SRWG Proposed Implementation of MOD-032-12

The System Review Working Group (SRWG) is tasked with implementing and monitoring guidelines and policies pertaining to steady state and dynamic data to support analysis of the reliability of the Western Interconnection transmission system.


MOD-032-1 – Data for Power System Modeling and Analysis was approved by FERC May 1, 2014. Requirement R1 will become effective July 1, 2015. The remainder of the requirements, R2-R4, will become effective July 1, 2016. The requirements of the new standard are directly related to the primary task of SRWG as stated above. After review of MOD-032-1 and related SRWG documentation, SRWG has collectively determined the following actions should be taken:

Action / Responsible entities
Data Preparation Manual modified to align with new Requirements / SRWG
Develop data requirement and reporting procedures / Each Planning Coordinator
MOD-11 & 13-WECC-CRT-1 needs to be modified or retired / WECC
Establish methodology to account for Planning Coordinator responsibility in base cases / SRWG

The following sections outline each of the above actions and present SRWG’s proposed implementation. Successfully following SRWG’s proposal for each action will help ensure the development of high quality interconnection-wide cases. Planning Coordinators are also encouraged to share their documentation which will be used to comply with MOD-032-1. SRWG will facilitate a forum for sharing and collaborating on the approaches Planning Coordinators are taking in an effort to improve consistency across the interconnection.

The SRWG will continue to review the implementation plan for MOD-032-1 and make modifications as appropriate including input from the Planning Coordinator Function Task Force.

Data Preparation Manual

The Data Preparation Manual has recently been focused on specifying what data “Member Systems” need to provide to WECC and a data submittal process in order to develop interconnection-wide cases. With implementation of MOD-032-1, The Data Preparation Manual could transition to specifying the data requirements and data submittal process for Planning Coordinators submitting data to WECC. The data requirements and reporting procedures jointly developed by each individual Planning Coordinator and each of the individual Planning Coordinator’s Transmission Planners can address and incorporate desires, concerns, and issues of the entities within its Planning Coordinator Area. Modifying the Data Preparation Manual to only apply to Planning Coordinators will align the WECC processes with NERC standards, specifically MOD-032-1, R4. Incorporating The Data Preparation Manual into the Planning Coordinator’s jointly developed data requirements and reporting procedures will also align their processes with the interconnection-wide case building process as required in MOD-032-1, R1.2 to ensure consistency with procedures for building interconnection-wide cases.

Proposed modifications to the Data Preparation Manual follow:

  1. Restate purpose of the document to align with MOD-032-1, R1.2 and R4 and applicability to Planning Coordinator
  2. State “other information” required to create interconnection-wide cases not included in MOD-032-1, Attachment 1 and the need for Planning Coordinators to incorporate the “other information” in their jointly developed data requirements and reporting procedures
  3. Remove/replace references to MOD-010 through MOD-015
  4. Incorporate intent of language in MOD-011 and 013-WECC-CRT-1 as stated below

A proposed revision of the Data Preparation Manual will be included as an appendix.

The proposed data submittal process, which is intended to be described in the Data Preparation Manual, is depicted in the following diagram. Refer to the proposed draft of the Data Preparation Manual for definitions to the terms used within the diagram.

Figure 1: Proposed data submittal process flow diagram.

Data Requirement and Reporting Procedures

Planning Coordinators should include the Data Preparation Manual as part of their jointly developed modeling data requirements and reporting procedure as required in MOD-032-1, R1. The Data Preparation Manual will be applicable to Planning Coordinators. Planning Coordinators may choose to use the Data Preparation Manual in-part or as a subset of the data requirements they develop. The reporting procedures between Balancing Authorities, Generator Owners, Load Serving Entities, Resource Planners, Transmission Owners, Transmission Planners, Transmission Service Providers, and their Planning Coordinators is not addressed by any WECC documentation at this time.

SRWG is proposing an interconnection wide data requirements and reporting procedure should not be developed with the intent of Planning Coordinators adopting them for complete compliance with MOD-032-1, R1. Any documentation developed at the WECC level will need to be supplemented by each Planning Coordinator. The Data Preparation Manual is intended to specify the data format and level of detail to which equipment should be modeled for developing interconnection-wide cases.

