Date / Version / Summary2015-08-06 / 0.1 / Draft
The opinions expressed in this document are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the opinions of PhUSE, members' respective companies or organizations, or regulatory authorities. The content in this document should not be interpreted as a data standard and/or information required by regulatory authorities.
I.Study Data Reviewer’s Guide Completion Guideline Overview
Study Data Reviewer’s Guide Purpose
Organizationof ThisDocument
II.Study Data Reviewer’s Guide Template Completion Instructions
1. SDRG Introduction
1.1Study Protocol Title, Number, and Version
1.2Summary of SEND Dataset Creation Process
1.3SEND Dataset Verification
2. Study Design
2.1Study Design Summary
2.2Trial Design Domain Overview
3. Standards, Formats, and Terminologies and their Versions
3.1Standards Used
3.2Rationale for Standards Selection
3.3Nonstandard Terminology
4. Description of Study Datasets
4.1Dataset Summary
4.2Dataset Explanation
4.3Use of Supplemental Qualifiers
5.Data Standards Validation Rules, Versions, and Conformance Issues
5.1 Validation Outcome Summary
5.2.FDA SEND Validation Rules Version
6.Sponsor Decisions Related to Data Standard Implementations
6.1Sponsor Defined Standardization Descriptions
6.2Differences between SEND Datasets and Study Report
6.3Nonstandard Electronic Data Submitted
6.4Legacy Data Conversion
I.Study Data Reviewer’s Guide Completion Guideline Overview
Study Data Reviewer’s Guide Purpose
TheStudyData Reviewer’sGuide (SDRG)providesFDAReviewersand Data Managers with additional context forStandard for Exchange of Nonclinical Data (SEND) SENDdatasetsreceivedaspartof a regulatorysubmission.The Nonclincal SDRGisintendedto describeSENDdatasubmittedforanindividualstudyinthe Module 4 nonclinical sectionof the eCTD.The SDRGmayduplicateinformationfoundinother submission documentation(e.g. the protocol, nonclinicalstudyreport, define.xml, etc.)inorderto help the reviewer understand the relationship between the study report and the data.
It is strongly recommended to review this SDRG Completion Guideline and the Technical Conformance Guide in its entirety before embarking on your first SDRG!
The SDRG has six main sections. These main sections (numbers 1 – 6) are mentioned in the FDA Technical Conformance Guide. Additionalsubsections were added based on the interpretation of the aforementioned guidance by the PhUSE Nonclinical SDRG Team.
SDRG table of contents:
- SDRG Introduction
- Study Protocol Title, Number, and Version
- Summary of SEND Dataset Creation Process
- SEND Dataset Verification
- Study Design
- Study Design Summary
- Trial Design Domain Overview
- Standards, Formats, and Terminologies and their Versions
- Standards Used
- Rationale for Standards Selection
- Nonstandard Terminology
- Description of Datasets
- Dataset Summary
- Dataset Explanation
- Use of Supplemental Qualifiers
- Data Standards Validation Rules,Versions, and Conformance Issues
- Validation Outcome Summary
- FDA SEND Validation Rules Version
- Errors
- Warnings
- Sponsor Decisions Related to Data Standards Implementations
- Sponsor-Defined Standardization Descriptions
- Differences between SEND Datasets and Study Report
- Nonstandard Electronic Data Submitted
- Legacy Data Conversion Plan
The purpose of thisdocument isto provide sponsorswith recommendations tofacilitatetheconsistentdevelopmentof aNonclinicalSDRGfromthe Nonclinical Study DataReviewer’s GuideTemplate.Inadditionto thisCompletionGuideline, SDRGexamplesare available asanadditionalreference.
Organizationof ThisDocument
Thisdocumenthasthreesections:a guideline overview, SDRGTemplate Completion Instructions, andSDRG FinalizationInstructions.The headings and theirnumbersunder section II inthese instructionscorresponddirectlyto theSDRGTemplate.The SDRG FinalizationInstructionsdescribe howto create the documentforsubmissionaftercompletingthe SDRGTemplate.
II.Study Data Reviewer’s Guide Template Completion Instructions
Thissectionprovidescompanioninstructionsforthe SDRG Template.Thesection numberingcorrespondsdirectlyto the SDRGTemplate. Sectionheadings initalics
(e.g.1. Introduction)do notcontainanycontentandare includedfor completeness.
