Level 20

600Bourke Street

Melbourne, VIC 3000

PO Box 117

Collins Street West, VIC 8007

For all enquiries please contact JLT Sport



Phone: 1300 655 684

Certificate of Currency

General & Products Liability Insurance

This Certificate:

  • Is issued as a matter of information only and confers no rights upon the holder.
  • Does not amend, extend or alter the coverage afforded by the Policy(ies) listed.
  • Is only a summary of the cover provided.
  • Reference must be made to the current Policy wording for full details.
  • Is current at the date of issue only.

This Certificate confirms that the undermentioned Policy is effective in accordance with the details shown:

Policy Number:ME-CAS-15-462779

Insured:Football NSW Limited (FNSW) and all associations, clubs, players, officials, centres, branches, members and volunteers

Period of Insurance:From:31stDecember 2015at 4pm Local Standard Time (NSW)

To:31stDecember 2016 at 4pm Local Standard Time (NSW)

Insured’s Business:Principally but not limited to administration, organisation, promotion, product sales, office occupiers, and all activities associated with the sport of Football. Such activities shall include but are not limited to coaching, coaching courses and clinics, holiday and school clinics, competitions and events, practices and training sessions, seminars , seminars and meetings, hire of facilities, teacher education and in service courses, working bees, organised fund raising, clubs formed by member clubs of FNSW for the purpose of fundraising and all related social and similar activities organised by the Insured including Property Owners/Occupiers and all associated activities, past or present.

Situation:Worldwide excluding USACanada

Interest Insured:Legal Liability to third parties for bodily injury and property damage arising out of the activities of the Insured.

Limit of Indemnity:$25,000,000 any one Occurrence in respect of public liability and in the aggregate during the Period of Insurance in respect of Products Liability

$10,000,000 any one Claim made and in the aggregate for all Claims made during the Period of Insurance in respect to Errors & Omissions / Financial Loss.

Football Club or <Insert Association/Club Name/Event

Football Association/


Remarks:The indemnity granted by this Policy extends to <Insert text hereas principal, in respect of that principal’s vicarious liability for the negligent acts or omissions of the Insured pursuant to Definition 2.5 and arising out of the Insured’s business, but this Policy does not extend to the liability of the principal howsoever arising out of the negligence, breach of contract or breach of duty of such principal.

<Insert Date>


Authorised Representative ofDate

Liberty International Underwriters


Liberty International Underwriters is a trading name of Liberty Mutual Insurance Company

ABN 61 086 083 605. Incorporated in Massachusetts, U.S.A. (The liability of members is limited)