Basic Reference Tools on Korea

Compiled by Kyungmi Chun

January, 2002

Chapter IV. Basic Reference Tools on Korea

Compiled by Kyungmi Chun, January, 2002

The reference tools included in this list are based mainly on ones held at the Korea Collection of the University of Hawaii at Manoa (UHM), which now contains about 1,100 reference titles. It may not cover all the basic reference tools available. Suggestions for inclusion of other titles by the users of this list are expected to make it more useful.

Titles published before 1989 are excluded, since Eugene Hyung-suk Chai’s An Annotated Bibliography of Korean Reference Books covered them. Chai’s Bibliography is an excellent and very useful compilation of reference materials on Korea. I recommend that every Korea collection should have a copy. This “Basic Reference Tools on Korea” includs some serial titles, even though they are covered in Chai’s work, if they are still being published and belong to the ‘basic’ category.

  • References in this list are organized by the types of reference tools and/or by the disciplinary subjects. Under each type and subject, references are sometimes grouped together when they represent similar types or subject matter.
  • When there is no English title available for a reference written in Korean language, the title in Chinese characters in brackets is provided.
  • Travel Guidebooks are not included. They are easily identifiable (Fodor’s; the lonely planet travel survival kits, etc.). Many travel guides are also available on the web.
  • References without publication years are serial publications.
  • For small Korea collections without a professional Korean studies librarian, references considered essential are noted with an asterisk*. However, one must be aware that this is a subjective judgement. It changes depending on individual user’s perspective. Also, one must keep in mind that there are other ‘essential’ reference sources in Chai’s An Annotated Bibliography of Korean Reference Books, which are not covered in this “Basic Reference Tools on Korea”.

Bibliographies of Reference Sources

*Chai, Eugene Hyung-suk. An Annotated Bibliography of Korean Reference Books. Bloomington, Ind.: Association for Asian Studies, 1989. 95 p.

Pak, On-ja, et al. eds. Han'guk Ch`amgo Chŏngbo Charyo Haeje. Inmun, Sahoe Kwahakp`yŏn: 1970-1993[韓國參考情報資料解題. 人文社會科學篇:1970-1993]. Seoul: Han'guk Tosŏgwan Hyŏphoe, 1994. 432 p.

Han'guk Sŏji Saŏphoe. Han'guk Ch`amgo Tosŏ Haeje = Annotated Bibliography of Korean Reference Books. Seoul: Han'guk Tosŏgwan Hyŏphoe, 1971. 273 p.


A Handbook of Korea. Seoul: Korean Overseas Information Service.

*Korea Annual: A Comprehensive Handbook on Korea. Seoul: Yonhap News Agency.

*Savada, Andrea Matles, and WilliamShaw, eds. South Korea, A Country Study. Washington, D.C.: Federal Research Division, Library of Congress, 1992. 408 p. (also available at < (16 January 2002))

Tonga Yŏn'gam = Dong-A Yearbook. Seoul: Tonga Ilbosa. (with supplement Han'guk, Oeguk Inmyŏngnok [韓國外國人名錄])

Yŏnhap Yŏn'gam = Yonhap Yearbook. Seoul: Yŏnhap Nyusŭ. (with supplement Han'guk Inmyŏng Sajŏn [韓國人名辭典])

Munye Yŏn'gam = Culture and Artistic Yearbook. Seoul: Han'guk Munhwa Yesul Chinhŭngwŏn.

Han'guk Tosi Yŏn'gam = Municipal Yearbook of Korea. Seoul: Haengjŏng Chach`ibu.

Local yearbooks are available, for example, Kyŏnggi Yŏn'gam[京畿年鑑],Kangwŏn Yŏn'gam [江原年鑑], Halla Yŏn'gam [漢拏年鑑], etc.

Bibliographies & Catalogs

*Bibliography of Asian Studies.Ann Arbor, MI: Association for Asian Studies. (9 December 2001).

*Hoffmann, Frank,comp. assisted by Matthew J. Christensen, and Kirk W. Larsen.Harvard Korean Studies Bibliography: 80,000 References on Korea. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University, Korea Institute, 1999. CD-ROM.

*Kukhoe Tosŏgwan Munhŏn Chŏngbo [國會圖書館文獻情報]. Seoul: Taehan Min'guk Kukhoe Tosŏgwan. CD-ROM and < (3 January 2002).

  • Han'guk Paksa mit Sŏksa Hagwi Nonmun Ch`ong Mongnok = Index to Korean Master's and Doctoral Theses 1945-
  • Chŏnggi Kanhaengmul Kisa Saegin = Index to Korean Periodical Articles
  • Tanhaengbon Mongnok= Acquisition List of the National Assembly Library

1950-yŏn Ijŏn Kugoe Parhaeng Han'guk Kwallyŏn Charyo Mongnok [1950年以前國外發行韓國關聯資料目錄]. Seoul: Kungnip Chungang Tosŏgwan, 1997. 238 p.