Note:CertainSDRGSections in the templateinclude a seriesof questionsintendedtoaid FDAReviewers. Provide complete answerstoall questions.Donot deletethe primary questionsfrom the finaldocument.Sub-questionsmay be removed atthe discretionof the sponsor.
Any sponsor specific or non-industry standard acronyms used in the SDRG should be spelled out when first used. Standard industry acronyms (e.g. MedDRA, LOINC, CDISC, SEND, ADaM, etc.) do not need to be documented.
Note: it is critical for an SDRG author to have sufficient flexibility to focus on what is important for a particular study.
1. SDRG Introduction
The SDRG is intended to be a tool for a data manager to explain to a reviewer what’s going onimportant narrative information about with the SEND submissiondata, and is not intended to be understood intuitively as a stand-alone document which may, or may not, be in other submission information. .The decision about what is “important” may vary study to study. Remember, the SDRG is intended for a different “customer”, the Reviewer, than the Define file, which is used by people who load the data into tools.
1.1Study Protocol Title, Number, and Version
This sectionprovides, in a tabular format,the protocol study numberoridentifier, title, andreport version includedinthe submission.
Study Title / Copy Enter the study title here>Study Number / Copy Enter the study number here>
Report Version / <Write here any amendments issued to the final report>
1.2Summary of SEND Dataset Creation Process
This section is a high-level summary of the process by which the SEND dataset was created from study data.
For example, it might state that all in-life, clinical pathology, postmortem and TK blood collection data were collected with LIMS 1 by Provider A. Bioanalytical analysis was determined with LIMS 2 by Provider B, with electronic transfer of in-life TK blood collection data from LIMS 1. Toxicokinetic calculations were determined using LIMS 3 by the sponsor. Input (raw data extracts) from each of the LIMS via LIMS-specific adaptors was processed by SEND Solution XX to produce one integrated SEND dataset with a define.xml, a validation reportand LIMS terms mapped to controlled terminology.
1.3SEND Dataset Verification
Appropriate verifications need to be done to ensure that data in the SEND datasets are an accurate representation of study data. A positive statement needs to be included in this section. In the event of a directed audit of the data set integrity, the actual verification documentation would most likely be helpful to the auditor.
An example of a statement is:
“Data in the SEND datasets are an accurate representation ofthe data for Study No. 12345. Any differences between the data sets and the report are described in section 6.2. Verification procedures and documentation supporting this are available upon request.”
2. Study Design
This section provides a brief orientation to the study and additional context about the Trial Design Datasets.
2.1Study Design Summary
This sectionprovidesa brief textual description and/or visual representationof the protocol design.The study design tablecanbe included, takendirectlyfromtheprotocol ordevelopedspecificallyfor the SDRG. It is recommended that the textual description be very brief, no longer than a few sentences. Note any changes from protocol amendments that affected the study design.
The SDRG is intended to be a tool for a data manager to explain to a reviewer what’s going on with the data, and is not intended to be understood intuitively as a stand-alone document. Therefore not much protocol information is needed in the SDRG.
2.2Trial Design Domain Overview
This sectionprovidesadditionalcontextforthe TrialDesigndatasets. It should describe if Trial Design datasets are submitted, include a diagram of the Trial Design and a subsection for any nonstandard Trial Design datasets included in the study data package.
The following question must be answered:
Are all Trial Design datasets described in SENDIG included in the submission?
In this section, a diagram such as the one following or as shown in SENDIG should be included to illustrate the trial design. The following diagrams are suggestions on how to illustrate the trial design. Select a representation of the study for the SDRG.
Example 1: The text in <italics> should be replaced by the study specific trial design items. Keep the bold text as column headings. If desired, the user may color individual elements to a specific color to aid a fast overview.
Depending on the trial design, the user can add and delete rows and EPOCH columns as needed.
- The first row represents a way to describe one Sponsor defined group with two Arms and three Sets.
- The second row represents a way to describe one Sponsor defined group with one Arm and two Sets.
- The last row of the example table represents a way to describe one Sponsor defined group with one Arm and one Set.
Example 1Trial Design Overview 1
Study Group / Trial Arms / Element in each Epoch / Trial SetSPGRPCD / ARMCD / ARM / <EPOCH name 1> / <EPOCH name 2> / <EPOCH name 3> / SETCD / SET
<Sponsors group no.> / <Set name 1>
<Set name 2>
<Set name 3>
Example 2is an alternate trial design diagram, similar to those used in SEND Implementation Guide (refer to this resource for further instruction).
