Westside High School Backwards-Design Lesson Plan Template
Aquatic Science
Origins of Earth/Marine Environments/Ecology
Sem II - Unit 1 ( 5th 6 weeks)
January 7, 2013 to February 10, 2013
Stage 1 – Desired ResultsUnderstanding (s)/goals: / Essential Question(s): / Student Outcomes (objectives):
EU1: Students will understand that the origins of the earth determined the chemical physical and biological layouts of the ocean / EQ1: why are there so many different oceanic zones yet they are all connected as a World ocean? / SO1.1:Students will know the many theories that are out there regarding the origin of the earth
SO1.2:Students will build on the general theories of earth’s origins and expand on these theories as the see how the stability of the ocean came to be.
EU2:Students will understand the Marine Lifestyles are based on their specific area of evolution caused by the different ocean zones / EQ2: Why are there so many different marine organisms . ( Aquarium integration) / SO2.1:Students will learn the definition of marine populations and communities and specifically what makes up these populations and communities: nekton, plankton, and benthos- “Lifestyles”
SO2.2: Students will learn the specifics of each zone of the ocean: freshwater, estuaries, marine, Intertidal, coral, pelagic, oceanic, and benthic. They will learn of the environmental diversity and how certain abiotic factors affect each zone.
EU3:Students will study each specific ecosystem of the ocean / EQ3: How can you tell what ecosystem an organism belongs to by just studying its physical attributes. (Aquarium integration) / SO3.1: Students will learn the importance of the ecosystems associated with the biozones of the ocean specifically the estuaries, the deep ocean, intertidal, and littoral ecosystems.
EU4:Students will understand the energy flow of marine organisms in the ecosystems / EQ4: what is the food web and food chain of your assigned biozone? / SO4.1: Students will review the information learned in freshman Biology regarding the energy flow- consumer, producers, decomposers- through ecosystems and expand their knowledge to specifically assigned marine ecosystems.
Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence
Performance Task(s) and Other Evidence:(Assessment evidence should be collected for each Student Outcome (SO) listed above.)
Formative / Summative (Attach copy)
SO1.1 / “Origins of the Universe” Reading/highlighting/Questions
SO1.2 / Notes: Fearless Planet: Earth Story” Video
SO2.1 / Notes: ppt “Marine Life Styles” / Quiz: Earths origins, Marine Life Styles
SO2.2 / Reading/Highlighting/ Questions-“Ocean Zones Worksheet”
Notes: Biozones ppt / Project: BioZones Activity: Wall Map/Notes/Research
SO3.1 / Notes: “Planet Earth- Deep Ocean” - Video / Quiz: Biozones
Review Worksheet: Earth Origins, Marine Lifestyles, Biozones of the Ocean / TEST: Earth Origins, Marine Lifestyles, Biozones of the Ocean, Aquariums
SO4.1 / Notes: ppt notes on Marine Ecosystems
Notes: ppt/activity: Energy Flow in Ecosystems
Review: Marine Ecosystem, energy flow, Aquariums / Quiz: Marine Ecosystem, energy flow
TEST: Marine Ecosystem, energy flow, Aquariums
Stage 3 – Learning Plan
DIFFERENTIATION (I-3)There are several ways to individualize instruction for your students
How will I scaffold and/or accelerate learning? For whom? How will I group my students?
SCAFFOLD:Notes, video, quiz, review, test
GROUP: (pre-teaching or re-teaching)
Learning Activities:creating wall maps, powerpoints, maintaining aquariums, review activities
Learning Activities:
Day 1:1/7 / Tank maintenance notes, checklist
H.W: Reading/Highlight/Questions”Origins of the Universe”-due next day
Day 2:
1/8-1/9 / Notes: Video:” Fearless Planet-Earth’s Story”- turn in
Day 3:
1/10 / (Finish video notes. )
Begin Notes: “Marine Lifestyles”
Day 4:
1/13 / Finish Notes: “Marine Lifestyles”
H.W: Reading/Highlighting/Questions-“Ocean Zones Worksheet”- due next day
Day 5:
1/14 / Quiz: on ppt “Marine Life Styles” and video/reading on Earths Origins
Prep for Biozones Project
Day 6:
1/15 & 1/16 / Notes: Biozones ppt
Biozones Research
Day 7:
1/17 / Classroom time- Biozone Project Activity
Day 8
1/21 / Notes: Video- “Plant Earth- Deep Ocean”
Day 9:
1/22 & 1/23 / Quiz- biozones, Deep Oceans
Project Presented
Handout test review- due day of test
Day 10:
1/24 / Review Activity
Day 11:
1/27 / TEST
Day 12:
1/28 / Notes: Marine Ecosystems-ppt
Day 13:
1/29 & 1/30 / Finish Ecosystem Notes
Begin Ecosystem Activity
Day 14:
1/31 / Continue Ecosystem Activity
Review Vocab from activity
Day 15:
2/3 / Notes: Energy Flow in an ecosystem
Day 16:
2/4 / Finish Notes
Review terms
Day 17:
2/5& 2/6 / Quiz
Activity to accompany quiz
Handout test review
Day 18 / In class Reading and Review
Day 19 / TEST 2