Level:First Period Apprenticeship, Section One

Prerequisite:ETA3900: Apprenticeship Safety

Description:Students solve trade-related mathematical problems and describe how changes in voltage, current or resistance affect the electrical circuit.

Parameters:Access to a materials work centre and to instruction from an individual with journeyperson certification as an electrician.

ILM Resources:First Period Math Applications 030102a; Current, Voltage and Resistance 030102b

This sample rubric is for assessing technical elements that students need to know to be successful if they challenge the first-period apprenticeship exam. The rubric does not include the last two common outcomes that address the demonstration of teamwork and personal management and identification of steps to achieve personal goals. It is the certificated teacher’s responsibility to ensure that all outcomes are taught and assessed.

Assessment Tools / Notes
Checklist /
  • Prior to instruction, a copy of the checklist should be provided to the student to review outcomes that will need to be demonstrated.
  • The student may use this checklist as a guide when completing this course.
  • The teacher should review and sign the checklist when the course is complete to ensure student outcomes have been successfully demonstrated.

Rubric /
  • Prior to instruction, a copy of the rubric should be provided to the student to review and reflect on meeting expectations set out in the criteria.
  • This rubric may be used as one element of an assessment process. Teachers should use both formative and summative assessments to ensure students’ competency in this course.



Student Outcomes / Student
Check / Teacher
Check / Student, Teacher or Instructor Comments
  1. solve trade-related problems using basic mathematics skills

  1. predict how changes in the value of voltage, current or resistance affects the circuit




Student Name: / Date:
Criteria / Excellent / Proficient / Adequate / Limited / Not Yet Demonstrated
  1. solve trade-related problems using basic mathematics skills

1.1recognize and use basic mathematical symbols / I can consistentlyrecognize and use basic mathematical symbols. / I can usually recognize and use basic mathematical symbols. / I sometimes need assistance to recognize and use basic mathematical symbols. / I often need assistance to recognize and use basic mathematical symbols. / I have not yet provided evidence of this performance task.
1.2 add and subtract whole, decimal and fractional numbers / I can consistently add and subtract whole, decimal and fractional numbers. / I can usually add and subtract whole, decimal and fractional numbers. / I sometimes need assistance to add and subtract whole, decimal and fractional numbers. / I often need assistance to add and subtract whole, decimal and fractional numbers. / I have not yet provided evidence of this performance task.
1.3 multiply and divide whole, decimal and fractional numbers / I can consistentlymultiply and divide whole, decimal and fractional numbers. / I can usually multiply and divide whole, decimal and fractional numbers. / I sometimes need assistance to multiply and divide whole, decimal and fractional numbers. / I often need assistance to multiply and divide whole, decimal and fractional numbers. / I have not yet provided evidence of this performance task.
1.4 state the correct sequence for mathematical operations and solve equations that use brackets / I can consistentlystate the correct sequence for mathematical operations and solve equations that use brackets. / I can usually state the correct sequence for mathematical operations and solve equations that use brackets. / I sometimes need assistance to state the correct sequence for mathematical operations and solve equations that use brackets. / I often need assistance to state the correct sequence for mathematical operations and solve equations that use brackets. / I have not yet provided evidence of this performance task.
1.5 apply the math skill required for transposition of equations in relation to Ohm’s law / I can consistentlyapply the math skill required for transposition of equations in relation to Ohm’s law. / I can usually apply the math skill required for transposition of equations in relation to Ohm’s law. / I sometimes need assistance to apply the math skill required for transposition of equations in relation to Ohm’s law. / I often need assistance to apply the math skill required for transposition of equations in relation to Ohm’s law. / I have not yet provided evidence of this performance task.
2. predict how changes in the value of voltage, current or resistance affects the circuit
2.1 describe an electric current / I can consistentlydescribe an electric current. / I can usually describe an electric current. / I sometimes need assistance to describe an electric current. / I often need assistance to describe an electric current. / I have not yet provided evidence of this performance task.
2.2describe voltage / I can consistentlydescribe voltage. / I can usuallydescribe voltage. / I sometimes need assistance to describe voltage. / I often need assistance to describe voltage. / I have not yet provided evidence of this performance task.
2.3 describe resistance and state and apply Ohm’s law / I can consistently describe resistance and state and apply Ohm’s law. / I can usually describe resistance and state and apply Ohm’s law. / I sometimes need assistance to describe resistance and state and apply Ohm’s law. / I often need assistance to describe resistance and state and apply Ohm’s law. / I have not yet provided evidence of this performance task.
Teacher feedback and assessment.