Example 2:
End ofExample
Additional contextmay not be requiredfor simple protocol designsthatare adequatelydocumentedin define.xml orself-evidentinthe Trial DesignDatasetcontent.
Any nonstandard study design domains that need additional explanation, or are sponsor specific,should be described in Section 6.1 of this document.
3.Standards, Formats, and Terminologies and their Versions
This sectiondocumentstheSEND version, controlledterminology version, validation rule version anddictionary versionusedinthestudy and the rationale for the selection. If more than one version was used, this should be described and the rationale provided here. Try to indicate clearly which content were generated according to which versions. For example, MI domain might be provided using a different version of terminology than the in-life domains due to multi-site study conduct.
3.1Standards Used
Provide a tabular overview of all standards used in the submitted study data package.
Standard or DictionaryComponent / Standard or Dictionary / Versions UsedTabulation Datasets / CDISC SEND Implementation Guide / 3.0
Controlled Terminology / CDISC SEND Controlled Terminology / 2014-12-26
Data Definition file
formats provided: .xml and .pdf / CDISC DEFINE.XML / 1.0
End ofExample
3.2Rationale for Standards Selection
A likely rationale for standards and versions selection is that they were the most current ones listed in FDA’s Study Data Standards Catalog and supported by the sponsors’ production systems at the time of dataset creation. This is also the place to state if a waiver was granted to use an earlier or different standard.
3.3Nonstandard Terminology
For variables requiring use of a Controlled Terminology Codelist, any use of nonstandard terminology should be explained in the SDRG as shown below. Alternatively, if only standard terms were used, indicate so in a statement and delete the table.
Dataset Name / Variable / Codelist / Term Used / MeaningLB / LBTEST / LBTEST / Melamine abutyltransferfree / A measurement of the melamine abutyltransferfree in a biological specimen.
LB / LBTESTCD / LBTESTCD / MELTRFRE / A measurement of the melamine abutyltransferfree in a biological specimen.
End ofExample
4.Description of Study Datasets
This section provides additional context for SEND domains that is not adequatelyaddressed in define.xml or SENDIG. To help determine if content is needed in this section, Aanswers to the following questions may behelpful:
- Are the submitted data taken from an ongoing study? If so, what was the cutpoint? Indicate when the rest of the data should be expected.
- Were the SEND datasets used as sources for the analysis?
- Were any domains planned but not submitted because no data were collected?
- Are the submitted data a subset of collected data? (The answer will be “yes” if data were collected but not included in the submission.) Explanation can be provided in Section 6.2 of this document.
- If an extension study is being documented, include description(s) of any data that have been copied from or are located in another study in the submission, such as the use of one control group for multiple studies.
Examples of SEND datasets relationship with analysis
Nonclinical is not required to submit “analysis datasets” such as ADAM datasets submitted by clinical. However, the SEND datasets may have been used as the source to perform any analysis provided in the final study report. Such a workflow would look like:
Raw data => SEND transformation => statistical analysis =>tables in final report => Submission
In this case, the answer to the question of whether SEND datasets were used for analysis would be yes.
If the SEND datasets were generated for submission, but the original data was used as the source for performing analysis, the workflow for this separate process approach could look like:
Raw data =>extract =>reporting database =>statistical analysis => tables in final report
Raw data => extract => SEND transformation => Submission
In this case, the answer to the question of whether SEND datasets were used for analysis is no.
End of Example
4.1Dataset Summary
This section provides an overview of all domains included in the SENDdataset including the Trial Design datasets. Hyperlinks to aAdditional text in section 4.2 should be provided for any domains that requireadditional explanation. Any custom domains should be included in this section. and hyperlinked to Section 6.1.
- Add only those datasets in the table that are included in submission.
- Indicate with an ‘X’ in the “Supp Qualifiers?”column ifa SupplementalQualifiersdatasetissubmittedforthe domain. Do not include separate rows for each Supplemental dataset. The use of any Supplemental Qualifiers should be explained in section 4.3.
- If relationshipsbetweenthe domainandotherdomainshave beendescribedinRELREC, specifythe relateddomains in the “Related Records? “column with an ‘X’. Do not include a row for the RELREC dataset. If considered necessary to explaina domain’skeyrelationshipsto otherdomains, this should be done inthe domain-specific section.Provide the explanationof the relationshipwithinthe contextof one of the relateddomains.Do notcreate a separatesectionforRELREC.