Hoare, James. Korea (World Bibliographical Series v.204). Oxford, England; Santa Barbara, Calif.; CLIO Press, 1997. 331 p.

Academy of Korean Studies, comp. Selected Bibliography of Korean Studies. Seoul: Korea Foundation, 1995. 396 p.

Bian, Yanjie, and Jeffrey Broadbent, eds. Social Science Research on the Life Course in Korea: Citations and Abstracts. Minneapolis, Minn.: Life Course Center, University of Minnesota, 1997. 35 p.

Taehan Min'guk Kukhoe Tosŏgwan. Chŏngbu Kanhaegmul Mongnok = Government Publications in Korea. Seoul: Taehan Min'guk Kukhoe Tosŏgwan.

Wilson, Myoung Chung. Korean Government Publication: An Introductory Guide. Lanham, Maryland: Scarecrow Press, 2000. 192 p.

Yang, Key Paik. A List of Americans Records and Papers on Korea = Miguk Nae Han'guk Kwallyŏn Kirok mit Sŏryu Mongnok. Yŏngmunp`yŏn. Seoul: Korea Foundation, 1991. 343 p.

Choo, Yong Kyu, comp. Union List of Korean Serials in East Asian Libraries in the United States. Ann Arbor, MI: Association for Asian Studies, 1994. 263 p.


Yi, Tu-hŭi, et al. Han'guk Inmyŏng Chaho Sajŏn[韓國人名字號辭典]. Seoul: Kyemyŏng Munhwasa, 1988. 741 p.

Yŏksa Munje Yŏn'guso, ed. Ilche Ha Sahoe Undong Inmyŏng Saeginjip[日帝下社會運動人名索引集]. 2 vols. Seoul: Yŏgang Ch`ulp`ansa, 1992. 2421 p.

Kang, Man-gil, and Tae-gyŏng Song, eds. Han'guk Sahoejuui Undong Inmyŏng Sajŏn [韓國社會主義運動人名辭典]. Seoul: Ch`angjak kwa Pip`yŏngsa, 1996. 615 p.

Sohn, Pow-key. Biographical Tables of the Koryo Period. Berkeley, CA: East Asia Studies, Institute of International Studies, University of California, 1958. 179 p.

Myŏngse Ch`onggo = Directory of Government Officials in Yi Dynasty. 2 vols. Seoul: Han'guk Tosŏgwan Yŏn'guhoe, 1975-1976.

Taehan Cheguk Kwanwŏn Iryŏksŏ [大韓帝國官員履歷書]. Seoul: Kuksa P`yŏnch`an Wiwŏnhoe, 1972. 929 p.

Han'guk Chŏngsin Munhwa Yŏn'guwŏn. Han'guk Inmul Taesajŏn[韓國人物大辭典]. 2 vols.Seoul: Chungang Ilbo, Chungang M&B, 1999.

Han'guk KŭnHyŏndaesa Inmyŏngnok[韓國近現代史人名錄]. 6 vols. Seoul: Yŏgang Ch`ulp`ansa, 1987.

Han'guk ŭl Umjiginŭn Inmuldŭl = Who's Who in Korea. 2 vols. Seoul: Chungang Ilbosa, 1996.

Yi, Sang-ŭn, ed. Han'guk Yŏktae Inmulchŏn Chipsŏng[韓國歷代人物傳集成]. 5 vols. Kyŏnggi-do Kwangmyŏng-si: Minch`ang Munhwasa, 1990.


Korea Yellow Pages. Seoul: Korea Yellow Pages Ltd.

Oemubu Chaeoe Kungminkwa, ed. Haeoe Kyop`o Tanch`e Chojik Hyŏnhwang [海外僑胞團體組織現況]. Seoul: Oemubu, 1994. 570 p.

Han'guk Min'gan Tanch`e Ch`ongnam = Directory of Korean NGOs. 2 vols. Seoul: Simin ui Sinmun, Simin Undong Chŏngbo Sent`ŏ, 2000.

Taehak Yon'guso Ch`ongnam = Directory of Research Institutes in Universities. 2 vols. (v. 1. Kungnaep`yŏn; v. 2. Oegukp`yŏn). Seoul: Han'guk Yŏn'guso Ch`ongnam P`yŏnjip Wiwŏnhoe, 1998.


*Han'guk Minjok Munhwa Tae Paekkwa Sajŏn[韓國民族文化大百科辭典]. 28 vols. Kyŏnggi-do Sŏngnam-si: Han'guk Chŏngsin Munhwa Yon'guwŏn. (also on CD-ROM)

*Burit`aenikŏ Segye Tae Paekkwa Sajŏn = Britannica World Encyclopedia. 27 vols. Seoul: Tonga Ilbo; Burit`aenikŏ, 1992.

