Cycle: 1
Grade: 3rd Preschool
Unit: 3. Block A / Weeks: 1 - 3
Days: 1-Teacher:______
Social Practice of the language: Participate in language games with expressive and aesthetic purposes.
Specific Competency: Discover words in a children’s song.
Environment: Literary and ludic.
Product: Memory game.
1. Select images of objects, people, or animals to make a memory game. / Doing with the language
* Explore written songs.
* Identify the topic, purpose and intended audience
* Observe graphic distribution of songs.
* Listen to the reading aloud or singing of songs.
* Mark rhyming words by clapping or using other sound resources.
* Repeat words in a song to practice their pronunciation.
* Identify names of objects, animals, people, etc.
* Select names and match their written form to their image.
Knowing about the language.
* Graphic distribution of songs
* Topic, purpose and intended audience.
* Musical elements: rhyme, and repeated sounds.
* Non-verbal language.
Being through the language
* Show an appreciation of cultural expressions particular to a foreign language.
* Identify traditional songs from different countries and the uses they are given. / Repeats words in a song while listening to it. / Bimestrial evaluation report / 2 sessions
2. Make two sets of cards: one for names and one for their corresponding illustrations.
Pair cards with names to their corresponding illustrations. / Doing with the language
* Listen to the reading aloud or singing of songs.
* Select names and match their written form to their image.
* Establish correspondences between written and oral forms of words.
* Identify parts of written names of objects, animals, people, etc. and complete them.
Knowing about the language
* Non verbal language.
* Repertoire of words necessary for this social practice of the language.
Correspondence between written and oral language.
Being through the language
* Show an appreciation of cultural expressions particular to English.
* Identify traditional songs from different countries and the uses they are given. / Identifies names of objects, animals, people, etc.
Associates the written form of names with their images.
Puts letters together to form words. / Bimestrial evaluation report
Teacher’s observation / 4 sessions
3. Play with the memory game.
Choose a spot in the classroom to place the game for future use. / Doing with the language
* Select names and match their written form to their image.
* Establish correspondences between written and oral forms of words.
* Put letters together to form words.
* Choose from a group of words the name that corresponds to an illustration.
* Choose from a group of words the name that corresponds to an illustration.
Knowing about the language
* Correspondence between written and oral language.
* Repertoire of words necessary for this social practice of the language.
* Non verbal language.
Being through the language
* Show an appreciation of cultural expressions particular to English.
* Identify traditional songs from different countries and the uses they are given. / Associates the written form of names with their images. / Bimestrial evaluation report
Teacher’s observation / 2 sessions