Medium term Plan for SummerYear 3

NB: HAT = Hamilton Assessment Tracker

There is an additional investigation or problem-solving activity for each week, plus some links to suitable websites for other possible activities.

Week / Main focus of teaching and activities each day / Starter / Outcomes of each day
1 / Place Value and number
Day 1: Partition and represent 3-digit numbers using Place Value cards and multi-base equipment (Dienes).
Day 2: Order and compare 3-digit numbers, place on an ENL, find a number between.
Day 3: Place 3-digit numbers on landmarked lines (sections with 10s, then just 100s marked) and round to the nearest 10 and 100.
Day 4:Place value in money, writing in pounds and pence.
Day 5:Use place value to add and subtract pounds, 10ps and 1ps, e.g. £4.63 – 60p and £3.49 + 30p.
Guess my number
NRICH link: Round the three dice / Day 1: Starter – Count in steps of 100.
Day 2: Starter – Multiply and divide by 10.
Day 3: Starter – Months of the year.
Day 4: Starter – Measure a line in centimetres.
Day 5: Starter – Count in steps of 20. / Place Value and number
Day 1: 1. Say what each digit represents in a 3-digit number.
2. Use equipment to represent 3-digit numbers.
Day 2: 1. Place 3-digit numbers on an empty number line.
2. Compare pairs of 3-digit numbers and find a number in between.
Day 3: 1. Round 3-digit numbers to the nearest 10 or 100.
Day 4: 1. Know what each digit in an amount between £1 and £10 stands for.
2. Make ordered lists to help with an investigation.
Day 5: 1. Use place value to add and subtract pounds, 10ps and 1ps, e.g. £4.63 – 60p and £3.49 + 30p.
HAT outcomes 1, 2 (2nd part), 3 (PV), 5, 6 and 32 (PV in £p)
2 / Addition and subtraction
Day 1: Revise using expanded and compact addition to add any pair of 3-digit numbers.
Day 2: Use compact addition to add pairs of 3-digit numbers, estimate totals.
Day 3: Use compact addition to add any pair of 3-digit numbers; look for patterns and make generalisations.
Day 4:Revise using Frog to subtract 2-digit numbers from 3-digit numbers, e.g. 137 – 72.
Day 5:Revise using Frog to subtract 3-digit numbers within same century, e.g. 476 – 438.
Age guessing trick / Day 1: Starter – Know total of any pair of single-digit numbers.
Day 2: Starter – Round 3-digit numbers to nearest 10 and 100.
Day 3: Starter – Add three single-digit numbers.
Day 4: Starter – Adding to next 10.
Day 5: Starter – Match digital and analogue times. / Addition and subtraction
Day 1: 1. Use compact addition to add any pair of 3-digit numbers.
Day 2: 1. Use compact addition to add any pair of 3-digit numbers.
2. Round to the nearest 10 or 100 to estimate totals.
Day 3: 1. Use compact addition to add any pair of 3-digit numbers.
2. Look for patterns and make generalisations.
Day 4: 1. Use Frog to subtract 2-digit numbers from 3-digit numbers, e.g. 137 – 72.
Day 5: 1. Use Frog to subtract pairs of numbers within the same century, e.g. 472 – 427.
2. Look for patterns and make generalisations.
HAT outcomes 11, 12, 13 and 14
3 / Multiplication and Division
Day 1:Revise doubling numbers to 50 using partitioning.
Day 2:Revise halving numbers to 100 using partitioning.
Day 3: Revise times tables and division facts (1x, 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x, 8x, 10x).
Day 4:Begin to use the grid method to multiply 2-digit numbers (teens) by 1-digit numbers.
Day 5: Begin to use the grid method to multiply 2-digit numbers (numbers < 30) by 1-digit numbers; Find and test rules.
18 times table – wow!
NRICH link: Times table shifts / Day 1: Starter – Add 1-digit numbers to 2-digit numbers.
Day 2: Starter – × and ÷ by 10 and 100.
Day 3: Starter – 3 and 4 times table.
Day 4: Starter – Single digit numbers x 20.
Day 5: Starter – 30 times table. / Multiplication and Division
Day 1: 1. Double numbers to 50 using partitioning.
Day 2: 1. Halve numbers to 100 using partitioning.
Day 3: 1. Know times tables and division facts (1x, 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x, 8x, 10x).
Day 4: 1. Begin to use the grid method to multiply 2-digit numbers (teens). by 1-digit numbers.
Day 5: 1. Begin to use the grid method to multiply 2-digit numbers (numbers < 30) by 1-digit numbers.
2. Find and test rules.
HAT outcomes 15, 16, 17, 19, 20 and 21 (solve problems)
4 / Measures and data
Day 1: Measure in litres and millilitres and convert between the two units.
Day 2: Revise measuring in millimetres and centimetres, draw a bar chart.
