Plant Name: / Eng Job No:
Area: / SAP Proj. No.:
Project Title:
Engineering by: / Vale Consultant (specify)
Project Summary
The first paragraph gives context to the project, outlining the reason for doing the project and the benefits to be achieved.
The second paragraph outlines the scope of work in one or two sentences.
The third paragraph summarizes any alternatives that were explored at the FEL 2 Stage. The alternatives include descriptions of the status quo and not spending any capital if that is feasible.
The fourth paragraph describes the technical assumptions that form the basis of the Technical Feasibility Study Report and documents the Vale subject matter experts or external experts who have validated these technical assumptions. Technical risks are also outlined here.
Note: Major Earthworks projects typically have estimates with a lower level of accuracy at the FEL 3 stage - The FEL 2 stagegate steering committee has agreed to allow OME grade estimates (+25%/-10% ) at the FEL 3 stage with AFE submissions of major earthworks projects.
Estimated Cost (+15/-10%) / Project Schedule
$ / Start: / Complete:
Role / Name / Signature / Date
PMO Representative
Design Team Leader
Lead-Engineering Projects
Manager of Engineering
This should be clear and concise and provide an outline of the work of the various disciplines and activities. The Scope of Work issued for estimating is often too detailed and contains sections that are not required. It should therefore be edited and condensed.
Where the proposed job has various phases or is broken down into work packages, these should be clearly identified.
The scope should normally not exceed three pages.
Attached / N/ASchedule and Expenditure Forecast
Cost Estimate
Estimate - Cover Sheet
> Estimate – General notes
Estimate - Cost Summary
Estimate – Quantity Summary
> Estimate – Eng & Constr Mgmt Summary
Process Hazards Review
Supplemental information may be added as an attachment; i.e. Design Criteria, Process information, or any information that you feel will help the approvers of the AFE should they want more detail. It will also be useful information for the Detail Design team should the project proceed to execution.
Supplemental Information:
Attached / N/AAdditional Project Information
Process Information
> Previous Reports
Design Criteria
> Geotechnical Report
Additional Drawings