Great Barrier Reef Project


______/100 Total Points

______10 points: Typed Process Questions and Answers on Basic Information about assigned region.

One set per group to be last slide in power point presentation.

Excellent / Proficient / Nearing Proficiency / Incomplete/Unacceptable
Power Point Presentation - Convince the 2 countries Governments to hire you as Ecotourism Guides
Min time=3min
Max time= 5min
30 points / Professional
Thoughtful performance that takes into account research
Entertaining and Informative
All Group Members were involved and equally shared in responsibility of presentation.
Project is neat
Artistic talent is present
Makes definite thoughtful connection to content
Is meaningful
Care and effort are shown in outcome of project
Computer Generated
Notes how ecotourism and standard tourism differ
Clearly you are qualified to give Eco-Tours of the assigned region
Easy to understand and spoke with knowledge of the content. The use of slang.
Work Sited
Saved to group folder on a flash drive / Performance that takes into account research
Project is neat
Artistic talent is present
Makes connection to content
Computer generated
Notes how ecotourism and standard tourism differ
Most group members were involved
Equal shared in responsibility of presentation.
Understand and spoke with knowledge of the content but had to refer to notes
Work Sited
Saved to group folder on a flash drive / Lacking connection to research
Not All Group Members were involved
Makes little connection to content
Some of the facts are wrong
Project could be neater
Little connection to content
computer generated
Is not saved correctly to the group folder
Doesn’t quiet appear that everyone understands and communicate with knowledge of the content.
No Work Sited
Saved to group folder on a flash drive / Doesn’t appear to understand assignments goals
The facts are wrong
Project is messy
No care was put into the project
Appears to be thrown together
Appears that only one group member understood content and prepared for presentation
No Work Sited
Not saved to group folder on a flash drive
Work Habits
10 points / Was completely on task at all times, very focused and self motivated.
(information provided by team leader) / Was on task most of time; needed one reminder.
(information provided by team leader) / Had trouble staying on task; needed 2 to 3 reminders.
(information provided by team leader) / Had trouble staying on task needed more than 3 reminders. Was very loud and distracting to others.
Was not prepared on day of presentation.
(information provided by team leader)
Automatic loss of all 10 points!
40 points / Professional Format
No spelling or grammatical errors
Takes into account research
Includes ALL of the following:
1.  Includes map of Australia and the assigned region; include physical with major political areas; population pyramid; SOL chart
2.  Includes “TODALS”
3.  Gives great description of assigned region, including why they are important
4.  Explains why assigned region is a region (formal, functional, and/or perceptual) with example(s)/facts including unique characteristics
5.  Lists at least 5 species of animals that inhabit the region
6.  List major natural resources and economic activity including GNP
7.  Emphasis on natural and human induced threats to the region and things people can do to help save it
8.  Gives tips for responsible techniques and practices for ecotourism
The design is eye catching and professional; it looks like it belongs on a travel agent’s shelf! / 1 or 2 spelling or grammatical errors
Proposal that takes into account research
Is missing 1 of the following:
1.  Includes map of Australia and the assigned region; include physical with major political areas; population pyramid; SOL chart
2.  Includes “TODALS”
3.  Gives great description of assigned region, including why they are important
4.  Explains why assigned region is a region (formal, functional, and/or perceptual) with example(s)/facts including unique characteristics
5.  Lists at least 5 species of animals that inhabit the region
6.  List major natural resources and economic activity including GNP
7.  Emphasis on natural and human induced threats to the region and things people can do to help save it
8.  Gives tips for responsible techniques and practices for ecotourism
The design is nice, but could be better. / Lacking distinct format
3 or 4 spelling or grammatical errors
Proposal that takes into account some research
Makes little connection to content
Is missing 2 of the following:
1.  Includes map of Australia and the assigned region; include physical with major political areas; population pyramid; SOL chart
2.  Includes “TODALS”
3.  Gives great description of assigned region, including why they are important
4.  Explains why assigned region is a region (formal, functional, and/or perceptual) with example(s)/facts including unique characteristics
5.  Lists at least 5 species of animals that inhabit the region
6.  List major natural resources and economic activity including GNP
7.  Emphasis on natural and human induced threats to the region and things people can do to help save it
8.  Gives tips for responsible techniques and practices for ecotourism
The design could use some more work. / Lacking distinct format
5 or more spelling or grammatical errors
Doesn’t appear to understand assignments goals
Is missing more than 2 of the following:
1.  Includes map of Australia and the assigned region; include physical with major political areas; population pyramid; SOL chart
2.  Includes “TODALS”
3.  Gives great description of assigned region, including why they are important
4.  Explains why assigned region is a region (formal, functional, and/or perceptual) with example(s)/facts including unique characteristics
5.  Lists at least 5 species of animals that inhabit the region
6.  List major natural resources and economic activity including GNP
7.  Emphasis on natural and human induced threats to the region and things people can do to help save it
8.  Gives tips for responsible techniques and practices for ecotourism
The design was less than desirable and lacked responsibility and effort.

______10 points: Each person turns in their own set of conclusions including description of their responsibilities and how they contributed to the process. This includes any notes made and rough drafts.