Day 3: Revise measuring in metres and centimetres, find perimeters.
Day 4:Revise am and pm; Begin to tell the time to the nearest minute.
Day 5:Tell time to nearest minute; Compare time durations.
Litre challenge / Day 1: Starter – Units of time.
Day 2: Starter – Convert litres to millilitres and vice versa.
Day 3: Starter – Convert centimetres to metres and vice versa.
Day 4: Starter – Match digital and analogue times.
Day 5: Starter – Months of the year. / Measures and data
Day 1: 1. Measure in multiples of 100 millilitres.
2. Convert between whole/half litres and millilitres.
Day 2: 1. Measure in millimetres.
2. Draw a bar chart where one square represents 2 units.
Day 3: 1. Measure perimeters of 2D shapes to the nearest centimetre.
Day 4: 1. Understand am and pm.
2. Tell the time to nearest minute.
Day 5: 1. Compare time durations.
HAT outcomes 28 (measure & compare capacity), 30, 31, 33, 35 and 36 (bar chart)
5 / Addition and subtraction
Day 1: Add three or four 2-digit numbers using expanded or compact addition.
Day 2: Add three or four 2-digit numbers using compact addition; estimate answers.
Day 3: Add three or four 2-digit numbers using compact addition; Find and test rules.
Day 4:Use Frog to help calculate change from £5, £10 and £20.
Day 5:Use frog to find the difference between amounts of money.
Step change
NRICH link: Three neighbours / Day 1: Starter – Add 4 single-digit numbers.
Day 2: Starter – Add multiples of 10.
Day 3: Starter – Subtract single-digit numbers.
Day 4: Starter – Pairs with total of 10.
Day 5: Starter – Pairs with a total of 100. / Addition and subtraction
Day 1: 1. Add three or four 2-digit numbers using expanded or compact addition.
Day 2: 1. Add three or four 2-digit numbers using compact addition.
2. Use rounding to estimate totals.
Day 3: 1. Add three or four 2-digit numbers using compact addition.
2. Find and test rules.
Day 4: 1. Use Frog (counting up) to help calculate change from £5, £10 and £20.
Day 5: 1. Use Frog (counting up) to find the difference between amounts of money.
HAT outcomes 11, 13 (estimate), 14 and 32 (subtract, find change)
6 / Place Value
Day 1: Count in 50s and 100s.
Day 2: Count in 4s and 8s.
Day 3: Work out the rule for a sequence.
Day 4:Introduce 4-digit numbers, counting above 1000.
Day 5:Place value in numbers from 1000 to 2000.
Dog chews
NRICH link: Mobile numbers / Day 1: Starter – Count in 100s.
Day 2: Starter – Odd and even numbers.
Day 3: Starter –Count back in 3s.
Day 4: Starter – Add and subtract multiples of 10/100.
Day 5: Starter – Add and subtract multiples of 10p. / Place value
Day 1: 1. Count in steps of 50 or 100 from any number up to 1000.
Day 2: 1. Count in steps of 4 or 8 from 4 and 8.
2. Identify patterns.
Day 3: 1. Find and test rules for sequences (counting up or down in a consistent step).
Day 4: 1. Count in 1s beyond 1000.
Day 5: 1. Begin to understand place value in numbers between 1000 and 2000.
HAT outcomes 3 (PV in 4-digit nos), 4 (4s, 8s, 50s, 100s) and 5
Week / Main focus of teaching and activities each day / Starter / Outcomes of each day
7 / Multiplication and division
Day 1: Scale up by multiplying by 4 (double twice) and by 10
Day 2: Scale down by dividing by 4 (halve twice) and by 10
Day 3: Divide numbers just beyond the times tables (no remainders)
Day 4:Divide numbers just beyond the times tables (no remainders)
Day 5:Divide numbers just beyond the times tables (with remainders)
Threes and fours / Day 1: Starter – Double numbers to 50
Day 2: Starter – Halve even numbers to 100
Day 3: Starter – Division facts for the 3 and 4 times tables
Day 4: Starter – 8 times table
Day 5: Starter – Find a time later / Multiplication and division
Day 1: 1. Scale up by multiplying by 4 (double twice) and by 10
Day 2: 1. Scale down by dividing by 4 (halve twice) and by 10
Day 3: 1 Divide numbers just beyond the 3, 4 and 5 times tables (no remainders).
Day 4: 1. Divide numbers just beyond the times tables (no remainders)
Day 5: 1. Divide numbers just beyond the 3, 4, 5 and 8 times tables (with remainders)
HAT outcomes 16, 20 and 21 (scaling)
8 / Shape, measures and data
Day 1: Recognise that two right angles make a half-turn, three make three quarters of a turn and four a complete turn
Day 2: Identify whether angles are greater than or less than a right angle
Day 3:Identify horizontal, vertical, perpendicular and parallel lines
Day 4: Count faces, vertices and edges of 3D shapes
