Mrs. Montague

407/905-5500, ext. 6002533


During the second nine weeks you will be doing quite a bit of writing. Your grade this quarter will come mostly from essays, tests and quizzes on the chapter readings. ALL MULTIPLE CHOICE TESTS WILL BE CUMULATIVE FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR. We will be doing timed writing essays in class this nine weeks and working in earnest on DBQs, LEQs, and SAQs. Assignments for primary source readings will continue to be posted on Edmodo. Summary charts (Presidents, Wars, SPEDIs) will be turned in at the corresponding unit test and are crucial to your thorough understanding of the material we will be covering and for use as review tools for your semester

exam and the AP Exam. These items will be checked for completion and/or accuracy. I cannot stress enough how important it is that you read and understand the chapters from your text. Because we have to move so quickly this nine weeks, we will not be able to cover every detail in class. If everyone comes to class having already read the material, we will be able to accomplish a great deal. Good luck, have faith and hang in there!


Week 10 (10/27-10/30)

Topic: Jeffersonian Democracy

Pageant: Chapter 11: The Jeffersonian Republic, 1800-1812 AMSCO: Chapter 7: The Age of Jefferson


Due Tuesday, 10/27:

·  Complete Questions 1-17 of the Jefferson Study Questions posted on your docs and forms page. Please note: THIS IS INDIVIDUAL WORK. You will be called upon individually in class to answer one of the questions from this assignment as we continue to work on it this week & you will be assessed on the depth and accuracy of your response so be prepared!

·  Work on your President Chart on Jefferson. It’s always a good idea to work on your President Chart as you are doing the chapter work

Due Wednesday, 10/28:

·  Complete Questions 18-25 of the Jefferson Study Questions posted on your docs and forms page.

·  CAPPS analysis of the Embargo Act Cartoon – see assignment on Edmodo; submit on Edmodo.

Due Fri., 10/30

·  War Chart on War of 1812

·  Edmodo Assignment on Madison’s War Message

Quiz: Possible any day on the topics of the assigned Jefferson study questions and/or the War of 1812.


Week 11 (11/02-11/06)

Topic: HP4: Nationalism, Economic Expansion, Sectionalism

Pageant: Chapter 12: The Second War for Independence and

The Upsurge of Nationalism

AMSCO: Chapter 8: Nationalism and Economic Development


Due Mon., 11/02

·  HP 4 IDs: 12.1-12.16 – scroll down on the docs and forms page if you forgot how to do ID. Prepare them in the 1-2-3 format and turn in via Edmodo:

12.1  Francis C. Lowell / The Lowell System

12.2  Tariff of 1816

12.3  National Road

12.4  Era of Good Feelings

12.5  Adams-Onis Treaty (Florida Purchase Treaty 1819)

12.6  Panic of 1819

12.7  Great American Desert (Pike and Long)

12.8  Tallmadge Amendment (def/sig)

12.9  Missouri Compromise (Compromise 1820)

12.10  Monroe Doctrine

12.11  Fletcher v. Peck (1810)

12.12  McCulloch v. Maryland (1819)

12.13  Dartmouth College v. Woodward (1819)

12.14  Gibbons v. Ogden (1824)

12.15  Clay’s American System

o Please note that 12.8 on the Tallmadge Amendment is only a definition with significance, not a full ID. In other words, you do not need to do this one in the 1-2-3 format; simply define it and identify the significance.

·  Make sure to check the effects you have on your War Chart for the War of 1812 against those on the last slide for the Jefferson/Madison ppt and add anything you’re missing

Due Tues. 11/03:

·  Foreign Policy Analysis Assignment

·  Edmodo Assignment analyzing the Monroe Doctrine

· ID Quiz on 12.1-12.14

Due Wed., 11/04

·  HP 4 IDs #14.1–14.14 use Pageant Ch. 14 and AMSCO Ch. 9 to complete:

14.1  Nativism

14.2  Know-Nothing Party

14.3  Samuel Slater, Factory System

14.4  Interchangeable Parts

14.5  Eli Whitney’s Cotton Gin

14.6  Corporations (def/sig only)

14.7  National Trade (Labor) Unions (before 1860)

14.8  Cult of Domesticity

14.9  Turnpike Era (dates and sig)

14.10  Canal Era (dates and sig)

14.11  Erie Canal

14.12  Robert Fulton’s Clermont

14.13  1st Railroad Era (dates and sig)

14.14  Market Revolution

·  You may turn in these IDs on Wednesday either in hard copy form OR post them to Edmodo.

·  Make sure that you understand the Market Revolution and its effects as you will be writing on this in class today.

