Minutes of a meeting of the International Committee of ECOVAST, held in the Galerija “Laurus”, Lovran, Croatia on Thursday 22 October 2009 at 7pm.
Present : Tihana Stepinac Fabijanic (in the chair), Valerie Carter, Dezso Kovacs, Pam Moore and Phil Turner. In attendance : Valerija Kelemen-Pepeonik, Brigitte Macaria and Christian Hoerbinger. Six guests from the local association who organized the local conference were also present.
Tihana welcomed everyone and thanked them for their attendance.
1. Apologies for absence were received from Magdalena Banu, Angus Fowler, Calin Hoinarescu, Olga Sevan, Arthur Spiegler, and Andrea Weigert
2. The Minutes of the International Committee Meeting held on 12 July 2009 in Opatija were agreed to be a true record.
3. Matters Arising
Membership Lists – Pam advised that she was still seeking those from Hungary, Macedonia, Poland, Romania and Slovakia. ACTION : Pam
APURE – Valerie Carter reported that a Board Meeting had taken place in Portugal, but she had been unable to attend.
Buddy scheme – Pam reported that she had heard nothing from Poland. Angus Fowler had a conversation with Elzbieta Raszeja, who had reported that the situation was not good; Section members were not receiving any information. Phil agreed to phone Elzbieta. ACTION : Phil
(a) Treasurer’s Report
In the absence of Olaf Linke, no report was given. Subsequently, reports have been received (see accompanying documents)
(b) Funding Opportunities
Leventis Foundation – Pam reported that she had been forced to abandon an application for funding the 2010 GA events in Macedonia, having heard nothing from Victoria. This was disappointing.
Visegrad Fund – Pam advised that she would like to pursue this, for a possible IC in Eastern Slovakia, but was still waiting for the Slovakian Section to provide information. ACTION : Eva/ Lubica/Pam
5. Reports -
(i) President
Tihana reported that her main efforts had been devoted to the preparation of the GA events. She mentioned a proposal for a project in small villages in the Bednja region in Croatia which is going forward, and another planned for Eastern Slavonia – the possibility of organizing a workshop on traditional architecture there, in collaboration with the University, but also across the border with Eastern Slovakia, Hungary and the Vojvodina region in Serbia, which could attract the attention of ECOVAST members in those areas and other interested people. There had been some contact with the Croatian Network for Rural Development.
(ii) Secretary General
Pam reported on attendance at the Council of Europe, a seminar on Territorial Cohesion in Brussels organised by DG Regio on the topic of urban/rural, Europa Nostra UK’s events in Belfast (also attended by Tihana, Phil and four other ECOVAST members), and the EC DG Agri Rural Development Advisory Group.
6. Preparations for General Assembly 2009
Pam advised that the Auditors’ Report had now been received and would be signed by them prior to the GA.
7. Update on ASSET Project
Phil reported that recently the principal activity had been Pam’s research on small towns across Europe, and in particular, the new phase on the economic downturn. Pam would give a paper on this in Mošcenice, and had given a similar one in September in Athenry, Co Galway, Ireland. This had been helpful in securing contacts in the Republic of Ireland. Phil would be speaking on 29 October in Glasgow, to a conference organised by the devolved Government in Scotland.
8. Reports from National Sections
Austria – Brigitte reported on a school project – in Czech, German and English using the Landscape identification Guide. Work would initially be with middle schools. It was hoped to organise, with Civilscape, a Landscape Conference in May, in Lower Austria –government support was being sought, and it was hoped to know by the end of November.
Phil asked about the Grundtvig January event in Vienna – Brigitte advised that this would be run by Global Villages, not ECOVAST Austria.
Croatia – Tihana advised that she had nothing to add to her earlier report. The response for Mošcenice had been better than expected – more than 100 people, which was very encouraging.
Germany – Pam reported that the Section had been involved in an event in Magdeburg in September. She commended Angus’s work re the Innsbruck Panorama – Brigitte Macaria would report further under AOB.
Hungary - Dezso advised that much of the Section activity was linked to rural policy making. He serves on the monitoring committee for the Hungarian Rural Development programme – commenting and criticising, often with short deadlines, primarily related to Axis 3 and 4 mainly. Training for civic organisations is also being done by the Section – the organisations secure grants and ECOVAST Hungary gives the training. Work is also taking place, involving Gabor Rajnai, with children, nurturing their talents; this has funding for two years. Tihana asked about an enquiry from Hungarians wanting to come to Rijeka; she had received this only in Hungarian and nothing further has happened.
