Arkansas Diamond Schools to Watch


Arkansas Association of Middle Level Education

Arkansas Association of Middle Level Administrators

Arkansas State Department of Education

Arkansas Forum to Accelerate Middle Grades Reform

in collaboration with

The National Forum to Accelerate Middle-Grades Reform


Mona Briggs


Charles Green


The Arkansas Diamond Schools to Watch Program affirms that exemplary schools are schools involved in an on-going journey of excellence. To this end, the Board of Directors has established a program of continuous evaluation for all schools designated as Lighthouse Schools. In order to maintain status as a

Diamond School near the end of three years it is necessary to submit an application for re-designation and have a site visit in the fall/winter of next school year to ascertain the progress of the school since the original designation and to determine whether or not the school will maintain its status as a Diamond School to Watch.

The application portion of the re-designation process asks for the following specific information:

A narrative reflection of school progress and programs in each of the four criteria areas (please

review the report from the original visiting committee which identified areas of improvement, with particular emphasis on those areas of improvement designated by the site team in your initial report)

An explanation of any significant changes that have occurred since the initial designation, specifically in the areas of leadership, school size and/or demographics, district mandates, program, structure, and test data

Testing and suspension data

A list of any special recognitions awarded to your school since your designation as a Diamond School to Watch

A description of any research projects, grant awards, articles, and projects of which your school has been the subject or recipient in the past three years

The identification of several “stretch goals” that will move your school to the next level.

Standardized testing data since the original designation.

All faculty in the school must complete the attached self study rubric and the school must turn in ONE copy of an AVERAGED score for each indicator in the rubric.

The report is to be completed by a team of administrators and teachers chosen by the school and signed to

certify their participation in preparing this application.

One hard copy of the report is to be e-mailed to both Mona Briggs and Charles Green and one CD containing the report is to be mailed to Charles Green at the following address:

Arkansas Diamonds Schools to Watch Program


c/o Charles Green

PO Box 2120

Little Rock, AR 72203

Part Three

National Forum to Accelerate Middle Grades Reform

Schools to Watch® Program

Application Data*

School Year:

*Recognized Schools will be required to submit these data elements annually.

Your information may be entered using Microsoft Word and clicking and typing your data in the spaces provided. “Save” your completed form which may then be transmitted electronically (as an email attachment) to your state’s Schools to Watch Program and to the office of the National Forum to Accelerate Middle Grades Reform (). Some of the data may not be applicable to your state so that those cells may be empty. If you have any questions about your “Application Data,” you may contact your State Program’s Director or Dr. Peggy Gaskill, Chair of the Forum Research Committee (email: ).

School/Student Demographics

General School Information

School Name:

District Name:

Street Address:


Phone with Area Code: Fax: Website:

Grades in School:

Name of the Principal: Email:

School Community: Urban Rural Suburban

Student Information

Enrollment Data
Student Populations / 6th / 7th / 8th / Total Students / Percent of Total Enrollment
African American
Native American
Total / 100%
Male Students
Female Students
Free/Reduced Lunch Students
Identified Special Education Students
English Language Learner Students

What was the average attendance rate (percent of all students) in your school during the last full school year?

Would you define your student population as “mobile” or “stable”? Mobile Stable

Suspension Data, School Year:
In-School Suspensions
1-5 Days / 6-10 Days
Student Populations / Total Number of Students in School / Percent of Different Students (Unduplicated Count) / Percent of Cases (Duplicated Count) / Percent of Different Students (Unduplicated Count) / Percent of Cases (Duplicated Count)
All Students
African American
Native American
Male Students
Female Students
Free/Reduced Lunch Students
Special Education Students
English Language Learner Students
Out of School Suspensions
1-5 Days / 6-10 Days
Student Populations / Total Number of Students in School / Percent of Different Students (Unduplicated Count) / Percent of Cases (Duplicated Count) / Percent of Different Students (Unduplicated Count) / Percent of Cases (Duplicated Count)
All Students
African American
Native American
Male Students
Female Students
Free/Reduced Lunch Students
Special Education Students
English Language Learner Students

Were there any students suspended for more than 10 days? Yes No

Were there any student expulsions during the last school year? Yes No

How many of your students were not promoted to the next grade at the end of the last school year?

(Include actual number and the percent of the total enrollment for the grade level.)

