Juutinen Finni CV 31.10.2017

Brief Curriculum Vitae of Taija Juutinen Finni

Taija Juutinen (official name), Taija Finni (name used in scientifc conduct), born on 30.7.1972. Residence: Jyväskylä, Finland. Female.

ResearcherID: / F-6544-2014
URL: / http://www.researcherid.com/rid/F-6544-2014
ORCID: / http://orcid.org/0000-0002-7697-2813


·  Ph.D. in Biomechanics at University of Jyväskylä. 18.12.2001. “Muscle Mechanics during Human Movement Revealed by In Vivo Measurements of Tendon Force and Muscle Length” Grade: eximia cum laude approbatur.

·  M.Sc. in Exercise Physiology at University of Jyväskylä, Finland. 2.10.2001.

·  M.Sc. in Biomechanics at University of Jyväskylä, Finland. 28.8.1997. Grade: eximia cum laude approbatur.

Title of Docent in Exercise Physiology at University of Eastern Finland, Faculty of Medicine. 1.7.2006.

Current employment: Professor of Kinesiology at the Department of Biology of Physical Activity, University of Jyväskylä 1.7.2010-

Grants and Research Funding (selected)

·  Children’s physical activity spectrum: daily variations in physical activity and sedentary patterns related to school indoor physical environment (CHIPASE) 2017-2020, 315000€, Ministry of Education and Culture. Role: PI.

·  Sensor fusion for kinesiology research (OpenKin) 1.9.2015 - 31.12.2019. Academy of Finland, Research Council for Natural Sciences and Engineering. 86 169€ Role: Consortium partner. PI Prof. Robert Piche.

·  Acute responses when reducing sitting time: practical relevance and challenges. Rehabilitation Centre Peurunka and University of Jyväskylä 2015. 10 000€. Role: PI.

·  Minimizing inactivity periods and increasing non-exercise physical activity in parents and their young children. Ministry of Education and Culture 2011-2013, 315000€. Role: PI.

Supervisor for Ph.D. (Main supervisor when bolded)

·  Milan Sedliak. Neuromuscular and hormonal adaptation to resistance training: Special effects of time of day of training. University of Jyväskylä. Defended on 6.5.2009.

·  Olli Tikkanen. Estimation of physiological loading during exercise and normal daily life. University of Jyväskylä. Defended on 1.10.2014.

·  Jussi Peltonen. Recovery of nervous system from stretch-shortening cycle exercise. University of Jyväskylä. Defended on 1.10.2014.

·  Tahir Masood. Calf muscle activation strategies in healthy, Achilles tendinopathy and Achilles tendon rupture conditions. University of Jyväskylä. Defended on 12.5.2015.

·  Arto Laukkanen. Family-based tailored intervention to increase physical activity: Association to physical activity and motor skills in 4-6 years old children. University of Jyväskylä. Defended on 15.4.2016.

·  Lauri Stenroth M.Sc. Function and adaptation of Achilles tendon and plantar flexors to physical activity. University of Jyväskylä. Defended on 2.9.2016.

·  Arto Pesola, M.Sc. Reducing sitting time in sedentary workers: effects of a year-long RCT on physical activity and health. University of Jyväskylä. Defended 16.12.2017.

·  Tuomas Kari, M.Sc. Exergaming as physical activity - motivational and usefulness factors. Co-supervisor. University of Jyväskylä. Defense on 11.2.2017.

·  Gao Ying, M.Sc. Ergonomic interventions on sedentary behavior in office workers – reducing sitting time in the workplace. Estimated time of defense September 2017, University of Jyväskylä.

Ph.D. students currently under supervision

·  András Hegyi M.Sc. Fascicle length behavior of the biceps femoris muscle during high injury risk tasks and its impact on hamstring strain injuries. Estimated time of defense 2019, University of Jyväskylä. Co-supervisor.

·  Annamária Péter M.Sc. Discrepancies in the function of FHL and its effects on the kinetics and kinematics of walking and jogging in normal and flatfoot individuals. Estimated time of defense 2019, University of Jyväskylä. Co-supervisor.

·  Donna Sääkslahti, M.Sc. Intrinsic and extrinsic factors associated with children’s motor competence. Started in Aug 2015. Main supervisor.

·  Dmitriy Bondarev, M.Sc. Role of psychological characteristics and physical activity in neuromuscular functioning among middle-aged women. Started 1.9.2016. Co-supervisor.

·  Pedro Valadao, M.Sc. Effects of increased physical activity on neuromechanical, cardiorespiratory and metabolic characteristics of children with cerebral palsy. Started 21.11.2016. Main supervisor.


·  Award by Ellen and Artturi Nyyssönen foundation in recognition of credits in research, 2015.

·  Finalist (5th) for Promising Young Scientist Award by International Society of Biomechanics, 2005

·  Academia Europaean Arnold Burgen Scholar, 2004

·  Finalist for UCLA Chancellor’s Award for Postdoctoral Research, 2003.