Kugyŏk Chŭngbo Munhŏn Pigo Saegin.[國譯增補文獻備考索引]. 3 vols. Seoul: Sejong Taewang Kinyŏm Saŏphoe, 1996.



*Chŏnggi Kanhaengmul Kisa Saegin= Index to Korean Periodical Articles. Seoul: Taehan Min'guk Kukhoe Tosŏgwan. < (16 January 2002). (also on CD-ROM)

Han'guk Tosŏgwan Hyŏphoe, ed. Haksul Chapchi Saegin 1960 [學術雜誌索引1960]. Seoul: Han'guk Tosŏgwan Hyŏphoe, 1963. 407 p.

Han'guk Tosŏgwan Hyŏphoe, ed. Haksul Chapchi Saegin 1961-1962 [學術雜誌索引1961-1962]. Seoul: Han'guk Tosŏgwan Hyŏphoe,1964. 777 p.

Elrod, J. McRee. An Index to English Language Periodical Literature Published in Korea, 1890-1940. Seoul: Korean National Assembly Library, 1965. 198 p.

An Index to English Periodical Literature Published in Korea, 1945-1966. Seoul: Korean Research Center, 1967. 153 p.

Chapchi Chogwang Ch`ong Mokch`a 1935-1944 [雜誌朝光總目次1935-1944]. Seoul: Taehan Min'guk Kukhoe Tosŏgwan, 1970. 226 p.

Chapchi Tonggwang, Sin tonga Ch`ong Mokch`a 1926-1933 [雜誌東光新東亞總目次1926-1933]. Seoul: Taehan Min'guk Kukhoe Tosŏgwan, 1969. 131 p.

Kaebyŏk Chi Ch`ong Mokch`a 1920-1949 [開闢誌總目次1920-1949]. Seoul: Taehan Min'guk Kukhoe Tosŏgwan, 1966. 131 p.

Wŏlgan Chosŏn Saegin 1980-1994 [月刊朝鮮索引1980-1994]. Seoul: Chosŏn Ilbosa, 1994. 280 p.


*Korea Integrated News Database System (KINDS). Seoul: Korea Press Foundation. < (3 January 2002).

Chosŏn Ilbo Saegin [朝鮮日報索引]. 4 vols. (1990; 1991; 1992; 1993). Seoul: Chosŏn Ilbosa P`yŏnjipkuk Chosabu, 1994-1995.

Chosŏn Ilbo T`ukchip Kisa Saegin, 1920-1994 [朝鮮日報特輯記事索引1920-1994]. Seoul: Chosŏn Ilbosa, 1995. 991 p.

Chosŏn Ilbo Hagye Kisa Saegin, 1920-1940 [朝鮮日報學藝記事索引1920-1940]. Seoul: Chosŏn Ilbo P`yŏnjipkuk, 1989. 832 p.

Han'guk Yŏksa Yŏn'guhoe Taehan Chegukki Yŏn'guban, ed. Hwangsŏng Sinmun Kisa Saeginjip [皇城新聞記事索引集]. 2 vols. Seoul: Kyŏngin Munhwasa, 1998.

Elrod, J. McRee. An Index to English Language Newspapers Published in Korea, 1896-1937. Seoul: Yonsei University, 1966. 50 p.


*T`onggye Chŏngbo Sojae Annae [統計情報所在案內]. Seoul: T`onggyech`ŏng.

T`onggye Yongŏ Chŏngŭijip [統計用語定義集]. Seoul: T`ongyech`ŏng, 1994. 493 p.

*Han'guk T`onggye Yŏn'gam = Korea Statistical Yearbook. Seoul: Kyŏngje Kihoegwŏn. (also on CD-ROM)

Statistical Handbook of Korea. Seoul: National Bureau of Statistics, Economic Planning Board.

*Chŏn'guk T`onggye Yŏn'gam [全國統計年鑑]. Seoul: Han'guk Tosi Haengjŏng Yŏn'guso.

Local statistical yearbooks are available, for example, Ch`ungnam T`onggye Yŏnbo [忠南統計年報]; Cheju T`onggye Yŏnbo [濟州統計年報]; Chŏnbuk T`onggye Yŏnbo [全北統計年報]; Kangwŏn T`onggye Yŏnbo [江原統計年報];Pusan T`onggye Yŏnbo [釜山統計年報]; Sŏul T`onggye Yŏnbo [서울統計年報]; Kwangju T`onggye Yŏnbo [光州統計年報]; etc.

Tosi Pigyo T`onggye = Comparative Statistics of Major Cities. Seoul: Sŏul T`ukpyŏlsi.

Nam-Pukhan Kyŏngje Sahoesang Pigyo [南北韓經濟社會相比較]. Seoul: T`onggyech`ŏng.