MOD-11 & 13-WECC-CRT-1

The implementation of MOD-032-1 includes the replacement of existing MOD-010-0, MOD-011-0, MOD-012-0, MOD-013-1, MOD-014-0, and MOD-015.0.1. WECC developed MOD-11 & 13-WECC-CRT-1 to satisfy the fill-in-the-blanks requirements of MOD-011-0 and MOD-013-1. Upon retirement of MOD-011-0 and MOD-013-1, MOD-11 & 13-WECC-CRT-1 will no longer be required but the intent of the requirements needs to be captured in other documentation. The following is proposed for each requirement and can be used for justification that a reliability gap will not be made with the retirement of MOD-11 & 13-WECC-CRT-1:


Existing Language

The Reliability Assurer (WECC) shall verify the System Review Work Group (SRWG), or its successor, develops and documents both comprehensive steady-state and comprehensive dynamic data requirements, and reporting procedures for the Western Interconnection to meet the steady-state data requirements listed in Attachment A (Steady State Data Requirements) and dynamic data requirements list in Attached B (Dynamic Data Requirements) of this criterion.


Incorporate the existing requirement intent into the SRWG charter. Without a specific NERC standard identifying the need, a WECC criterion requirement is not necessary to ensure SRWG will perform its assigned tasks.


Existing Language

The Reliability Assurer (WECC) shall designate the SRWG, or its successor, as the entity responsible to develop for the Western Interconnection any additional steady-state and dynamic data requirements not otherwise specified by NERC


Incorporate the existing requirement intent into the SRWG charter. The intent of WR2 was to have SRWG develop and maintain the Data Preparation Manual. SRWG will continue to perform this task.


Existing Language

The Reliability Assurer (WECC) shall designate the Planning Coordination Committee, or its successor, as the entity responsible to approve the development of both comprehensive steady-state and comprehensive dynamic data requirements, and reporting procedures, within the Western Interconnection, as developed by the SRWG, or its successor.


Requirement WR3 can be retired in its entirety. The requirement intended PCC to approve the Data Preparation Manual to improve the perception of due process in modifying data requirements which would potentially impact the ability for applicable functional entities of MOD-010-1 and MOD-012-1 to be compliant with the standards. It is proposed that the level of approval for the Data Preparation Manual be lowered to the Technical Studies Subcommittee. The Data Preparation Manual should no longer be considered a necessary means to be compliant with NERC standards but rather a procedure for developing interconnection-wide cases. The TSS represents a sufficient level of expertise to ensure interconnection-wide cases are developed as necessary to meet the needs of its members.


Existing Language

The Reliability Assurer (WECC) shall review this criterion, no less than each five years, by causing to be filed a WECC Standards/Regional Criterion Request Form (or its successor), for the purpose of reviewing the data requirements and reporting procedures addressed herein.


Requirement WR4 can be retired in its entirety as there will be no criterion to review.


Existing Language

The Reliability Assurer (WECC) shall post on the WECC Web site each steady-state and dynamic data request required by this criterion, to include, at a minimum, each of the following elements:

1)  A statement of the purpose for which the case will be developed

2)  The case year

3)  The case season

4)  The case load, generation and interchange requirements

5)  Required due dates for data submittal to the Reliability Assurer (WECC).


The intent of WR5 is proposed to be incorporated into the SRWG Annual Study Program Scope of Work document. Data requests from WECC for the development of a specific interconnection-wide case will continue to require the minimum set of descriptions provided in the requirement. The process should continue to include the use of the WECC web site.


Existing Language

The Reliability Assurer (WECC) shall post on the WECC Web site each steady-state and dynamic data request, as referred to in WR5 above, at least eight weeks prior to the required due dates for data submittal back to the Reliability Assurer (WECC).


The intent of WR6 is proposed to be incorporated into the SRWG Annual Study Program Scope of Work document in conjunction with WR5.


Existing Language

Each Transmission Owner, Transmission Planner, Generator Owner and Resource Planner as specified in the “Functional Entity” column of Attachment A of this criterion, shall submit to the Reliability Assurer (WECC) the data specified in the “Data Required” column of Attachment A of this criterion, in accordance with the due dates for data submittal to the Reliability Assurer (WECC) specified in WR5 above.


MOD-032-1 requires Balancing Authorities, Generator Owners, Load Serving Entities, Resource Planners, Transmission Owners, and Transmission Service Providers to provide modeling data to their Transmission Planners and Planning Coordinators. MOD-032-1 also requires Planning Coordinators to make the collected data available to the Electric Reliability Organization (ERO) or its designee (assumed to be WECC) for development of interconnection-wide cases. Requirement WR7 can be retired in its entirety.


Existing Language

Each Transmission Owner, Transmission Planner, Generator Owner, and Resource Planner as specified in the “Functional Entity” column of Attachment B of this criterion, shall submit to the Reliability Assurer (WECC) the data specified in the “Data Required” column of Attachment B of this criterion, in accordance with the due dates for data submittal to the Reliability Assurer (WECC) specified in WR5 above.


Requirement WR8 can be retired in its entirety. See WR7 above.