Day 5:Revise units of time
My square not yours
NRICH link: A puzzling cube / Day 1: Starter – Add multiples of ten
Day 2: Starter – Multiply and divide by 10 on a PV grid
Day 3: Starter – Match digital and analogue times, revise am and pm
Day 4: Starter – 3D shapes
Day 5: Starter – Months of the year / Shape, measures and data
Day 1: 1. Recognise that two right angles make a half-turn, three make three quarters of a turn and four a complete turn
Day 2: 1. Identify whether angles are greater than or less than a right angle
Day 3: 1. Sort shapes according to whether they have parallel lines, perpendicular lines or both.
2. Recognise horizontal and vertical lines.
Day 4: 1. Count faces, vertices and edges of 3D shapes.
Look for patterns and generalise
Day 5: 1. Know units of time and the relationship between them
HAT outcomes 34 (convert units), 37 (3D), 38 and 39
Week / Main focus of teaching and activities each day / Starter / Outcomes of each day
9 / Fractions
Day 1: Understand tenths, and find tenths of amounts
Day 2: Fractions as numbers and as operators; find unit fractions of quantities
Day 3: Find non-unit fractions of amounts
Day 4:Find fractions which are equivalent to ½ and to ¼
Day 5:Add and subtract fractions with the same denominator within one whole
Greedy guzzler
NRICH link: Dividing a cake / Day 1: Starter – Multiply and divide by 10
Day 2: Starter – Halve even numbers to 100
Day 3: Starter – Division facts for 3 times table
Day 4: Starter – Place fractions on a line
Day 5: Starter – Fractions with a total of 1 / Fractions
Day 1: 1. Understand the concept of tenths
2. Find one tenth, then several tenths of multiples of 10
Day 2: 1. Understand fractions as numbers and as operators
2. Find unit fractions of amounts
Day 3: 1. Find non-unit fractions of amounts
Day 4: 1. Find fractions which are equivalent to ½ and to ¼
Day 5: 1. Add and subtract fractions with the same denominator, answers less than 1, using a supporting image
HAT outcomes 22 (½ and ¼), 23, 24, 25, 26 (+ and - fractions) and 27
10 / Addition or subtraction
Day 1: Revise adding three or four 2-digit numbers using compact addition; estimate answers
Day 2: Use column addition to add three 3-digit numbers
Day 3: Use column addition to amounts of money (one ‘carry’ between 1ps and 10ps or from 10ps to £s)
Day 4:Use column addition to amounts of money; Revise finding the change from £5, £10 and £20 using Frog
Day 5:Find change from £100 using Frog
Mobile towers / Day 1: Starter – Add 3 multiples of 10
Day 2: Starter – Round 3-digit numbers to nearest 100
Day 3: Starter – Round amounts of money to the nearest pound
Day 4: Starter – Say the amount need to make £1
Day 5: Starter – Subtraction facts / Addition or subtraction
Day 1: 1. Add three or four 2-digit numbers using compact addition
2. Use rounding to estimate answers
Day 2: 1. Use column addition to add three 3-digit numbers
2. Use rounding to estimate answers
Day 3: 1. Use column addition to add two amounts of money
2. Use rounding to estimate answers
Day 4: 1. Use counting up (Frog) to find change from £5, £10 and £20
Day 5: 1. Use counting up (Frog) to find change from £100
HAT outcomes 11, 13 and 32
Week / Main focus of teaching and activities each day / Starter / Outcomes of each day
11 / Addition and subtraction/Multiplication and division
Day 1: Add 3-digit numbers using place value; Add near multiples of 100
Day 2: Subtract 3-digit numbers using place value; Subtract near multiples of 100
Day 3: Use the grid method to multiply 2-digit numbers (numbers < 40) by 1-digit numbers
Day 4:Divide numbers within and just beyond the times tables (with remainders)
Day 5:Solve correspondence problems
Yuk or yum!
Link to pdf of challenges:Treasure Hunt, Activity 36 / Day 1: Starter – Adding multiples of 10 and 100 to 3-digit numbers
Day 2: Starter – Place value subtractions
Day 3: Starter – 30 times table
Day 4: Starter – Division facts for the 4 times table
Day 5: Starter – 8 times table / Addition and subtraction/Multiplication and division
Day 1: 1. Add three-digit numbers using place value
2. Add near multiples of 100
Day 2: 1. Subtract three-digit numbers using place value
2. Subtract near multiples of 100
Day 3: 1. Use the grid method to multiply numbers between 20 and 40 by 1-digit numbers
Day 4: 1. Divide numbers within and just beyond the times tables (with remainders)
Day 5: 1. Solve correspondence problems
HAT outcomes 9, 16, 19 and 21

