Board Meeting Minutes
March 16, 2011

In Attendance: Steve Bogolea, Al Cockrell, Rees Crosby, Michael Gunderson, Pamela Keith, Alan Morrow, Evan Pitts, Gayle Seymour, John Sims, Wayne Smith, and Leslie Wooten.

I.President Smith called the meeting to order at 5:30pm.

  1. The minutes of the board meeting held onFebruary 16, 2011 as submitted via email by Morrow were approvedwith corrections without objection.
  2. The treasurer’s report as of March 16, 2011 as submitted by Pittswasapproved without objection.
  3. Standing and Board Committee Reports
  4. Club Administration –Northcutt

Gunderson is organizing a dinner outing prior to the PKYonge performance of Hairspray on March 26.

Crosby is planning the transition dinner for June 23, 2011 at Kanapaha Botanical Gardens.

A motion was made to reimburse registration fees for members that attend the District 6970 Conference on May 6 and 7 up to six members (Morrow/Cockrell). Motion approved unanimously.

  1. Service Projects –Seymour

Seymour has planned a Girls’ Place workday for Saturday, April 2 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Wooten is providing lunch.

MK Rawlings has received funding for computers from a District 6970 grant.

Newberry High School Scholarship applications are out to the students due the last school day in April.

VTT group from Haiti visits April 29 to May 5 and will visit Sunrise on May 5.

  1. Membership – Wooten

Sims will contact Gilbert about her attendance issues and update her on the policy of Leave of Absence and contacting the Board for extended absences.

Seymour will contact S. Mitchell about her attendance issues and update share with her that she should consider resigning or transferring to another Rotary Club more amenable to her schedule.

At the March 31, 2011 meeting Bryan Harrington will lead a Club Assembly on Membership Classification and New Member Recruitment.

On May 2, 2011 the membership committee is going to host a Prospective Member social at the Matheson Center from 6 to 8 pm. Wine and cheese will be provided. A motion was made to fund the Social with $385 and charging Sunrise members that arrive without a prospective member $10 (Cockrell/Sims). Motion approved unanimously.

A motion was made to accept the resignations of Sol Hirsch (cause: move) and Logan Nelson (cause: change in work priorities) effective March 17, 2011 (Morrow/Cockrell). Motion approved unanimously.

  1. Public Relations – Bogolea

Sunrise was in the paper and on TV for the MK Rawlings donation

  1. The Rotary Foundation –Verkler

No report

  1. Mama Mia’s – Keith

No report

  1. Charitable Contributions Committee – Cockrell

No applications pending

  1. Old Business

No old business

  1. New Business

Wooten is putting together an application for the MK Rawlings donation for the best Local Project Award, Keith for Mama Mia’s for the Best Fund-raiser Award, and Smith for the Premier Club Award.

  1. Thenext meeting of the Sunrise Board will be on April 20, 2011 at 5:30 p.m. at theBoardroom of the Gateway Bank located at 4100 NW 37th Place.
  2. President Smith adjourned the meeting at 6:56pm.