In'gu Chut`aek Ch`ong Chosa Chamjŏng Pogosŏ = Preliminary Count of Population and Housing Census 1995. Seoul: T`onggyech`ŏng, 1996. 211 p.

1995 Population and Housing Census Report. Seoul: National Statistical Office, 1997. (also on CD-ROM)

In'gu Idong T`onggye Yŏnbo = Annual Report on the Internal Migration Statistics (Derived from Resident Registration). Seoul: T`onggyech`ŏng.

In'gu Tongt`ae T`onggye Yŏnbo = Annual Report on the Vital Statistics (Based on Vital Registration). Seoul: T`onggyech`ŏng.

Samang Wŏnin T`onggye Yŏnbo = Annual Report on the Cause of Death Statistics (Based on Vital Registration). Seoul: T`onggyech`ŏng.

Chonghap Mulka Ch`ongnam: T`onggye ro Pon Mulka 25-yŏnsa (1970-1995) : Chonghap Mulka Chŏngbo, Ch`anggan 25-chunyŏn, Kinyŏm Palgan[綜合物價總攬: 統計로본物價25年史]. Seoul: Han'guk Mulka Chŏngbo, 1995. 463 p.

Han'guk ŭi Hwan'gyŏng T`onggye Pyŏngka Pogosŏ [韓國의環境統計評價報告書]. Seoul: T`onggyech`ŏng, 1996. 541 p.

Sŏul T`ukpyŏlsi Sa P`yŏnch`an Wiwŏnhoe. Sŏul T`onggye Charyojip: Taehan Cheguk Sigip`yŏn [서울統計資料集: 大韓帝國時期篇]. Seoul: Sŏul T`ukpyŏlsi, 1996. 491 p.

Sŏul T`ukpyŏlsi Sa P`yŏnch`an Wiwŏnhoe. Sŏul T`onggye Charyojip, Ilche Kangjŏmgip`yŏn [서울統計資料集: 日帝强占期篇]. Seoul: Sŏul T`ukpyolsi, 1993. 589 p.

T`onggye ro Pon Segye wa Han'guk [統計로본世界와韓國]. Seoul: T`onggyech`ŏng, 1995. 881 p.

T`onggye ro Pon Taehan Min'guk 50-yŏn ŭi Kyŏngje Sahoesang Pyŏnhwa [統計로본大韓民國50年의經濟社會相變化]. Seoul: T`onggyech`ŏng, 1998. 557p.

Ch`oe, In-gŭn, et al. eds. T`onggye ro Pon Kwangbok Chŏnhu ŭi Kyŏngje, Sahoesang [統計로본光復前後의經濟社會相]. Seoul: T`onggyech`ŏng, 1993. 158 p.

T`onggye ro Pon Kwangbok Ihu Han'gugin ŭi Munhwa Saenghwal Pyŏnch`ŏn [統計로본光復以後韓國人의文化生活變遷]. Seoul: T`onggyech`ŏng, 1995. 95 p.


Yi, Hŏn-jae. Han'guk Kogohak Munhŏn Mongnok [韓國考古學文獻目錄]. Seoul: Hagyŏn Munhwawa, 1995. 886 p.


Han'guk Kŏnch`uksa Munhŏn Mongnok [韓國建築史文獻目錄]. Seoul: Parŏn, 1994. 437 p.

Yŏnse Taehakkyo Taehagwŏn Kŏnch`uk Konghakkwa Kŏnch`uk Yŏn'gusil, ed. Kŏnch`uk Kwan'gye Munhŏn Charyo Mongnokchip: Kungnae Hagwi Nonmun mit Yŏn'gu Nonmun ŭl Chungsim ŭro [建築關係文獻資料目錄集]. Seoul: Konggan Yesulsa, 1993. 545 p.

Chang, Ki-in. Sinp`yŏn Han'guk Kŏnch`uk Sajŏn [新編韓國建築辭典]. Seoul: Posŏnggak, 1993. 615 p.


Han'guk Misul Yŏn'gam = Korea Art Annual. Seoul: Han'guk Misul Yŏn'gamsa.

Chin, Hong-sŏp. Han'guk Misulsa Yŏnp`yo [韓國美術史年表]. Seoul: Ilchisa, 1981. 453 p.

Han, Mun-yŏng. Han'guk Sŏhwaga Inmyŏng Sajŏn [韓國書畵家人名事典]. Seoul: Pŏmusa, 2000. 966 p.

Han'guk Yŏn'gŭk, Muyong, Yŏnghwa Sajŏn [韓國演劇舞踊映畵辭典]. Seoul: Yesurwŏn, 1985. 654 p.

Business & Economy

Han'guk P`yojun Sanŏp Pullyu = Korean Standard Industrial Classification. Seoul: T`onggyech`ŏng.

Doing Business in the Republic of Korea. New York: Price Waterhouse Center for Transnational Taxation, 1996.

