Physical Science

Buckeye Valley High School

Ms. Flynn (740) 363-1349 x 4123

Course description: Physical Science is a hands-on laboratory-based course in which students study basic concepts of chemistry, physics and earth science as a base for subsequent science coursework. Students learn and practice physical science concepts, science skills and critical thinking strategies individually and in cooperative groups in classroom and laboratory settings.

Semester 1 / Semester 2
·  Lab safety, lab equipment, measurement
·  Metric system, scientific notation, scientific method
·  Motion
·  Forces
·  Energy, heat, and temperature
·  Waves, electromagnetic spectrum
·  Nuclear changes and radioactivity / ·  Classification of matter
·  Properties of matter
·  Atomic structure
·  Periodic table and trends
·  Bonding and reactions
·  Electricity

GRADING: Your academic grade will be based on your performance in the following areas:

1)  The course is weighted as such: 50% is based on tests, 10% on quizzes, 30% on classwork (labs and activities), and 10% on homework. Tests are announced ahead of time.

2)  Students are expected to do all assignments. Remember a 0% is very difficult to bring up in a 9 week-grading period.

3)  Projects will be assigned throughout the course. Each project’s grade will be weighted different. Projects will not be accepted late unless the teacher gives permission in writing. Students are responsible for understanding the assignment. Ask questions!

4)  Notebook: Learning to take notes and organizing them is the key to your academic future. All work and notes will be kept in a three ring binder. These may be subject to scheduled and spontaneous notebook checks. Bring them to class every day, and keep them organized.

a.  You should use lined, three hole, 8½ x 11 notebook paper (filler/looseleaf)

b.  DATE every paper and place the chapter being taught on it

c.  Assignments and notes will be graded intermittently during the year. Some assignments are held together over a long period of time as a unit and collected at one time.

5)  Laboratory: Details on how to write up lab work will be given later. Most labs cannot be made up if you miss them. Make-up assignments will be given to compensate for a missed lab. Students must pass the laboratory safety quiz with a 90% or better to participate in lab.

6)  Late work: School policies will be followed on late work. IT IS THE STUDENT’S RESPONSIBILITY TO GET ALL MAKE-UP WORK. Special exceptions may be made based on individual circumstances. Late work will be accepted up until the day of the unit assessment. Any late work will be subject to losing 10% of assignment grade per day late, with a maximum of 50% taken off.

7)  Anything without a name will be set aside. It is the student’s responsibility to get the assignment, put your name on it and turn it in to be recorded.

8)  Class Conduct: No “horseplay” of any sort will be allowed in the classroom or the laboratory. Such behavior in Physical Science results in danger to the health and safety of other students. Respect for all persons is expected in classroom. ONE person is allowed at a time talking or moving around the room (unless otherwise specified by the teacher). Considerate, courteous, cooperative and mature behavior is expected.

9)  Helping one on one is encouraged. Teaching someone how to work a problem or showing them where to find the answer helps everyone. Cheating is not allowed on any work. Copying homework answers or lab reports from another student is cheating. School policy will be used to deal with cheating. CHEATING IS NOT TOLERATED.


A)  Avoid being absent from class; it will hurt your grade. DO NOT wait until the day before the test to study. ASK for help early (if you don’t understand something, speak up!). I will be available after school with advance notice (and sometimes in the morning, by appointment!)

B)  Calculators can be used for classwork, labs, homework, and tests. Please bring our own to class every day. A simple scientific calculator will be sufficient, and are available at most stores for around $10. You may not use your phone or iPod as your calculator.

C)  Sleeping in class will not be tolerated.

D)  Please do not be late to class. If you are not in the classroom when the bell rings, hyou are considered tardy. Detentions are giving for excessive tardiness.

E)  Cell phones, iPods, or any other electronic device may not be used in my class, unless directly instructed to do so. Phones and iPods will be collected during exams. Again, you may not use your phone or iPod as your calculator.

F)  Students who fail the course do so by not paying attention, being absent, and not turning in work. YOU DO NOT WANT TO TAKE MY CLASS AGAIN.

Place the syllabus in the front of your binder in the reference section. Please detach the signature portion below and return it to your instructor. By signing this page you agree that you have read, understand and accept the requirements of this class.

Thank you for your support and participation!


STUDENT NAME (printed) ______


PARENT NAME (printed) ______