Lake City Yacht Club BOD Meeting Minutes from June 13, 2015
The Meeting called to order at 9:10 A.M. by Commodore Loehrer
Venue: Lake City Yacht Club, Lake City, MN
Attendees: Steve Loehrer, Dave Brustad, Neil Fider, Carrie Kolles, Greg Kolles,Maggie Simons,
Nancy Hana and Jeanne Mayland
Absent:Dianne Siebrasse,Beth Skatrud
Commodore’s welcome to all present
Minutes: The minutesfrom the May 16, 2015 BOD meeting were presented. A motion to approve was made and seconded. The minutes were approved.
Purser report: Greg Kolles
LCYC Balance of June 13, 2015: $20,029.18
- Financials with details will accompany agendas going forward
$614.00 expense for Welcome Breakfast
$185.00 Insurance:Worker’s Comp returned
A motion to approve the financial report was seconded and approved.
Race report:Neil Fider
Spring series finished – 8 boats participated
2016 Budget preliminary prepared
4 -5 year history of being under budget on expenses for the race program
Carried over budget annually and continued to reduce expenses
Membership report:Maggie Simons
2016 Membership:
- Discussion of Membership dues going forward
- Discussed the opportunity for the board to initiate a change in the membership initiation fee for new members.
- Is there an opportunity to call a special meeting of the membership to vote on a new initiation fee?
- Based on the by-laws/timing BOD has determined to prepare a 2016 plan for a reduction in the initiation fee and potentially raising the membership dues also.
- Plan will be presented to membership at 2015 September annual meeting for ratification.
Sail for Luekemia, July 25 and 26
- Possibility to post opportunity to support event through LCYC website
- Raise funds for the club through the National website
Communications report: Dianne Siebrasse No report submitted.
House report:Dave Brustad
New carts are in place for dock use
- Each dock has two carts
Social report: Carrie Kolles
- Steak Fry tonight
- Fairly large turn-out through sign-up
- Volunteers needed for clean-up
- Confirmation of Fall banquet being held at The Nosh
- 1000 Dock party next weekend – signage will be put out
Old Business:
- Dave Brustad will review cleaning contract for clarification on cleaning frequencies and duties.
New Business:
Next meeting to be held at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, July 18 at Lake City Yacht
Call for Adjournment: Meeting adjournment moved, seconded & approved at led
byCommodore Loehrer.