Due Fri., 11/06

·  Assignment on Edmodo – watch video (4 min) and read article on Harriett Robinson, Lowell Mill Girl; summarize characteristics and life of a Lowell Mills girl in approx. 200 words. Make sure that I can tell you both read the article AND watched the video (turn in via Edmodo)

·  Be prepared for a SAQ today on Clay’s American System. You should review your ID/notes/text on this topic and make sure that you understand Clay’s goals/reasoning behind the concept, who supported and did not support the parts of the plan and why.

·  You will also have time in class today to finish up your Market Revolution LEQ outlines (if you need it) as well as begin work on Ch. 9

·  Make sure that your “Republican Era / Nationalism” Bagpipe Chart is ready by Monday! Go through your IDs, AMSCO, anything you missed in the ppts, etc. and make sure that you have included it in this chart.

o  Pageant Ch. 11, 12 and the portion of 14 in your IDs; AMSCO Ch. 7, 8 and 9

o  You may work on this in class today if you have finished your Market Revolution LEQ outline

Essay: LEQ Quickwrite - Washington, Adams, Jefferson- timed, in-class, on Wednesday LEQ on the Market Revolution - Wednesday

SAQ –Clay’s American System - Friday

Quiz: Tuesday (IDs 12.1-12.14)


Week 12 (11/09-11/13)

Topic: HP4: Jacksonian Democracy; Jacksonian Reforms

Pageant: Chapter 13: The Age of Jackson

Chapter 14: Transportation, Market, Ind. Revolutions AMSCO: Ch. 9: Sectionalism

Ch. 10: Age of Jackson


Due Mon. 11/09

·  PPT Edmodo Assignment on Transportation, Market, Ind. Revolutions

o  Please note that this was actually due by midnight Sunday 11/08

·  Bagpipe Chart on Republican Era, 1800 – 1830

Due Tues., 11/10

·  Ch. 13 Guided Reading on the Age or Jackson (see docs and forms page)

o  Part I (highlighting), Part II, #1 and 2 (pages 1-3 of Guided Reading)

·  Research your role to prepare for your debate position on the Jackson impeachment debate tomorrow. Don’t forget that you must include primary sources in your arguments

Due Wed., 11/11

·  Ch. 13 Guided Reading, #3 and 4 & 5 (pages 4, 5, and 6 of Guided Reading)

Due Thurs., 11/12

·  Guided Reading #6, 7, 8 (pages 7-8)

·  CAPPS Analysis of King Andrew Cartoon – see assignment on Edmodo

Due Fri., 11/13

·  Guided Reading Third Parties and # 9 (last page of Guided Reading)

·  Be preparing for your DEBATE Monday – you will have some time in class today to work on the debate so come prepared to work with your group.

Writing: SAQ, Thurs., Jackson Quiz: Jackson Quiz– Friday


Week 13 (11/16-11/20)

Topic: HP4: Jacksonian Democracy; Jacksonian Reforms

Pageant: Chapter 15: Jacksonian / Antebellum Reforms Chapter 16: Slavery

AMSCO: Chapter 11: Society, Culture and Reform, 1820-1860


Due Mon., 11/16

·  Be prepared for Jackson Impeachment Hearings today

·  “House” debate today concerning the articles of impeachment

·  3-4 minute presentations by each group; 2 minute questioning after each presentation by opposing team; 2 minute questioning by rest of the “House”

·  During presentations, students listening take notes on the presentation

·  Conclude with “House” vote on articles of impeachment and compiling and turning in group position “papers”

Due Tues., 11/17

·  Reform Movements in the 19th Century – see docs and forms page

o Numbers 1 through 3 due

Due Wed., 11/18

·  Remainder of Assignment on Reform Movements in the 19th Century

·  Numbers 4-6

·  Review slides in Reform Movements ppt on literature and the arts

Due Thurs., 11/19

·  READ AND UNDERSTAND Essay Guidelines (see docs and forms page) (see page 3 references to the DBQ)

o  Make sure to focus on how to use the docs analytically

o  Make sure to focus on how to achieve the “extended analysis” points for the CAPP of the docs

·  Prepare an abbreviated CAPPS Analysis directly on the handout of the documents you were given in class today

·  Review the DBQ Rubric (see docs and forms page)

o  You will be evaluated on today’s writing for all the sections on this rubric EXCEPT synthesis

·  Review the following slides on the Slavery and Abolitionism ppt to make sure you are ready for today’s writing:

o 6, 7, 8

o 28-37

Due Fri., 11/20

·  Study for Multiple Choice TEST on HP 4: Jefferson through Jackson

·  President Charts on Jefferson, Madison, Monroe and Jackson

·  Bagpipe Chart on Jacksonian Era

Quiz: Possible pop quiz/homework quiz Tuesday or Wednesday Writing: Quickwrite LEQ on Tues.