- Specify the domain Observation Class for all included datasets.
An example of a Dataset Summary table is shownfollowing.
Dataset / Dataset Label / Supplemental Qualifiers? / Related Using RELREC? / Observation ClassTA / Trial Arms / Trial Design
TE / Trial Elements / Trial Design
TS / Trial Summary / Trial Design
TX / Trial Sets / Trial Design
CO / Comments / Special Purpose
DM / Demographics / Special Purpose
SE / Subject Elements / Special Purpose
EX / Exposure / Interventions
DS / Disposition / Events
BW / Body Weight / Findings
BG / Body Weight Gain / Findings
CL / Clinical Observations / Findings
FW / Food & Water Consumption / Events
LB / Laboratory Test Results / Findings
MA / Macroscopic Findings / X / X / Findings
MI / Microscopic Findings / X / X / Findings
OM / Organ Measurements / Findings
PC / Pharmacokinetic Conc / Findings
PP / Pharmacokinetic Parameters / Findings
POOLDEF / Pool Definitions / Findings
End ofExample
4.2Dataset Explanation
If necessary, provide explanation beyondthat whichisdocumentedindefine.xmlortheSEND ImplementationGuide anditssupplements.Thissection isrecommended fordatasetshavinghyperlinks inSection4.1.
Provide a numeric subheading foreach dataset and ensure that is appears in the Table of Contents, e.g. 4.2.1, 4.2.2, 4.2.3, etc.
To aid in the review and analysis of the datasets, the dataset explanationmayinclude, but isnotlimitedto the following:
- Previous agreements with regulatory agencies on specific representation of study data not specified in current implementation guides (e.g. SEND IG v. 3.0).
- Organization of content(e.g. custom endpoints)for which thecontent isveryspecificto the study.
- Inclusion of important non-standard variables supporting key analysis in an associated supplemental qualifier dataset.
- Descriptionof notable,sponsordefinedusesofcategoryandsub-category.
- Descriptionsof derivations/deviations/amendmentsthatmay benefitfromadditional detail beyondthatincluded indefine.xml.
- Descriptionof criteria usedto splitdatasetsandthecontentof the splitdatasets. (Splitting datasets is expected to be very rare.)
Descriptions of relationships to other domains that are documented in RELREC.
4.3Use of Supplemental Qualifiers
This section is recommended in the event supplemental qualifiers are used.It should include a list and explanation of all Supplemental Qualifiers used in the dataset package. See section of the Technical Conformance guide.
An example is provided below:
Dataset Name / Associated Dataset / Qualifiers UsedSUPPMA / MA
Macroscopic Findings / Modifiers that were part of MAORRES for which SEND variables have not yet been developed
Microscopic Findings / Modifiers that were part of MIORRES for which SEND variables have not yet been developed
End ofExample
5.Data Standards Validation Rules, Versions, and Conformance Issues
This section describes the validation checks and inputs used to evaluate conformance.
5.1 Validation Outcome Summary
All significant conformance findings should be documented in Section 5 to a detail that will provide a reviewer or data manager a quick and clear overview of any issues with the data package and the rationale for their presence.
It is not necessary toincludeall detailed record-level descriptions of conformance issues (e.g. the OpenCDISC report Details tab or similar) due to its limited utilityfor reviewers. All significant findings should be described in Sections 5.3 – 5.5.
5.2.FDA SEND Validation Rules Version
This section focuses on FDA rule conformance issues, as these are expected to be the main rules of interest for submitted data.
FDA Validation Rules are maintained in the Study Data Standards Resources website on
There is a standard statement in the template to define which validation resource is used (as there are several) and a reference to the correct version of the FDA rules applied at the time of the validation.
This section summarizes findings from validation. Insert errors from the SEND conformance reportinto the table provided; or, indicate no errors were found.
- Annotate issues with a brief, non-technical explanation of the findings.
- Do not include skipped validation checks or validation checks for which datasets do not exist.
- Explain why validation errors could not be corrected
- If you are using a SEND conformance checker other than FDA rules, at minimum, report only the diagnostic messages for validation rules that overlap with the FDA rules.
FDA RuleNumber / Dataset / Diagnostic Message / Severity / Count / Explanation
84 / LB / Missing Units on Value / Error / 22 / Not an error: Lab results for pH and Specific Gravity have no units
End of Example