Attendees: Pat Haldi, Jane Tiedt, Laura Wintersteen, Laurie Payne, Katrina Milecka, Carolyn Hudders, Shirley Vacanti, Linda Castine, Ron Kammer, Cindy Brinn, Mary Janci, Jennifer Beach, Sandy Sinnes, Kathy Magee, Chris Pelto, Becky Petty, Randy Elde


April 30, 2009

Purpose of the meeting-Pat Haldi / Introductions around the room
Old business / Minutes approved as read
Storage Container / We have a 5 by 5 by 8 storage unit located on Stoneway. If you have any boxes, etc to be stored please let Kathy know. We might need to think about costs and see if we really need this storage unit.
Recommendation was to restore all old pictures and scan them on the computer.
Suggestion made to scan the photos professionally. Linda read the copy of the storage of the official documents. (See policy of purging of policy files..last updated in 2002) / We need to do an inventory of what we will and will not store in this unit. Many notebooks, taxes need to be stored for seven years.
Table this until we have the new budget
New Business
Committee Reports
President-Pat Haldi / Next meeting is June18th.
President elect-Jennifer Beach / Do we want to put WADE on facebook?
Retreat is November 7th, time, place to be announced. / Jennifer will look into this to attract new members, for community outreach.
Newsletter-Martha Wells-Snyder / Not present
Webmaster-Ron Kammer / Passed out copy of what the website will look like. Please send photos of your staff at work to show the rest of WADE members. There was a concern about getting signatures if patient is put on the website. We can download videos, podcasts, etc.. Membership will be current with the date; if member wants to print it from the website they will be able to. / Please send photos if you have any to share. We will have photos under a column called “what’s new?”
Ron will look into the legality of acquiring pictures of patients.
Annual Meeting-Jane Tiedt / 204 registered as of yesterday, 25 vendors, 75 people attended the No Smoking pre-conference. Great speakers lined up!! We are excited about everything. Treasure Hunt with the vendors. We have hired a DJ for the after dinner party!
Treasurer-Kathy Magee / See attached
Legislation-Becky Petty/Shirley Vacanti / To keep track of everything is very exciting and very busy. (See Legislative Report) With Healthcare Reform everything is being looked at closely in DC. Becky and Shirley have been invited to DC. AADE is organizing two days for all the co-chairs to meet June 15, 16. They will be meeting with the legislatures to discuss the CDE as a billable person. Many topics are being looked at. CGMS is also on the docket. We will be bringing to the US Congress how swamped we all area. Shirley has asked us to fill out a form and we will send to Cantwell. We need our representation to be strong from WA state. / What does WADE want to do legislatively locally? We need to focus on this at the summer retreat.
Motion made to approve dollars to fly Becky and Shirley to the AADE Advocacy Workshop in DC.
Membership-Teri Carpentier/Susie Wang / We are going year to date with dues, etc.
Fiscal year of bylaws has to coincide with AADE. Do we need to vote on this at the annual meeting? / Pat will get the exact information and bring to the next board meeting.
Professional Ed-Jennifer Beach/Laura Wintersteen-Arleth / Setting up a program for prep for the CDE Exam through WSU. Projection is for Spring. We are hoping to have various sites via teleconference.
Public Awareness-Caroline Hudders/Teri Carpentier / See attached report
Research-Brenda Montgomery / (see attached report)
Member Benefits-Cindy Brinn / See attached report
Bylaws and historian-Linda Castine / Add category for student membership and add survey monkey for officer elections. We are not doing this at the general meeting as we have to send this out on line 30 days in advance. / Student membership fee of 10.00 will be added to bylaws. Motion made and approved.
Linda will send out the proposed bylaw changes via email, when approved by the board. Then Susie, Ron and Linda will set up the survey monkey to send out to members for voting.
DPCP Liaison-Jeanne Harmon / See attached report
Nominating-Randy Elde / Nominating process and election process will be explained on colored handouts and put on all the tables at business meeting.
Special Awards-Randy Elde / Randy will keep it close to the vest—shh!! It’s a secret
LeadershipTeamWashingtonStateLiaison for WADE / Chris Pelto was one of the original members and was asked to work again on this team. This group formed thru State Dept of Health. Started grass root coalitions. May 12th they will have their annual conference. They are looking at outcomes and will have more of a chronic disease model. Chris role is to be a liaison for WADE. She is still trying to figure out what our role will be. (see attached report)