Human Services
Advisory Council
September 9, 2011
Ginger Kelso Le’Ann Solmonson
Paige Mask Scott Whitney
Michael Munro Bill Weber
Chris Ninness Nagalapura Viswanath
Chair: Robbie Steward
Department of Human Services Statistics updates.
· During the 2010-11 fiscal year, this department was allocated only $500,000 less than the College of Forestry and Agriculture and was the 2nd highest funded department across all Colleges on campus. We were funded $2,378,063 and the Music Department was funded $2,407,153 ($29,090 less).
· This year we have 12 doctoral assistantships and 5 master’s level assistantships. This is more than any other department in the College of Education.
· This year, enrollment increased.
· This Fall, there was a decrease in requests for approval for small course enrollment.
Prog. Reports
· Counseling program admitted 20 students
· O&M started an Arkansas cohort
· School Psychology developed a contract with Wooten ISD for practicum/internships and established a connection with SFASU Charter School
· Career Planning Laboratory has been contracted to begin social, and emotional adjustment training to the unemployed
· Reh. Services has established a major/minor relationship with DHH and O&M.
· SPL and Spec. Educ. Have huge enrollments with classes meeting maximum limits.
· Statewide O&M/VI Conference this Fall.
· Autism Conference this Fall.
Depart./News from Chair
· Assessment Day Preparation (i.e., required attendance, extends beyond NCATE)
· Internl. student cohort (Dr. Steward has contacted the international student affairs office, developed a proposal for a cross-cultural counseling program (on-line hybrid) and began contacts with past students in India, S. Korea, Qutar, China, Taiwan, Turkey). Dr. Weber has proposed to the Dean an international connection committee. Dr. Solmonson asked about the possibility of developing a faculty exchange program during the summer.
· Veteran cohort—Dr. Steward has contacted the Registrar’s office to identify a roster of students who are veterans or currently enlisted in the military to contact them for interest in Counseling.
· Master Plan Committee—Dr. Steward noted faculty recommendations for campus and building
structural/architectural needs and forwarded the information to Perkins & Will reps along with space assessment.
· Department Chair’s mid-year review results were distributed and discussed (attached). Dr. Steward thanked faculty for the overall glowing affirmation and encouraged them to guide those few who are less pleased to her in hope of an opportunity for resolution.
Administrative Business requests
· Regularly check mailboxes and e-mail accounts.
· Set up voice mail.
· Remember the importance of attention to 12th day rosters.
· If relevant, faculty should now submit property removal forms.
· If relevant, faculty should now submit outside employment forms.
· Reassigned time forms should be completed and submitted electronically to the Chair for approval before forwarding to the Dean. The deadline is October 1 for requests for the Spring semester and July 1 for requests for the Fall. Requests should be considered in program directors’ early submission of course schedules.
· Bi-weekly Advisory Council meetings will be 10—noon on the following days: 9/22, 10/6, 10/21, 11/4, 11/17, 12/2.
· My communication regarding departmental news and messages from the Dean and upper administration will be directed only to programs directors, who will assume responsibility for notifying program faculty.
· Requests for faculty accomplishments and departmental highlights will continue, however, this year announcements will be simultaneously submitted to SFA Today.
· Request EPS 380 and SPE 329 instructors to reserve time for major/minor round-robin.
· Request EPS 380 and SPE 329 instructors to include extra credit for students’ participation in research beginning Spring 2012. IRB will be submitted after research team meeting, which will be scheduled in early October.
· LiveText Alert! Dr. Solmonson reported positively about “Desire 2 Learn”, which may replace Blackboard. She has also scheduled an appointment with Amanda Randolph for LiveText training. All program directors are encouraged to do so if needed.
· Student background check alert!
· Monthly leave reports….Congratulations to us!
· Weekly office hours (10), same reported to Bonnie, Whitney, & Donna, must also be posted visibly on office doors, too! This practice must be implemented before the Dean’s next visit soon to be scheduled.
· Paper use alert! (Course fee account peculiarities exist.)
· Southeastern Interdisciplinary Journal of Undergraduate Research: Papers and Pubs (01/09/2012;)
· Red Dot Departmental website update: request to submit names for online journal portal for students’ scholarship products. Please present proposals at next advisory council meeting.
· Curriculum Committee update (i.e., Clinical Practica/Internship Policy/Reh. Services-O&M collaboration). Dr. Solmonson recommended that we check the Board of Regents minutes for the approval status of proposals submitted last year.