·  Finalist for Calgary Award in Congress of International Society of Biomechanics, 1999.

·  European College of Sport Science Young Investigators Award, 1st prize, 1998.

Editor and reviewer in journals

·  Senior Section Editor, Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports 2016- (Section Editor 2007-2015)

·  Member of Editorial Board, Clinical Biomechanics 2010-

·  Member of Editorial Board, Translational Sports Medicine 2017-

·  Reviewed 60 manuscripts to 15 different scientific journals

·  Scientific editor, Studies in Sport, Physical Education and Health, University of Jyväskylä 2012-

Invited presentations at international conferences (selected)

·  Silence of the Muscles: Investigation of daily physical activity using electromyography. 8th Annual Meeting of Danish Society of Biomechanics, 7.10.2016, Denmark. Keynote lecture.

·  Muscle-tendon structure and function - what is new? Keynote lecture. International Conference of Polish Society of Biomechanics“BIOMECHANICS 2014”. Lodz, Poland. 1.9.2014.

·  The neurotic story of tendon. Keynote lecture. 37th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics, Omaha, Nebraska. September 4-7. 2013.

·  Muscle-tendon mechanics and energetics during walking, running and jumping. Keynote lecture. 30th Conference of International Society of Biomechanics in Sports, Melbourne, 2-6 July, 2012.

·  Muscle-tendon architecture and function. Keynote lecture at the Congress of International Society of Biomechanics, Brussels 2011.

Positions of trust in society

·  European College of Sport Science, Fellow & Member of Scientific Committee 2012-

·  International Society of Biomechanics, elected council member 2015-2019.

·  Finnish Society of Sport Sciences. Member of executive board 2016-2017, vice member of the executive board 2010-2015.

Research visits abroad

·  Vrij Universitet Amsterdam 1.-31.10.2016

·  University of Queensland, Australia: 29.1.-26.3.2016 and 5.-23.7.2012.

·  University of Copenhagen, Denmark: 4.-5.4.2016, 12.11.-14.11.2007.

·  University of California, Los Angeles, USA: 21.10.-4.11.2007, 1.1.2002-31.12.2003.

Inventor in a patent “Method in MRI-imaging and MRI apparatus with a triggering device. US Patent, publication number US2008/0004522 A1.

Research and its impact

I have two main research lines: Research on muscle-tendon structure and function and Research on the significance of daily muscle activity and inactivity. I have total of 84 peer-reviewed publications in international scientific journals and over 100 congress abstracts. My H-index is 25 (ISI web of science) or 28 (Google Scholar). My articles have been cited over 1600 times with the most cited one having over 100 citations:

·  Finni T, Komi PV, Lukkariniemi J. (1998) Achilles Tendon Loading During Walking: Application of the Novel Optic Fiber Technique. European Journal of Applied Physiology 77, 289-291.

·  Finni T, Hodgson JA, Lai A, Edgerton VR, Sinha S. (2003) Nonuniform strain of human soleus aponeurosis-tendon complex during submaximal voluntary contractions in vivo. Journal of Applied Physiology 95:2,829-837.

·  Finni T, Komi PV, Lepola V. (2000) In vivo human triceps surae and quadriceps femoris muscle function in squat jump, counter movement jump and hopping. European Journal of Applied Physiology 83, 416-426.

Selected articles related to significance of daily muscle activity and inactivity:

·  Finni T, Haakana P, Pesola AJ, Pullinen T (2014) Exercise for fitness does not decrease the muscular inactivity time during normal daily life. Scand J Med Sci Sport 24(1):211-9.

·  Pesola AJ, Laukkanen A, Haakana P, Havu M, Sääkslahti A, Sipilä S, Finni T. (2014) Muscle inactivity and activity patterns after sedentary-time targeted RCT. Med Sci Sports Exerc 46,11: 2122-2131.

·  Pesola AJ, Laukkanen A, Tikkanen O, Sipilä S, Kainulainen H, Finni T. (2015) Muscle inactivity is adversely associated with biomarkers in physically active adults. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 47 (6), 1188-1196.

·  Pesola AJ, Laukkanen A, Heikkinen R, Sipilä S, Sääkslahti A, Finni T. (2017) Accelerometer-assessed sedentary work, leisure time and cardio-metabolic biomarkers during one year: effectiveness of a cluster randomized controlled trial in parents with a sedentary occupation and young children. Plos ONE 12(8):e0183299.

In the recent years my two PhD students have been in panels making national recommendations for avoiding inactivity (Arto Pesola, expert member in a working group for Finnish sedentary behaviour recommendations, appointed by Finnish Ministry of Social Affairs and Health) and children’s physical activity recommendations (Arto Laukkanen, specialist working group member, appointed by Ministry of Education and Culture).