Abbreviated DBQ – Thursday

TEST: HP 4: Jefferson through Jackson multiple choice – FRIDAY

If you are absent on Friday, you will take the test Monday after school when we return from the break – no other options so make plans accordingly.


Week 14 (11/30-12/04)


Pageant: Ch. 16 & 17

AMSCO: Chapters 12

Assignments: Due Mon., 11/30:

·  Review the PowerPoint on Slavery and Abolitionism (all of it)

·  Manifest Destiny Guided Reading

o There will be a quiz on this content today!

·  Edmodo Assignment: War Message, James K. Polk

·  Optional “Replacement” Assignment – Read and summarize article on Black Slaveowners – See Edmodo.

Due Wed., 12/02

·  Quiz on last portion of HP 4: Antebellum Reforms (Ch. 15 Pageant and Ch. 11 AMSCO)


Due Thurs., 12/03:

·  Ch. 18 Study Questions, #1-11

Due Fri., 12/054

·  Ch. 18 Study Questions, #12-22

Essays: SAQ or LEQ Quickwrite as part of Quiz - Friday

Quizzes: Monday - Manifest Destiny

Wednesday - Society, Culture & Reforms of Antebellum Era (Pageant Ch. 15; AMSCO Ch. 11)

Friday – Quiz/Multiple choice & writing, Ch. 18

TEST: Retest on HP 4 Jeff through Jack after school on Thursday; ticket for the retest: Difference Between Jeffersonian & Jacksonian Democracy Assignment


Week 16 (12/07-12/11)


Pageant: Chapters 18, 19, 20

AMSCO: Chapters 13 14

Assignments: Due Mon. 12/07:

·  Mexican War – review the ppt on the Mexican War and complete a war chart

·  Stepping Stones to the Civil War

o  Finish completing ONLY the middle column (description) for each of the 19 events on the chart

o  We need to use this in class on Monday – it will be graded and there is no make up for this assignment.

·  READ Pageant, Ch. 19 – pages 399-408 and do the following:

o  Write each subheading (there are 8) and underneath, write 3 things from that section that express the main idea.

Due Tues., 12/08:

·  READ Pageant, Ch. 19 – pages 408-418 and do the following:

·  Write each subheading (there are 8) and underneath, write 3 things from that section that express the main idea

·  Replacement Edmodo Assignment:

o  on the similarities and differences in The Southern Press Review and The Boston Morning Post Review of Uncle Tom’s Cabin

o  Can be used to replace a missing Edmodo assignment

Due Wed. 12/09

·  Civil War Cause and Effect Matching Activity (see docs & forms page)

·  Edmodo Assignment analyzing main ideas of South Carolina Declaration of Causes of Secession

Due Thurs. 12/10

·  Look over all your notes on Ch. 18 and 19 to be prepared for quiz today, which includes a SAQ

Due Fri., 12/11:

·  Make sure to bring 2002 DBQ (Antebellum Reforms) docs to class

· Ch. 20 – Read pp. 421-428

o Take your own notes – make sure you fully understand the events and effect of the attack at Ft. Sumter, who the Border states were and why they were kept in the Union, and the advantages each side had at the beginning of the Civil War

Quiz w/SAQ: Thursday – Friiday -Coming of the Civil War (Ch. 19

Week 17 (12/14-12/18)


Pageant: Chapters 20-21

AMSCO: Chapters 14-15

Assignments: Due Monday, 12/14

·  Civil War Guided Reading (see docs & forms page)

o Sections 1, 2, and 3 (pages 1, 2 and 3)

Due Tuesday, 12/15

·  Civil War Guided Reading (see docs & forms page)

o Section 4 (page 4)

·  Edmodo assignment summarizing main idea of Emancipation Proclamation

Due Wed., 12/16

·  Civil War Guided Reading (see docs & forms page)

o Section 6 (pages 6 and 7)

Due Thurs., 12/17

·  Civil War Guided Reading (see docs & forms page)

o Sections 5 and 7 (pages 5 and 8)

·  GLORY after school today – Bring pizza $! Film is 122 minutes; will begin film at 2:15-20.

Due Fri., 12/18

·  Make sure to bring 2002 DBQ (Antebellum Reforms) docs to class


Essay: In class timed writing on Thursday or Friday (topic hint later)
