Cyngor Cymuned Banwy Community Council

Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 10th October 2017 at Banwy Community Centre, Llangadfan at 7.30 p.m.

1)Present – Cllr D Smyth (Chair), Cllr J Jones, Cllr D Williams, Cllr P Edwards, Cllr G Jenkinson, Cllr L Smith, Cllr B Smith, Mr. Darren Mayor

Apologies – Nil

2) MontyTrax Presentation – Darren Mayor summarised the progress on the project to date. He highlighted the costs and potential economic benefit of the proposals. In the Banwy area, the main scheme was development of circular walking and cycling routes, improving local links and creating new links with neighbouring communities.

The next step, for which the support of local communities was needed, would be to plan creating a charitable body to head up projects.

3)Declaration of Interest - Nil

4)Minutes of Meeting – The Council agreed that the minutes could be signed as a correct record once a surname error had been corrected by the Clerk

5) Matters Arising –

  • Bus Shelter – A site visit was carried out by Cllr. B. Smith and Powys County Council, it was agreed that Powys wouldn’t have an issue with the clear perspex, canopy style shelter being located on the pavement on the corner of the ‘C’ road.
  • Defib – Cllr Smith is still working on a suitable site. Clerk to look into the BT phone box in Foel.
  • Cae Post – The soft plastic recycling bin is labelled, in use and ready for the first collection. Clerk to e-mail Cllr. L Smith the relevant contact details at Cae Post to arrange collection. Cllr G Jenkinson advised that the school would be happy to notify parents of the bin through letter format.
  • Insurance Policy – The Clerk is in the process of adding the 3 notice boards to the policy.

6) Correspondence Received – Nil

7) Chairmans Report – The Chairman advised the Council that he had met with County Councillor Myfanwy Alexander to work out the best way to deal with the highways issues when the Powys CC cabinet member attends the November meeting. The Council members were asked to send any issues that they have found to the Clerk, she can then compile a list and forward to CC Alexander in advance.

8) Rep Reports – NIL

9)MontyTrax letter of support – After further debate the Council agreed to support the initiative and authorised the Chairman to compose a letter to that effect but stressing that the Council wished to assess the links through their area in conjunction with the appropriate agencies in the light of road safety concerns on both the A458 and the C2111

10)Website – Cllr. L Smith and Cllr G. Jenkinson to work alongside the Clerk in bringing the website up to date and introducing more community elements. Cllr. B Smith to send the Clerk a list of ‘must haves’ on the website to comply with rules and regulations.

11)Remembrance Sunday – The Chairman had received an e-mail from Beryl Vaughan giving her apologies as she will be unable to carry out the service. Cllr. D. Smyth to find a replacement and to discuss the involvement of the school children with Betsan. Clerk to organise a wreath.

12)Finance and periodic review – The Council agreed to pay the R.A.B.I donation and noted the periodic review. Clerk was asked to list £800 payment to the village hall on the agenda for November.

13)Bank Mandate – Clerk obtained the information required to fill in the document. Signatures will be needed at November meeting.

14) Highways –

The speed humps at the entrance to Pen-Y- Ddol, Foel are damaged and need repairing.

C2111 – The grass is very overgrown and there are drainage issues

15)Planning –

HEDG/2017/0005 – No objections, however when the hedge is reinstated the Council would like a stile or pedestrian gate to be included adjacent to the NW corner of the bridge for access to Footpath 3

P/2017/1104 – The Council support this application as long as the access issues highlighted on the outline planning are adhered to.

P/2017/1033 – The Council objected to this application in its present form. There is no evidence of need for a speculative development.

Members Points of Interest –

Co-option to be added to the agenda for November meeting

17) Council confirmed that the date of the next meeting is on Tuesday 14th November at 7.30 p.m. in Banw Community Hall.
