Chapter 5BLab Assignment
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Name ______
Lab - Chapter 5B
Objectives:At the end of this assignment you should be able to:
- use a switch statement
- convert a while loop to a do-while loop
- convert a do-while loop to a while loop
- convert a while loop to a for loop
- convert a for loop to a while loop
- convert a for loop to a do-while loop
Part 1: From the C++ compiler open an existing C++ program. The name of the program isCounting.
- Debug the program so that the code will count the number of each type of punctuation mark in the file.
- Compile and run the program
- Add the code that also counts blank spaces.
Save a copy of the program and its output.
Part 2: Make sure that the sample output includes loop termination.
a.Type the following code segment in a C++ program. Declare variables as needed. Run the program to make sure it gives correct output. Now rewrite the loop using a do-while loop instead of a while loop. You should not have any unnecessary code in your program. When your modified program produces the sameresult,savethe program and some sample output.
cout < “Enter 1, 2, or 3: ”; < endl;
cin > response;
while (response != 1 & response != 2 & response != 3)
cout < “Enter 1, 2, or 3: “; < endl;
cin > response;
b.Type the following code segment in a C++ program. Declare variables as needed. Run the program to make sure it gives correct output. Now rewrite the loop using a while loop instead of a do-while loop. When your modified program produces the sameresult,savethe program and some sample output.
cout < “Enter an integer “ < endl;
cin > intNumber;
if (cin)
cout < intNumber < endl;
cout < “Enter an integer “ < endl;
cin > intNumber;
} while (cin);
cout < “Processing is terminated” < endl;
c.Type the following code segment in a C++ program. Declare variables as needed. Run the program to make sure it gives correct output. Now rewrite the loop using using a for loop instead of a while loop. When your modified program produces the same result,save the program and its output. You should not have any unnecessary code in your new program.
sum = 0;
count = 1;
while (count <= 1000)
sum = sum + count;
cout < “The sum is “ < sum < endl;
cout < “The count is “ < count < endl;
d.Type the following code segment in a C++ program. Declare variables as needed. Run the program to make sure it gives correct output. Now rewrite the loopusing a while loop instead of a for loop. When your modified program produces the same result,savethe program and its output.
for (m = 23; m >= 5; m--)
cout < m < ‘ ‘ < m * m < endl;
e.Type the following code segment in a C++ program. Declare variables as needed. Run the program to make sure it gives correct output. Now rewrite the loop usinga do-while loop instead of a for loop. When your modified program produces the same result,save the program and its output.
for (k = 9; k <= 21; k++)
cout < k < ‘ ‘ < 3 * k < endl;
When you have completed the entire lab, you should e-mail the assignment to me. The subject line should be – C++ CHAP5B LAB
The followingthirteen files should be attached to the email
This assignment with your name
Program for Lab5B-Part 1 and its output file
Program for Lab5B-Part2-a and its output file
Program for Lab5B-Part2-b and its output file
Program for Lab5B-Part2-c and its output file
Program for Lab5B-Part2-d and its output file
Program for Lab5B-Part2-e and its output file