Electrician Apprenticeship AssessmentCTS, TMT: ETA3400 / 1

© Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada2015



Level:First Period Apprenticeship

Prerequisite:ETA3900: Apprenticeship Safety

Description:Students analyze series and parallel circuits.

Parameters:Access to a materials work centre and to instruction from an individual with journeyperson certification as an electrician.

ILM Resources:Series Resistive Circuits 030102c; Parallel Resistive Circuits 030102d

This sample rubric is for assessing technical elements that students need to know to be successful if they challenge the first-period apprenticeship exam. The rubric does not include the last two common outcomes that address the demonstration of teamwork and personal management and identification of steps to achieve personal goals. It is the certificated teacher’s responsibility to ensure that all outcomes are taught and assessed.

Assessment Tools / Notes
Checklist /
  • Prior to instruction, a copy of the checklist should be provided to the student to review outcomes that will need to be demonstrated.
  • The student may use this checklist as a guide when completing this course.
  • The teacher should review and sign the checklist when the course is complete to ensure student outcomes have been successfully demonstrated.

Rubric /
  • Prior to instruction, a copy of the rubric should be provided to the student to review and reflect on meeting expectations set out in the criteria.
  • This rubric may be used as one element of an assessment process. Teachers should use both formative and summative assessments to ensure students’ competency in this course.



Student Outcomes / Student
Check / Teacher
Check / Student, Teacher or Instructor Comments
  1. connect and analyze a series resistive circuit

  1. connect and analyze a parallel resistive circuit

Teacher SignatureDate



Student Name: / Date:
Criteria / Excellent / Proficient / Adequate / Limited / Not Yet Demonstrated
  1. connect and analyze a series resistive circuit

