ACTS Chapter 15
Teacher: John M. Brown, Flatwoods church of Christ, Wednesday Bible Class, February 2004
- The occasion,vv. 1-5
- Certain men had come from Judea, teaching the necessity of circumcision for salvation.
- Paul and Barnabas disputed with them.
- They all determined to take this matter to Jerusalem.
- Paul and Barnabas passed through Phenice and Samaria declaring the conversion of the Gentiles (and causing much joy among the brethren) and all things that God had done.
- A certain sect of the Pharisees (though believers) continued to insist on keeping the Law of Moses (see also Colossians 2:14-17; Hebrews 8-10).
- The discussion and decision,vv. 6-35
- The apostles and elders came together to consider this matter.
- Peter’s speech,vv. 6-11
- Peter reminds them of the happenings of Acts 10, and also tells them not to put a “yoke” (see Galatians 5:1) upon the Gentiles.
- Peter also reminds them that neither Gentile nor Jew perfectly kept the law.
- Paul and Barnabas speak, declaring the miracles and wonders God had done among the Gentiles, v. 12
- James speaks,vv. 13-21
- James also reminds the brethren of what God had done among the Gentilesthrough “Simeon” (Hebrews for “Simon” – that is, Peter).
- James quotes Amos 9:11-12 -the “tabernacle of David” is spiritual Israel (thatis, the church – see Galatians 6:16).
- James’ sentence (which is that of the Holy Spirit, see verse 28): do not troublethe Gentile converts with these matters.
- Regarding idols, fornication, things strangled, and blood: these prohibitionswerein effect before the Law Moses and during it (see Genesis 9:4; Leviticus 17:14).
- Letters were written with these instructions,vv. 22-29
- The letter is delivered to Antioch,vv. 30-35
- The reaction was rejoicing!
- The brethren were exhorted “with many words.”
- Silas, Paul, and Barnabas continued in Antioch,“teaching and preaching the word of the Lord.”
*NOTE: This “second missionary journey” will be described in Acts 15:36 through 18:22, and will take Paul and Silas through Europe, including Philippi, Thessalonica, Berea, Athens and Corinth.
- Paul wanted Barnabas to go with him to visit brethren in every city were the “word of the Lord had been preached.”
- Barnabas insisted on taking Mark (John Mark, see Colossians 4:10).
- Paul did not want to take him because he had departed from them in Pamphylia (see Acts 13:13 – later, Mark did prove faithful! see Philemon 24; 2 Timothy 4:11).
- So, Barnabas and Mark went to Cyprus, and Paul and Silas went to Syria and Cilicia.
NOTE: Some lessons to be learned from this disagreement between Barnabas and Paul:
- Good men can (and sometimes do) differ in matters of judgment.
- When good men differ in these areas, neither should seek to undermine theefforts of influence of the other.
- Care should always be taken that the work of God be not