Illness and Medication at School


Students who become ill at school will be directed to the school nurse to determine if the student needs to go home. The student must be dismissed through the principal’s office. Students will not be sent home unless they are running a temperature of at least 100 degrees, vomiting, diarrhea, any unusual or unexplained rash, and any communicable disease or have sustained an injury needing medical attention.

If a student MUST take medication, herbal supplements or “performance enhancement supplements” at school for health reasons, the student will need to obtain a medication form from the school nurse to be filled out by the student’s physician or a written doctor’s order sent by your physician. The following information must be included:

  1. Student’s name
  2. Date
  3. Name of the medication, herbal supplements or “performance enhancement supplements”
  4. Dosage and time to be given
  5. Signature of the physician prescribing the medication, herbal supplements or “performance enhancement supplements”

Prescription medication, herbal supplements or “performance enhancement supplements” should be in the original container to insure cleanliness and accuracy in the administration of the medication, herbal supplements or “performance enhancement supplements.” MEDICATION, HERBAL SUPPLEMENTS OR “PERFORMANCE ENHANCEMENT SUPPLEMENTS” WILL NOT BE GIVEN UNLESS THE PHYSICIAN ESPECIALLY PRESCRIBES IT FOR THAT PERSON. ONLY prescription medication, herbal supplements or “performance enhancement supplements” will be administered or stored in the school health office. NO over-the-counter medication, herbal supplements or “performance enhancement supplements” (including cough medicine or any non-prescription medication) will be given unless it is prescribed by a physician. ALL medication, herbal supplements or “performance enhancement supplements” MUST be delivered to school by the parent/guardian and any “extra” MUST be picked up by the parent/guardian. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCE WILL STUDENTS BE ALLOWED TO TRANSPORT MEDICATION, HERBAL SUPPLEMENTS OR “PERFORMANCE ENHANCEMENT SUPPLEMENTS”TO AND FROM SCHOOLThe Administration of Medication, Herbal Supplements or “Performance Enhancement Supplements”to Students permission form must be completed and signed by the parent/guardian.

Students who are unable to participate in P.E. or go outside during recess due to health reasons, must bring a note from home or the physician before they will be excused from participating in P.E. or following routine daily procedure which includes outside play. STAYING IN FROM RECESS WILL ONLY BE ALLOWED IF A NOTE IS BROUGHT, AND THEN ONLY FOR HEALTH REASONS. We will go outdoors for recess if the temperature is 32 degrees or above. Please dress your child accordingly (coats, hats, gloves, etc.).

For your student to have an excused absence, you must provide the school with a written physician’s excuse for the days they were absent.

Periodic head checks will be done for lice and nits. Any student found with nits or lice will be sent home until they are treated and ALL nits are removed. Students must be rechecked by the school nurse before being allowed to return to class.

Any student, which has been diagnosed with a contagious disease, will need to stay home until the student is fever free for twenty-four hours and have a written consent from the physician allowing them to return to school.