Existing Language

Each Generator Owner shall submit to the Reliability Assurer (WECC), the generator data required on Attachments A and B in accordance with the following size-threshold criteria:

·  If the individual generator unit capacity is 10 MVA or larger, and is connected to the WECC transmission system at 60 kV or higher, then steady-state data shall be submitted for each generator in accordance with the requirement stated at Attachment A, “NERC Requirement, MOD-11-0, R1.2”, and dynamics data shall be submitted for each generator in accordance with all of Attachment B (excluding Attachment B, “NERC Requirement, MOD-13-1, R1.4.”).

·  If the aggregated generator unit capacity is 20 MVA or larger, and is connected to the WECC transmission system at 60 kV or higher, and is not a collector–based generation facility, then steady-state data shall be submitted for each individual generator in accordance with Attachment A, “NERC Requirement, MOD-11-0, R1.2”, and dynamics data shall be submitted for each generator in accordance with all of Attachment B, excluding Attachment B, “NERC Requirement, MOD-13-1, R1.4.”. (Wind and solar farms are an example of a collector-based generation facility.)

·  If the aggregated generation capacity is 20 MVA or larger, and is connected to the WECC transmission system at 60 kV or higher, and is a collector–based generation facility, then steady-state data shall be submitted in accordance with Attachment A, “NERC Requirement, MOD-11-0, R1.2”, and dynamics data shall be submitted in accordance with all of Attachment B (excluding Attachment B, “NERC Requirement, MOD-13-1, R1.4.”) for the aggregated generation capacity as a single-unit generator model. (Wind and solar farms are an example of a collector-based generation facility.)

·  All other generating facilities shall either be netted with bus load and steady-state data shall be submitted in accordance with Attachment A, “NERC Requirement, MOD-11-0, R1.1b; or, steady-state data shall be submitted in accordance with Attachment A, “NERC Requirement R1.2”.


The intent of WR9 is proposed to be moved to the Data Preparation Manual. The modeling requirements for generators based on their capacity are still necessary. The thresholds should maintain the existing 10 MVA and 20 MVA value.


Existing Language

Each Transmission Owner, Transmission Planner, Generator Owner and Resource Planner shall submit steady-state data in accordance with Attachment A, and dynamic data in accordance with Attachment B that is consistent with submitted steady-state data.


The intent of WR10 is proposed to be moved to the Data Preparation Manual. The present modeling practices at WECC utilize different datasets for steady state and dynamic data to represent the same transmission system elements therefore presenting the potential for inconsistent data.


Existing Language

The Reliability Assurer (WECC) shall post on the WECC Web site the approved solved and solvable base-case data and supporting documentation.


The intent of WR11 is proposed to be moved to the SRWG Study Program Procedure Scope of Work document. The practice of making the interconnection-wide cases available through the WECC web site will continue to be desired.

Planning Coordinator Accounting

Presently, WECC interconnection-wide cases are modeled with the ability to aggregate data into Areas, Zones, and Owners. Areas have historically represented a geographical aggregation of entities transmission system models. Zones are used to further sub-divide Areas but a consistent application of their use and purpose has not been established across WECC. Owners are intended to capture the owner of the facility being represented. The use of bus number ranges has also historically been used to aggregate data. The use of these data aggregation methods have been developed based on the limitations of the modeling software used widely throughout WECC; PSLF and PSSE. The ability to aggregate data to Planning Coordinator Area will help support applicable functional entities complying with MOD-032-1. The use of each of the above aggregation fields is considered in the following table:

Field / General consideration of using each Field to represent PC Areas / Worth further consideration /
Area / Area is used within the modeling software as the bases for balancing interchanges. Interchange values are necessary to accurately represent desired scenarios and may only be associated with Planning Coordinator Areas by coincidence. Areas should either continue to represent geographic regions or be modified to more accurately capture scheduled and actual interchanges. / NO
Zone / The use of Zones may be used for specific processes within individual entities planning processes but they do not represent useful information from an interconnection-wide case perspective. Planning Coordinators could be allocated Zone number ranges allowing for Planning Coordinator accounting and still provide sufficient flexibility for entities to use Zones as desired. / NO
Owner / Using the Owner field to represent Planning Coordinator Area will eliminate the ability to account for owner of the facilities represented in the cases. / NO
Bus Number / The use of Bus Numbers for any type of aggregation is historical and represents poor modeling practices when attempting to consolidate multiple transmission system models, i.e. Westwide System Model and “Planning Cases.” / NO
New Field / A new data field would accommodate the desire to account for Planning Coordinator Areas without modifying the existing model. Adding fields has historically been very difficult due to lag time of software vendors and lack of specificity from SRWG to the requirements of the field. / YES

New Field – “Planning Coordinator”