Worth CPT Limited
trading as Worth Community Property Trust
Industrial and Provident Society No. 30141 R
Annual report for the year ending 31st March 2012 /
/ B


This report covers the period from April 2011 to the end of the financial year at the end of March 2012.

Board’s report on the affairs of the Society from April 2011 to April 2012

This year work proved to be another exceptional year on the archaeology front. East Dorset Antiquarian Society have continued working on the site and found 27 burials – probably from the dark ages. They found these in part of the site where we previously thought there was no archaeology. This meant that the volunteers had to work long hours in some pretty rough weather to excavate the burials as quickly as possible to avoid holding up the building work. The skeletons have been sent off for analysis and will eventually be reburied close to their original positions.

This year also saw, at last, the construction of the five affordable and eco-friendly homes. They really are stunning. The Board completed nominations to all five properties,

Board’s statement of the values and objectives of the Society

Worth CPT ‘By the community, for the community’

The Trust is a not-for-profit community controlled organisation that will own, develop and manage local assets for the benefit of the local community.

The following rules are legally binding and are an extract from our constitution

“The Society is formed for the benefit of the community. Its objects shall be to carry on for the benefit of the community of the Parish of Worth Matravers the business of acquiring, holding, developing and leasing land and property for permanently affordable housing and asset based community development and the business of securing the maintenance, improvement and creation of: amenities for the community; and the wellbeing of those who live and work in the community; and to enable people to build thriving, inclusive communities through the democratic ownership and stewardship of land and other assets.

The Society shall seek in the delivery of its objects to acquire and retain interests in land and property within the area of the community and to actively manage such ownership to: retain asset value for the benefit of the community; maximise asset value for the benefit of the community; and recycle any gains made in dealing with the assets for the benefit of the community.

The Society shall not trade for profit.

Nothing shall be paid or transferred by way of profit nor by distribution of assts to members of the Society”

Management of the Trust

The Trust is managed by a Board. Our Board members are elected annually from the members of the Trust. The board can consist of up to 12 people (including co-optees). Members of the Trust vote people on to the board. Except for co-optees, board members must be members of the Trust. Each different group of Trust members (resident, community and stakeholder) votes up to three members from its group onto the board.

The board members for the period covered in this report are:

Stakeholder members:

Fiona Brown (Purbeck District Council), Bob Kenyon, Joyce Meates (Worth Parish Council)

Community members:

Bridget Downton, John Hynan, Ian Bugler (part year)

Co-opted members:

Fiona Astin, Neil Hardy, Bob Hurst,

Resident members:

Mark Norman, Lucy Shergold, Justin Warren (part year)

Current obligations of the board members to the board and the Society

There are a number of board members with specific responsibilities that are set out in our constitution. These include the chair and secretary. We also have a number of board members who take specific responsibility for things like our accounts and keeping our registers of members up to date. These people are:

Chair – Bob Kenyon

Secretary – Bridget Downton

Treasurer and accounts – Bob Hurst

Membership registers – Neil Hardy

Statement of the skills, qualities and experience required by the board

Our board members need to be committed to our values and objectives set out above. In addition, the board ideally contains people with the following key skills, qualities and experience:

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Worth CPT Limited
trading as Worth Community Property Trust
Industrial and Provident Society No. 30141 R
Annual report for the year ending 31st March 2012 /
/ B
  • Financial
  • Legal
  • Business planning
  • Project management
  • Fundraising
  • Administration including website management
  • Events organisation / management
  • Communication skills
  • IT skills
  • Networking skills
  • Local knowledge (people and places)
  • Local history and archaeology

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Worth CPT Limited
trading as Worth Community Property Trust
Industrial and Provident Society No. 30141 R
Annual report for the year ending 31st March 2012 /
/ B

Policy for admitting new members

Introduction and general requirements

Worth Community Property Trust will open membership of the trust to all residents of the Parish of Worth Matravers. It will widely publicise the method of becoming a member and encourage all within the community to become a member.

Members will be required to pay a £10 fee for membership and will in return receive one share in the Trust.

Members may also be required to pay an annual subscription fee and that will be decided, and may be varied from time to time, by the Board.

Definitions of the 3 types of membership

Community membership will be open to all residents of the Parish of Worth Matravers. This will include those living permanently in the Parish, those owning second homes in the Parish and those renting accommodation for the purpose of living in the Parish. It will exclude those renting holiday accommodation for the purpose of having a holiday in the area.

Stakeholder membership will be limited to a maximum of five stakeholders at any one time so that the Stakeholder role of ‘constitutional custodian’ can be maintained. Three stakeholder members will be reserved for Purbeck District Council, Worth Matravers Parish Council and Worth Matravers Parochial Church Council or their succeeding bodies. The Board shall approve up to two other stakeholder members at any time.

Resident membership will be open to residents or tenants of Worth Community Property Trust properties. This may include affordable houses, business units or other properties that the Trust may acquire.

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