ACTION : Dezso
No reports had been received from Macedonia, Poland or Slovakia. Magdalena Banu had advised that she had nothing to add to the report on Romania which appeared in the August Newsletter.
Russia – Olga Sevan had advised of an event to which members are invited. “Culture in the Wood – Wood in Culture” in September 2010, in the small town Rostov Velikij (Rostov the Great) in the Yaroslav Region. Pam had asked IC members to contact Olga direct if they could attend.
UK – Pam mentioned the Europa Nostra UK event in Belfast. The joint Landscape event with Civilscape was now likely to be Spring 2011, because of one in Austria in 2010. The UK ECOVAST Section planned a meeting shortly.
9. Working Groups
Landscape – Brigitte indicated she had nothing to add.
Rural Architecture – There was no report, but the group would meet on Sunday morning.
10. Relations with Other Organisations
Europa Nostra – The question of whether ECOVAST should join Europa Nostra was discussed. It was suggested that ECOVAST join (at a cost of 200 euros) if Europa Nostra join ECOVAST (cost 150 euros) Proposed Valerie Carter, seconded Phil Turner – agreed unanimously. Pam would advise EN’s Secretary General. ACTION : Pam
PREPARE – Michael Dower had indicated that he wishes to cease being the regular representative of ECOVAST on the Organising Group. It was agreed that Pam should receive all papers and whoever is available will attend, depending on location.
ERA – Pam had advised ERA that ECOVAST would not be renewing their subscription.
CURE – Pam advised that seminars in Goteborg and Krakow are planned. Phil explained that CURE has been influential with DG Regio and their work has relevance to other projects on rural areas, such as those ESPON is working on. CURE have got funding from the Fondation de France, ECOVAST having supported the bid.
Civilscape – Pam advised that Civilscape had been given INGO status at the Council of Europe.
APURE – Valerie commented that, despite being on the Board, she received little feedback. Their next conference would be on the Island of Reunion – rather remote from mainland Europe.
PURPLE – Valerie reported on this organisation concerned with rural areas around major cities. She advised that they are willing to invite ECOVAST to their meetings. In 2010, she would be willing to attend on ECOVAST’s behalf. Pam would approach them formally – Valerie to provide the contact details. ACTION : Valerie/Pam
11. Future events
Biennial Assembly 2010 – Pam announced that ECOVAST UK would like to invite members to the Isle of Wight, England for 15-17 October, 2010. Pam made a presentation of the proposal, which was welcomed by the IC and would be put to the GA in Lovran. It was noted that the IC was still keen to have a meeting in Macedonia if possible, perhaps in 2010. Tihana mentioned a contact she had made (whilst in Mechelen Belgium) in Macedonia, who might be able to help Victoria. Pam advised that Europa Nostra were also interested in staging a joint event there. Pam would try to take this forward. ACTION : Pam
ICs for 2010 - It was agreed that the next IC would take place in the Hotel Karolinenhof, Vienna on Sunday 24 January. The October IC would be linked to the GA. The intermediate IC would be arranged as appropriate. ACTION : ALL
12. Website/Newsletter
Website – Pam reported that this had been updated the previous weekend; she invited them to look. The cost had been £125. Brigitte raised the problem of screenshots to PDF. Phil undertook to talk with Polly Woolley. Phil will put items on the Ning in the meantime. ACTION : Phil
Newsletter – Pam reminded the meeting of the deadline of 20 November for the December issue. ACTION : ALL
13. Any other business
(i) Obituaries - The death was announced of Francis Noel Baker, Founder President of ECOVAST. Pam reported that a notice had been placed on the website, and would go in the Newsletter. It would also be mentioned at the GA. Thank to Edmund Neville Rolfe, a note had appeared in The Times, mentioning ECOVAST. The meeting noted that Francis Noel Baker’s death had occurred in the 25th Anniversary year of ECOVAST.
The death of Professor Norbert Borda of the Austrian Section was also announced. This too would be mentioned at the GA and would go in the Newsletter.
Innsbruck Panorama Building – Brigitte reported that Angus had asked ECOVAST Austria to make representations to the association about the threat to this important building; this they have done. It was agreed that Phil will write UNESCO with a copy to ICOMOS, Citibank and the municipality, and would prepare a press release in English; the Austrian Section would translate this into German. ACTION : Phil/Arthur/Brigitte
Pecs Cultural Capital 2010 – Dezso advised of a conference organised by the Regional Studies Association in May 2010; he would send details. ACTION : Dezso
The meeting closed at 8.50pm