· Perkins’ applications that do not comply to revised guidelines will be returned. Call for applications has not been posted by Dean, but I will keep you informed.
· Budget for the 2012 fiscal year has yet to be received.
New Business
· Identify strategies to decrease the frequency of course schedule and instructor name changes after the 1st day of classes.
Program faculty will review last year’s Spring schedule and small course enrollment and submit the final report with instructors, agreed upon times and room numbers, and sections to be deleted.
Program faculty will generate a list of ideas about how we might encourage students to enroll early and present these ideas during the next advisory council meeting.
· Identify strategies to decrease the need for requests for course syllabi and professional vitae.
Both will be due the first day of classes of each semester in PDF format. Syllabi will have no dates and vitae will be updated. Those who have not submitted and their program Director (copied) will be notified of those who do not submit no later than the 2nd day for classes.
Agenda items for future meetings
1. Can doctoral students provide services for other programs?
2. Will Desire 2 Learn interface with LiveText?
3. Is it worth the cost to engage in all of this data collection? Exactly what are the benefits to students, faculty and the university/
4. How might the institution change policies in a way to provide students with incentive for early enrollment?
2010-11 Department Chair Mid-Year Evaluation
Underline the appropriate number (i.e., 1=unsatisfactory to 7=Superior) or note Unknown on each of the following:
1. Leadership. Communicates departmental needs effectively, improves the departmental image, and attempts to meet individual and collective needs of faculty, staff, and students.
5XXX 3 14.28%
6XXXXXXX 7 33.33%
6.5X 1 4.76%
7XXXXXXXXX 9 42.85%
UnknownX 1 4.76%
2. Management Ability. Delegates effectively, makes appropriate decisions, handles administrative responsibilities efficiently and in a timely fashion, and plans for change.
3X 1 4.76%
5XX 2 9.52%
6XXXXXX 6 28.57%
6.5X 1 4.76%
7XXXXXXXXXX 10 47.62%
UnknownX 1 4.76%
3. Communication Skills. Shares appropriate information, consults the faculty/staff, welcomes faculty/staff ideas, explains decisions, gives faculty/staff appropriate credit about jobs well done, understands and communicates expectations of administrators.
3X 1 4.76%
4XX 2 9.52%
6XXXXX 5 23.81%
6.5X 1 4.76%
4. Personal Relations. Gets along with people, handles conflict, listens to all views, is honest, has positive relationships with the department faculty, staff, and students.
5X 1 4.76%
6XXXX 4 19.04%
6.5X 1 4.76%
5. Fairness. Treats faculty, staff, and students equally and equitably, is consistent, understands individual strengths and weaknesses of faculty.
4X 1 4.76%
5X 1 4.76%
6XXX 3 14.28%
6.5X 1 4.76%
6. Provides academic coordination for your department.
4X 1 5.00%
5XXX 3 15.00%
6XXXXX 5 25.00%
7XXXXXXXX 8 40.00%
UnknownXXX 3 15.00%
7. Provides administrative coordination for your department (i.e., establishing pattern of agenda based faculty meetings for information dissimilation, identification of concerns and problem-solving).
4X 1 4.76%
5X 1 4.76%
6XXXXXXX 7 33.33%
7XXXXXXXXX 9 42.85%
UnknownXXX 3 14.28%
8. Fosters an environment within the department which enhances individual growth and development.
3X 1 4.76%
4XX 2 9.52%
5X 1 4.76%
6XXXXXXXX 8 38.10%
6.5X 1 4.76%
7XXXXXXX 7 33.33%
UnknownX 1 4.76%
9. Listens to faculty/staff input before submitting course schedules to the dean.
4X 1 5.00%
5X 1 5.00%
6XXXXXXXX 8 40.00%
6.5X 1 5.00%
7XXXXXXXXX 9 45.00%
10. Writes thoughtful, thorough evaluations of departmental members applying for retention/ promotion and faculty/staff annual reviews.
4X 1 4.76%
5X 1 4.76%
6XXXXX 5 23.80%
7XXXXXX 6 28.57%
UnknownXXXXXXXX 8 38.09%
11. Advocates for this department to the administration.
2X 1 4.76%
6XXXXX 5 23.80%
UnknownXX 2 9.52%
12. Completes departmental paperwork in a timely fashion.
3X 1 4.76%
6XXXX 4 19.05%
6.5X 1 4.76%
7XXXXXXXX 8 38.09%
UnknownXXXXXXX 7 33.33%
13. Provides leadership in curricular examination.
3X 1 5.26%
6XXXX 4 21.05%
6.5X 1 5.26%
7XXXXXX 6 31.57%
UnknownXXXXXXX 7 36.84%
14. Provides leadership in departmental assessment.
3X 1 5.00%
6XXXXXX 6 30.00%
7XXXXXX 6 30.00%
UnknownXXXXXXX 7 35.00%
15. Provides leadership in campus-wide student recruitment activities, promoting the department to prospective students (i.e., Showcase Saturdays, Parents’ Day, Orientations).
