date?
7 / Did you receive sufficient advance information concerning:
The educational aims of the programme?
The learning outcomes of the programme?
The structure of the programme?
The content of the programme?
The assessment schedule for the programme?
8 / Were you satisfied that the assessment system:
Was fair?
Was equitably operated?
Was operated according to the stated regulations?
Was pedagogically effective?
Section II
If you answered ‘no’ to any of the questions in Section I, please provide further details below. Please identify the question to which your comments relate.
Question / CommentsSection III
Please comment on the extent to which:- The programme learning outcomes were appropriate
- The structure of the programme enabled the learning outcomes to be met
- The assessments enabled students to demonstrate achievement of the learning outcomes.
Section IV
Please outline any specific recommendations below:
Please comment on the manner in which the School has reacted to any recommendations made in any of your previous reports:
Section V
Please comment on any exemplary practice which should be shared with the wider University:
Section VI
If you wish to comment on any matter not covered above, please do so here:
Section VII
Please sign and date the form, and return to the address below.
Return to:
Head of Academic Affairs, Administration Building (Level 6), Queen’s University Belfast, BT7 1NN (email: ).