Kyŏngje Paeksŏ [經濟白書]. Seoul: Chaejŏng Kyŏngjebu.

<Annual Reports>

Hoesa Yŏn'gam = Annual Corporation Reports. Seoul: Maeil Kyŏngje Sinmunsa. (also on CD-ROM)

*Korea Company Yearbook. Seoul: Asia-Pacific Infoserv Inc. (also on CD-ROM)

Korea Company Handbook: Investment Guide. Seoul: Asia Pacific Infoserv, Inc.


Chŏn'guk Kiŏpch`e Ch`ongnam [全國企業體總攬]. Seoul: Taehan Sanggong Hoeŭiso.

Korean Business Directory. Seoul: Chamber of Commerce of Korea. (also on CD-ROM)

Foreign Business Contacts in Korea = Chuhan Oeguk Kiŏp Ch`ongnam. Seoul: Korea Data Bank.


*Kyŏngje T`onggye Yŏnbo = Economic Statistics Yearbook. Seoul: Han'guk Ŭnhaeng.

Han'guk Chuyo Kyŏngje Chip`yo = Major Statistics on Korean Economy. Seoul: T`onggyech`ŏng.

Chŏngbo T`ongsin T`ongye Yŏnbo = Statistical Yearbook of Information and Communication. Seoul: Chŏngbo T`ongsinbu.

Chŏn'gi T`ongsin T`onggye Yŏnbo = Statistical Yearbook of Telecommunications. Seoul: Han'guk T`ongsin.

Chŭngkwŏn T`onggye Yŏnbo = Securities Statistics Yearbook. Seoul: Han'guk Chŭngkwŏn Kŏraeso.

Han'guk ŭi Sobi Saenghwal Chip`yo = Consumption Life Indicators in Korea. Seoul: Han'guk Sobija Pohowŏn. (triennial)

Kŏnsŏl Kyot`ong T`onggye Yŏnbo = Statistical Yearbook of Construction & Transportation: Kŏnsŏl Pumun [建設部門]. Seoul: Kŏnsŏl Kyot`ongbu.

Kŏnsŏl Kyot`ong T`onggye Yŏnbo = Statistical Yearbook of Construction & Transportation: Kyot`ong Pumun [交通部門]. Seoul: Kŏnsŏl Kyot`ongbu.

Kukse T`onggye Yŏnbo = Statistical Yearbook of National Tax. Seoul: Kuksech`ong.

Kwanggongŏp T`onggye Chosa Pogosŏ = Report on Mining and Manufacturing Survey. Seoul: T`onggyech`ŏng.

Mulka Yŏnbo = Annual Report on the Price Survey. Seoul: T`onggyech`ŏng.

Nongnim T`onggye Yŏnbo = Yearbook of Agriculture and Forestry Statistics. Seoul: Nongnimbu.

Pohŏm T`onggye Yŏn'gam = Insurance Statistics Yearbook. Seoul: Pohŏm Kamdogwŏn.

Sŏbisŭ-ŏp T`onggye Chosa Pogosŏ = Annual Report on the Survey of Services. Seoul: T`onggyech`ŏng.


Han'guk Kyŏngje Yŏn'gam = Korean Economic Yearbook. Seoul: Chŏn'guk Kyŏngjein Yŏnhaphoe. (with supplement Han'guk Chaegye Insarok [韓國財界人士錄]

Chŏngbo T`ongsin Yŏn'gam [情報通信年鑑]. Seoul: Chŏnja Sinmunsa.

Han'guk Chŏnja Yŏn'gam [韓國電子年鑑]. Seoul: Chŏnja Sinmunsa.

Han'guk Chose Yŏn'gam [韓國租稅年鑑]. Seoul: Han'guk Chose Yŏn'gam Palganhoe.


Han'guk Sanŏp Ŭnhaeng. Chaemu Punsŏk = Analysis of Financial Data. Seoul: Han'guk Sanŏp Ŭnhaeng.

Chibang Chaejŏng Yŏn'gam = Financial Yearbook of Local Government. Seoul: Naemubu Chibang Chaejŏng Haengjŏngguk.

Han'guk Kŭmnyung Yŏn'gam = Korea Financial Yearbook. Seoul: Ŭnhaenggyesa.

Sin Sanŏp Kyŏngyŏngwŏn, ed. Han'guk 30-tae Chaebŏl Chaemu Punsŏk. Seoul: Sin Sanŏp Kyŏngyŏngwŏn Ch`ulp`anbu.


Industry in Korea. Seoul: Korea Development Bank. (triennial)

Korean Automotive Industry. Seoul: Kia Economic Research Institute, 1996. 164 p.

Korean Automobile Industry. Seoul: Han'guk Chadongch`a Kongop Hyophoe.

Market Data in Korea: Market Size, Share & Trend. Seoul: DACO Industrial Research Institute.