5XX 2 9.52%
6XXXX 4 19.04%
UnknownXX 2 9.57%
16. Addresses faculty conflict within the department when it occurs.
3X 1 5.00%
5X 1 5.00%
6XXX 3 15.00%
7XXXXXXXX 8 40.00%
UnknownXXXXXXX 7 35.00%
17. Addresses faculty-student conflict within the department when it occurs.
2X 1 4.76%
5X 1 4.76%
6XXXXX 5 23.81%
7XXXXXXXX 8 38.09%
UnknownXXXXXX 6 28.57%
18. Responsibly attends to and informs faculty of issues related to the departmental budget and use of funds.
3X 1 4.76%
6XXXXXX 6 28.57%
UnknownX 1 4.76%
19. Is accessible for program and individual meetings.
5XX 2 9.52%
6XXXXX 5 23.81%
20. Overall evaluation.
3X 1 5.00%
5X 1 5.00%
6XXXXX 5 25.00%
6.5X 1 5.00%
Please use the space below for additional comments.
Dr. Steward does a very good job of acknowledging faculty contributions and accomplishments. Email communications could be more concise and only sent to the individuals to which they apply. She has done an effective job of trying to improve the image of the department. There are times in which her communication regarding the image of the department has a negative impact on morale.
Dr. Steward has been effective in her first year as Chair. In her efforts to make improvements, she initially overwhelmed the faculty in attempting to make too many changes too quickly. She is open and responsive to faculty feedback.
I appreciate all that you do.
Thank you!
Comment on #13 – Circular?? I think so. Is this a good thing?
Best Chair we have ever had! And then some.
Robbie, you rate more than a 7 in all these categories – you are an amazing Chair, a breath of fresh air after the series we have had lately, and I have been consistently impressed by your professionalism, good humor, and big heart and brain. We SO need an effective person in that position!
Dr. Steward has always presented herself with the highest level of professionalism. I appreciate her openness, her vision for our department and the university, as well as her collaborative spirit. She has the potential to bring our department to a whole new level. I view her as fair, ethical, intelligent, and hardworking. She is an excellent mentor and role model, and I have found her presence here to be a refreshing change. We couldn’t have selected a better person to serve as Chair of the Department of Human Services. Kudos to Dr. Steward and the committee who selected her for her current position!
As an adjunct, I have not had the opportunity to engage with you as much as your full time faculty. I am unable to provide an appropriate response to many of the items above. Based on our conversation during the review of my evaluation, I do feel as though the management style you exhibited during the conversation carries over to other duties that are currently under your leadership. The conversation left me with the impression you listen to what your faculty has to say and are willing to develop solutions to solve problems. Your comments seemed very proactive in nature. I felt at ease speaking with you and your evaluation was fair.
Dr. Steward has been a great leader. She is professional, diplomatic, concerned, positive, firm and a good communicator. I appreciate what she has done for our program and our department. She has my trust and my respect.
I have been so pleased with your leadership, knowledge, interest in our program and ability to problem solve and resolve/help resolve conflicts on all levels. I am proud to work for someone of your caliber and integrity. Keep up the good work! I don’t know how you do all that you do!
Comment on #6 – academic coordination not needed
Comment on #13 – curricular content experts are in programs
Comment on #13 - ?
The “unknowns” are just that. I have not had an experience with you in those categories. Based on what I know in the other areas, I would expect that these scores would also fall into the 6 or 7 range. It is a welcoming relief to have a Chair that seeks answers to your questions rather than answering without knowledge. It has been a very fast paced year and I feel you have done an outstanding job. You worked hard and learned all you could as fast as you could. I am personally glad to have you as our department Chair!
You have done a great job as department Chair this year. You(r) psychology background has helped you deal with issues in our program and helping us problem solve. Your door is always open and I appreciate that.
Results were uploaded in TracDat and submitted to the Dean and Provost as a mid-year review. Results and strategies to attend to the feedback will be presented during the first departmental advisory council meeting during Fall 2011.