Title of topic – colour code (see below)

GREEN – Place Value or number
ORANGE – Addition or subtraction
PURPLE – Multiplication or division (inc. scaling or square/cube numbers or multiples and factors...)
GREY – Fractions or decimals or percentages or ratio
BLUE – shape or measures or data
BROWN – Algebra
BROWN – Algebra

The Hamilton plans do provide resources for practice of the relevant algorithms, skills and the reinforcement of crucial understandings.However, some teachers may prefer to use textbooks as an additional source of practice. We have agreed with Pearson, the publisher of Abacus, that we can reference the Abacus textbooks and that they will do a special deal if any Hamilton users wish to purchase a set of these textbooks. These are new books, written specifically to match the new National Curriculum. Any schools wishing to follow this up should go to this webpage:

OUTCOMES FOR Y3 (Hamilton Assessment Tracker)

Key Outcomes in bold

  1. Read, write and locate any 3-digit number on a landmarked line from 0-1000 and use this to order and compare numbers.N
  2. Estimate quantities and represent numbers in different ways.N
  3. Understand place value in 3-digit numbers; add and subtract 1, 10 or 100 without difficulty. N
  4. Count from 0 in 2s, 4s, 8s, 10s, 100s, and 50s.N
  5. Solve number problems and practical problems involving place value.N
  6. Round to the nearest ten and hundred, e.g. 34 to the nearest ten is 30, 276 to the nearest hundred is 300. N
  7. Know securely number pairs for all the numbers up to and including 20, e.g. pairs which make 15 (7+8, 6+9, 5+10, 4+11, 3+12, 2+13, 1+14, 0+15). AS
  8. Mentally add or subtract any pair of 2 digit numbers, e.g. 75 + 58 or 75 – 58.AS
  9. Mentally add and subtract multiples of 1s, 10s and 100s to/from 3-digit numbers. AS
  10. Recognise that there are two ways of completing subtractions, either by counting up or by counting back. AS
  11. Add numbers with 3-digits using column addition, first expanded then compact method.AS
  12. Subtract larger numbers with confidence, using 'Frog' for counting up, e.g. 302 – 288.AS
  13. Estimate answers and use addition to check subtraction, understanding that addition and subtraction are inverse operations.AS
  14. Solve problems, including missing number problems.AS
  15. Understand that multiplication is commutative, and write mathematical statements for multiplication and division. MD
  16. Understand that division is the inverse of multiplication, e.g. that ? x 3 = 21 ≡ 21 ÷ 3 = ? MD
  17. Know the 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x, 8x and 10x times tables, including division facts. MD
  18. Multiply 2-d nos by 10 or 1-d nos by 100; divide multiples of 10 or 100 by 10 or 100. Understand the effect of x or ÷by 10/100.MD
  19. Multiply a 1 digit number by a 2 digit number using partitioning. MD
  20. Partition to double and halve numbers. MD
  21. Solve problems, including missing number and scaling problems. MD
  22. Recognise and show using diagrams, equivalent fractions for ½, ¼, ¾, 1/3, e.g. ¼ ≡ 3/12.FD
  23. Recognise, find and write unit and non-unit fractions of convenient amounts, e.g. 1/10 of 100 or 1/3 of 60. FD
  24. Count up and down in fractional steps, e.g. counting in ½s, ¼s or 1/3s; hence recognise fractions as numbers. FD
  25. Count up and down in tenths and understand that tenths are the result of dividing an object or quantity into 10 equal parts.FD
  26. Compare and order unit fractions and fractions with the same denominator; add or subtract fractions with the same denominator.FD
  27. Solve problems involving fractions. FD
  28. Measure, compare, add and subtract lengths, weights and capacities.MS
  29. Know that there are 100cm in a metre and that there are 10mm in a centimetre. MS
  30. Use a ruler to measure lines.MS
  31. Measure the perimeter of simple 2-D shapes.MS
  32. Add and subtract amounts of money and give change by counting up; use both £ and p in practical contexts.MS
  33. Tell and write the time on digital and analogue clocks (incl. those with Roman numerals). MS
  34. Record times in seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years including leap years, converting from one unit to another.MS
  35. Compare durations of events using analogue and digital times and vocabulary such as am and pm. MS
  36. Interpret and represent data on scaled bar charts, pictograms and tables, and solve problems using these.MS
  37. Draw 2-D and make 3-D shapes, recognising both in different orientations, and describe them.G
  38. Identify right angles as 90⁰ in shapes, and also as turns; recognise angles as less than or greater than 90⁰.G
  39. Identify horizontal and vertical lines, and pairs of parallel and perpendicular lines. G

NB The letters in orange indicate the strand to which each outcome belongs on Hamilton Assessment Tracker