Sanŏp Saengsan Yŏnbo = Annual Report on Current Industrial Production Survey. Seoul: T`onggyech`ŏng. (also on CD-ROM)


Nodong Kyŏngje Yŏn'gam [勞動經濟年鑑]. Seoul: Han'guk Kyŏngyŏngja Ch`ong Hyŏphoe.

Nodong T`onggye Yŏn'gam = Yearbook of Labor Statistics. Seoul: Nodongbu.

1963-1993 Chinan 30-yŏn kan Koyong Sajŏng ŭi Pyŏnhwa: Kyŏngje Hwaltong In'gu Chosa 30-yŏn = Comprehensive Time Series Report on the Economically Active Population Survey. Seoul: T`onngyech`ŏng, 1994. 760 p.

Nodong Paeksŏ [勞動白書]. Seoul: Nodongbu.


Overseas Korean Traders Directory. Seoul: Korea Trade Promotion Corp.

Muyŏk Yŏn'gam [貿易年鑑]. Seoul: Han'guk Muyŏk Hyŏphoe.

Chuyo Muyŏk Tonghyang Chip`yo [主要貿易動向指標]. Seoul: Han'guk Muyŏk Hyŏphoe.

Muyŏk T`onggye Yŏnbo = Yearbook of Foreign Trade Statistics. Seoul: Kwansech`ŏng.


Ch`oe, In-hak. Han'guk Minsokhak Munhŏn Ch`ong Mongnok 1920-1995 [韓國民俗學文獻總目錄1920-1995]. Seoul: Inha Taehakkyo Ch`ulp`anbu, 1999. 556 p.

Ch`oe, In-hak. A Type Index of Korean Folktales. Seoul: Myong Ji University, 1979. 353 p.

Munhwa Ch`eyukpu, ed. Han'guk ŭi Pangmulgwan mit Misulgwan: Tŭngnok Pangmulgwan mit Misulgwan Kwallam Annae [韓國의博物館및美術館]. Seoul: Tosŏ Ch`ulp`an P`ia, 1995. 182 p.

Museums & Art Museums of Korea: Information on the Registered Museums and Art Museums. Seoul: Ministry of Culture & Sports; Daewonsa Publishing Co., 1996. 192 p.

The National Museum of Korea, the ICOM Asia Agency, eds. Museum Directory of Korea. Seoul: Tong-Chun Moonhwa Pub. Co., 1988. 213 p.

Yi, Yo-sŏp. Han'guk ŭi T`ŭksu Pangmulgwan [韓國의特殊博物館]. Seoul: Sesi, 1994. 273 p.

Ch`ŏn, Kyŏng-hwa, ed. Han'guk Munhwajae Ch`ongsŏl: Kukpo Pomul Chungsim [韓國文化財總說: 國寶寶物中心]. Seoul: Paeksan Ch`ulp`ansa, 1993. 1106 p.

Ch`oe, Sang-su. Annual Customs of Korea: Notes on the Rites and Ceremonies of the Year. Seoul: Seomun-dang, 1983. 168 p.

Han'guk Chŏnt`ong Ŭirye Sŏsik Yŏn'guhoe. Han'guk Chŏnt`ong Yejŏl kwa Kakchong Sŏsik ŭl Surokhan P`ilsu Kajŏng Ŭirye Sŏsik Paekkwa [家庭儀禮書式百科]. Seoul: Ilsong Midiŏ, 1998. 462 p.

Ch`oe, Nae-ok. Han'guk Min'gan Soksinŏ Sajŏn: Kŭmgi, Kwŏnjang, Kilcho, Hyungjo, Haemong, Yopŏp, P`ungsu tŭng [韓國民間俗信語辭典: 禁忌, 勸奬, 吉兆, 凶兆, 解夢, 療法, 風水等]. Seoul: Chimmundang, 1995. 332 p.

Han'guk Minsok Sajŏn P`yŏnch`an Wiwŏnhoe, ed. Han'guk Minsok Taesajŏn [韓國民俗大辭典]. 2 vols. Seoul: Minjok Munhwasa, 1991.

Han'guk Munhwa Sangjing Sajŏn P`yŏnch`an Wiwŏnhoe. Han'guk Munhwa Sangjing Sajŏn = Dictionary of Korean Myths and Symbols. Seoul: Tonga Ch`ulp`ansa, 1992. 671 p.

Ch`oe, Chae-sŏk. Han'guk ŭi Ch`injok Yongŏ [韓國의親族用語]. Seoul: Minumsa, 1988. 126 p.

Yi, Mu-yŏng, ed. Yejŏl Parŭn Uri Mal Hoch`ing [禮節바른우리말呼稱]. Seoul: Yŏgang, 1994. 223 p.

Chŏng, T`ae-ryung, ed. Han'guk ŭi Yoksŏl Paekkwa [韓國의辱說百科]. Seoul: Han'guk Munwŏn, 1997. 454 p.