Students Not Promoted (Retained) at the End of the Last School Year
Student Populations / Grade 6 / Grade 7 / Grade 8
Promoted / Percent
Of Total
In Grade / Number
Promoted / Percent
Of Total
In Grade / Number
Promoted / Percent
Of Total
In Grade
All Students
African American
Native American
Male Students
Female Students
Reduced Lunch Students
Special Education Students
English Language Learner Students

Student Achievement Data

Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP)

Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP), Year:
Student Populations / English Language Arts / Mathematics
All Students
African American
Asian/Asian American
Native American
Students with Disabilities*
Limited English Proficient*
Economically Disadvantaged*

*Terms used on NCLB reports of AYP.

State Testing Data, 2008-2009 School Year, State:

Name of Test:

Percent of Students Passing State Assessment at the “Meets” or “Exceeds” Level
(Combine Your School’s Data for “Meets” and “Exceeds” and Enter on this Chart)
6th Grade
Student Populations / Language Arts / Mathematics / Science / Social Studies / Reading / Other: / Other:
All Students
African American
Native American
Male Students
Female Students
Free/Reduced Lunch Students
Special Education Students
English Language Learner Students
7th Grade
Student Populations / Language Arts / Mathematics / Science / Social Studies / Reading / Other: / Other:
All Students
African American
Native American
Male Students
Female Students
Free/Reduced Lunch Students
Special Education Students
English Language Learner Students
8th Grade
Student Populations / Language Arts / Mathematics / Science / Social Studies / Reading / Other: / Other:
All Students
African American
Native American
Male Students
Female Students
Free/Reduced Lunch Students
Special Education Students
English Language Learner Students

State Testing Data, 2009-2010 School Year, State:

Name of Test:

Percent of Students Passing State Assessment at the “Meets” or “Exceeds” Level
(Combine Your School’s Data for “Meets” and “Exceeds” and Enter on this Chart)
6th Grade
Student Populations / Language Arts / Mathematics / Science / Social Studies / Reading / Other: / Other:
All Students
African American
Native American
Male Students
Female Students
Free/Reduced Lunch Students
Special Education Students
English Language Learner Students
7th Grade
Student Populations / Language Arts / Mathematics / Science / Social Studies / Reading / Other: / Other:
All Students
African American
Native American
Male Students
Female Students
Free/Reduced Lunch Students
Special Education Students
English Language Learner Students
8th Grade
Student Populations / Language Arts / Mathematics / Science / Social Studies / Reading / Other: / Other:
All Students
African American
Native American
Male Students
Female Students
Free/Reduced Lunch Students
Special Education Students
English Language Learner Students

State Testing Data, 2010-2011 School Year, State:

Name of Test:

Percent of Students Passing State Assessment at the “Meets” or “Exceeds” Level
(Combine Your School’s Data for “Meets” and “Exceeds” and Enter on this Chart)
6th Grade
Student Populations / Language Arts / Mathematics / Science / Social Studies / Reading / Other: / Other:
All Students
African American
Native American
Male Students
Female Students
Free/Reduced Lunch Students
Special Education Students
English Language Learner Students
7th Grade
Student Populations / Language Arts / Mathematics / Science / Social Studies / Reading / Other: / Other:
All Students
African American
Native American
Male Students
Female Students
Free/Reduced Lunch Students
Special Education Students
English Language Learner Students
8th Grade
Student Populations / Language Arts / Mathematics / Science / Social Studies / Reading / Other: / Other:
All Students
African American
Native American
Male Students
Female Students
Free/Reduced Lunch Students
Special Education Students
English Language Learner Students

Teacher Demographics

Teacher Populations / Number
Total Number of Teachers in School
Number of Regular Education Teachers
Number of Special Education Teachers
Number of ESL/ELL Teachers
Number of “Core” Subject Teachers
Subject / 5th Grade / 6th Grade / 7th Grade / 8th Grade / 9th Grade
Language Arts
Social Studies
Teacher Certification/Licensure*
Elementary Certificate/License / Grade Span: / Number:
Middle Grades Certificate/License / Grade Span: / Number:
Secondary Certificate/License / Grade Span: / Number:
Other Certificate/License / Grade Span: K-12 or / Number:
Middle Grades Endorsements* / Grade Span: / Number:
*Certificates/Licenses are “initial” credentials while “Endorsements” are “add-ons” to an initial credential. Numbers may reflect that some teachers have an initial elementary or secondary credential but also have a middle grades endorsement.

At the time of submitting your Schools to Watch Re-designation application according to the application directions in your state, these data pages (p. 4-14) must also be sent electronically as an e-mail attachment directly to the National Forum to Accelerate Middle Grades Reform Office at the address below. It would be helpful to put your state name and school name in the “subject” line (for example, Michigan: Best Middle School).