Chŏng, T`ae-ryung, ed.Uri Mal Sangsori Sajŏn. 2 vols. Seoul: P`urimiŏm Puksŭ, 1994.

Korean Cultural Heritage. Seoul: Korean Overseas Information Service, 1997. 284 p.

Korean Heritage Series. 20 vols. Seoul: Korean Overseas Information Services, 1995

Im, Chong-uk. Kosa Sŏngŏ Taesajŏn [故事成語大辭典]. Seoul: Koryŏwŏn, 1996. 979 p.

Yi, Hun-jong. Minjok Saenghwarŏ Sajŏn [民族生活語辭典]. Seoul: Han'gilsa, 1992. 623 p.

Yi, Ŏ-ryŏng. Munjang Paekkwa Taesajŏn = The Quotations Dictionary. Seoul: Kŭmsŏng Ch`ulp`ansa, 1988. 2250 p.

Han, Suzzanne Crowder. Notes on Things Korean. Elizabeth, NJ: Hollym, 1995. 248 p.

De Monte, Boye Lafayette. NTC's Dictionary of Korea's Business and Cultural Code Words. Lincolnwood, Ill.: NTC Publishing Group, 1998. 462 p.

Kim, Sun-Jin, et al. comp. Tuttle Dictionary of the Martial Arts of Korea, China & Japan. Rutland, Vt.: Charles E. Tuttle Co., 1996. 318 p.


Ha, Tae-hung. Maxims and Proverbs of Old Korea. Seoul: Yonsei University Press, 1958. 315 p.

Chŏng, Chong-jin, ed. Han'guk ŭi Soktam Yongnye Sajŏn [韓國의俗談用例辭典]. Seoul: T`aehaksa, 1993. 763 p.

Kim, To-hwan. Han'guk Soktam Hwaryong Sajŏn [韓國俗談活用辭典]. Seoul: Hanul, 1993. 665 p.

Wŏn, Yŏng-sŏp, ed. Uri Soktam Sajŏn [우리俗談辭典]. Seoul: Sech`ang Ch`ulp`ansa, 1993. 1322 p.


Han'guk Kyoyuk Yŏn'gam [韓國敎育年鑑]. Seoul: Han'guk Kyoyuk Sinmunsa. (with supplement Han'guk Kyoyuk Myŏngbu [韓國敎育名簿])

Han'guk Hakkyo Myŏnggam = Book of Registered School in Korea. Seoul: Han'guk Hakkkyo Myŏnggam P`yŏnch`anhoe.

Kyoyuk T`onggye Yŏnbo = Statistical Yearbook of Education. Seoul: Kyoyukpu; Han'guk Kyoyuk Kaebarwŏn.

Local statistical yearbooks of education are available, for example, Sŏul Kyoyuk T`onggye Yŏnbo [서울敎育統計年報]; Kyŏngbuk Kyoyuk T`onggye Yŏnbo [慶北敎育統計年報]; Cheju Kyoyuk T`onggye Yŏnbo [濟州敎育統計年報]; etc.

T`onggye ro Pon Han'guk Kyoyuk ŭi Paljach`wi [統計로본韓國敎育발자취]. Seoul: Kyoyukpu; Han'guk Kyoyuk Kaebarwŏn, 1997. 260 p.

Chŏng, T`ae-su. Mi Kunjŏnggi Han'guk Kyoyuksa Charyojip: 1945-1948 [美軍政期韓國敎育史資料集1945-1948]. 2 vols.Seoul: Hongjiwŏn, 1992.


Hong, Yŏng-ch`ŏl. Han'guk Yŏnghwa Tosŏ Charyo Pyŏllam, 1925-1990 [韓國映畵圖書資料便覽]. Seoul: Han'guk Yŏngsang Caryowŏn, 1991. 448 p.

Butler, Lucius A., and Chaesoon T. Youngs, comp. Films for Korean Studies. Honolulu: Center for Korean Studies, University of Hawaii, 1978. 167 p.

Edwards, Paul M. A Guide to Films on the Korean War. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1997. 149 p.

Foreign Relations

Kim, Se-jin, ed. Documents on Korean-American Relations, 1943-1976. Seoul: Research Center for Peace and Unification, 1976. 558 p.

Ilbon Yŏn'gusil, ed. Han-Il Kwan'gye Charyojip [韓日關係資料集]. 2 vols. Seoul: Koryŏ Taehakkyo Asea Munje Yŏn'guso, 1976.

Han-Il Kwan'gyesa Yŏn'guhoe, ed. Han-Il Kwan'gyesa Nonjŏ Mongnok [韓日關係史論著目錄]. Seoul: Hyŏnŭmsa, 1993. 285 p.

Taema-do Chongga Kwan'gye Munsŏ: Sŏgye Mongnokchip [對馬島宗家關係文書: 書契目錄集]. 4 vols. Kyŏnggi-do Kwach`ŏn-si: Kuksa P`yŏnch`an Wiwŏnhoe, 1991.


Han'gugin ŭi Chokpo P`yŏnch`an Wiwŏnhoe. Han'gugin ŭi Chokpo = The Genealogical Book of Korea. Seoul: Ilsin'gak, 1977. 1559 p.

Han'guk Myŏngmun T`ongbo [韓國名門統譜]. 3 vols. Seoul: Han'guk Kyebo Hyŏphoe, 1980.

*Sŏngssi ŭi Kohyang: Han'guk Sŏngssi Tae Paekkwa [姓氏의故鄕: 韓國姓氏大百科]. Seoul: Chungang Ilbosa, 1990. 2684 p.


*Park, Young-Han, et al., eds. Atlas of Korea. Seoul: Sung Ji Mun Hwa Co., Ltd., 2000. 136 p.

*Ch`oegŭn Pukhan Oman Pun Chi Il Chihyŏngdo [最近北韓五萬分之一地形圖]. 2 vols. Seoul: Kyŏngin Munhwasa, 1997.

Kokusai Kankei Kyodo Kenkyujo hencho. Gendai Kita Chosen Chimei Jiten = Gazetteer of North Korean Place Names. Tokyo: Kokusho Kankokai, Showa 57 [1982]. 223 p.

Han'gŭl Hakhoe. Han'guk Chimyŏng Ch`ongnam [韓國地名總攬]. 20 vols. Seoul: Han'gŭl Hakhoe, 1966-1986.

Chŏn, Yong-sin, ed. Han'guk Ko Chimyŏng Sajŏn [韓國古地名辭典]. Seoul: Kodae Minjok Munhwa Yŏn'guso, 1993. 451 p.

Han'gŭl Hakhoe. Han'guk Ttang Irŭm K`ŭn Sajŏn [韓國땅이름큰사전]. 3 vols. Seoul: Han'gŭl Hakhoe, 1991. 6206 p.

No, Sang-bok. Changsŏgak Tosŏ Han'gukpon Haejejip: Chiriryu [藏書閣圖書韓國本解題集: 地理類]. Kyŏnggi-do Sŏnggnam-si: Han'guk Chŏngsin Munhwa Yŏn'guwŏn, 1993. 458 p.



Adami, Norbert R. Bibliography on Parhae (Bohai-Bokkai): A Medieval State in the Far East. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 1994. 112 p.

Kaya Yŏn'gu Nonjŏ Mongnok [伽倻硏究論著目錄]. Seoul: Ch`angwŏn Munhwajae Yŏn'guso, 1991. 499 p.

Tongguk Taehakkyo Silla Munhwa Yŏn'guso, ed. Silla Yŏn'gu Nonjŏ Mongnok [新羅硏究論著目錄]. Seoul: Tongguk Taehakkyo Ch`ulp`ansa, 1988. 516 p.

Kim, Sun-dok, et al. eds. Hanmal Ŭibyŏng Kwan'gye Munhŏn Haejejip [韓末義兵關係文獻解題集]. Seoul: Minumsa, 1993. 315 p.

Chosenshi Kenkyukai. Sengo Nihon ni Okeru Chosen Shi Bunken Mokuroku: 1945-1991 [戰後日本朝鮮史文獻目錄: 1945-1991]. Tokyo: Ryokuin Shobo, 1994. 486 p.


Kim, Sŏng-jun. Chŭngbo Han'guk Yŏksa Yŏnp`yo [增補韓國歷史年表]. Seoul: Hosŏ Ch`ulp`ansa, 1994. 734 p.


Basic Glossary Korean Studies = Han'gukhak Kibon Yongŏjip. Seoul: Korea Foundation, 1993. 338 p.

Kim, Sin-ung. Chosŏn Sahoe Kyŏngje Yongŏ Saegin Ch`ongnam [朝鮮社會經濟用語索引總攬]. 2 vols. Seoul: Yup`ung Ch`ulp`ansa, 1995.

Han'guksa Sajŏn P`yŏnch`anhoe, ed. Han'guk Ko-Chungsesa Sajŏn: Kusŏkki Sidae-1860-yŏn [韓國古中世史事典]. Seoul: Karam Kihoek, 1995. 553 p.

Han'guksa Sajŏn P`yŏnch`anhoe, ed. Han'guk Kŭn-Hyŏndaesa Sajŏn: 1860-1990 [韓國近現代史事典]. Seoul: Karam Kihoek, 1990. 592 p.

Han'guk Tongnip Ŭndongsa Yŏn'guso. Han'guk Tongnip Undongsa Sajŏn [韓國獨立運動史事典]. 2 vols. Seoul: Tongnip Kinyŏmgwan, 1996.