1.1identify a series circuit / I can consistentlyidentify a series circuit. / I can usually identify a series circuit. / I sometimes need assistance to identify a series circuit. / I often need assistance to identify a series circuit. / I have not yet provided evidence of this performance task.
1.2 calculate resistance in a series circuit / I can consistently calculate resistance in a series circuit. / I can usually calculate resistance in a series circuit. / I sometimes need assistance to calculate resistance in a series circuit. / I often need assistance to calculate resistance in a series circuit. / I have not yet provided evidence of this performance task.
1.3 state and apply Kirchhoff’s voltage law in a series circuit / I can consistentlystate and apply Kirchhoff’s voltage law in a series circuit. / I can usually state and apply Kirchhoff’s voltage law in a series circuit. / I sometimes need assistance to state and apply Kirchhoff’s voltage law in a series circuit. / I often need assistance to state and apply Kirchhoff’s voltage law in a series circuit. / I have not yet provided evidence of this performance task.
1.4 calculate current in a series circuit / I can consistently calculate current in a series circuit. / I can usually calculate current in a series circuit. / I sometimes need assistance to calculate current in a series circuit. / I often need assistance to calculate current in a series circuit. / I have not yet provided evidence of this performance task.
1.5 determine circuit values by applying ratio and proportion / I can consistently determine circuit values by applying ratio and proportion. / I can usually determine circuit values by applying ratio and proportion. / I sometimes need assistance to determine circuit values by applying ratio and proportion. / I often need assistance to determine circuit values by applying ratio and proportion. / I have not yet provided evidence of this performance task.
1.6 solve series circuits using the voltage divider rule / I can consistently solve series circuits using the voltage divider rule. / I can usually solve series circuits using the voltage divider rule. / I sometimes need assistance to solve series circuits using the voltage divider rule / I often need assistance to solve series circuits using the voltage divider rule. / I have not yet provided evidence of this performance task.
1.7 determine the voltage drop across closed-or-open components in a series circuit / I can consistently determine the
voltage drop across
closed-or-open components in a series circuit. / I can usually determine the
voltage drop across closed-or-open components in a series circuit. / I sometimes need assistance to determine the voltage drop across closed-or-open components in a series circuit. / I often need assistance to determine the
voltage drop across closed-or-open components in a series circuit. / I have not yet provided evidence of this performance task.
2. connect and analyze a parallel resistive circuit
2.1 describe a parallel circuit / I can consistentlydescribe a parallel circuit. / I can usually describe a parallel circuit. / I sometimes need assistance to describe a parallel circuit. / I often need assistance to describe a parallel circuit. / I have not yet provided evidence of this performance task.
2.2calculate resistance in a parallel circuit / I can consistentlycalculate resistance in a parallel circuit. / I can usually calculate resistance in a parallel circuit. / I sometimes need assistance to calculate resistance in a parallel circuit. / I often need assistance to calculate resistance in a parallel circuit. / I have not yet provided evidence of this performance task.
2.3 state and apply Kirchhoff’s current law to a parallel circuit / I can consistently state and apply Kirchhoff’s current law to a parallel circuit. / I can usually state and apply Kirchhoff’s current law to a parallel circuit. / I sometimes need assistance to state and apply Kirchhoff’s current law to a parallel circuit. / I often need assistance to state and apply Kirchhoff’s current law to a parallel circuit. / I have not yet provided evidence of this performance task.
2.4 describe the effects of an open circuit on a parallel circuit / I can consistentlydescribe the effects of an open circuit on a parallel circuit. / I can usually describe the effects of an open circuit on a parallel circuit. / I sometimes need assistance to describe the effects of an open circuit on a parallel circuit. / I often need assistance to describe the effects of an open circuit on a parallel circuit. / I have not yet provided evidence of this performance task.
2.5solve branch circuit currents using the current divider principle / I can consistently solve branch circuit currents using the current divider principle. / I can usually solve branch circuit currents using the current divider principle. / I sometimes need assistance to solve branch circuit currents using the current divider principle. / I often need assistance to solve branch circuit currents using the current divider principle. / I have not yet provided evidence of this performance task.
Teacher feedback and assessment.

Electrician Apprenticeship AssessmentCTS, TMT: ETA3405 / 1

© Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada2015



Level:First Period Apprenticeship, Section One

Prerequisite:ETA3405: Electrical Concepts

Description:Students connect and analyze a series-parallel resistive circuit.

Parameters:Access to a materials work centre and to instruction from an individual with journeyperson certification as an electrician.

ILM Resources:Series-Parallel Resistive Circuits 030102e

This sample rubric is for assessing technical elements that students need to know to be successful if they challenge the first-period apprenticeship exam. The rubric does not include the last two common outcomes that address the demonstration of teamwork and personal management and identification of steps to achieve personal goals. It is the certificated teacher’s responsibility to ensure that all outcomes are taught and assessed.

Assessment Tools / Notes
Checklist /
  • Prior to instruction, a copy of the checklist should be provided to the student to review outcomes that will need to be demonstrated.
  • The student may use this checklist as a guide when completing this course.
  • The teacher should review and sign the checklist when the course is complete to ensure student outcomes have been successfully demonstrated.

Rubric /
  • Prior to instruction, a copy of the rubric should be provided to the student to review and reflect on meeting expectations set out in the criteria.
  • This rubric may be used as one element of an assessment process. Teachers should use both formative and summative assessments to ensure students’ competency in this course.



Student Outcomes / Student
Check / Teacher
Check / Student, Teacher or Instructor Comments
  1. connect and analyze
    series-parallel resistive circuits

Teacher SignatureDate



Student Name: / Date:
Criteria / Excellent / Proficient / Adequate / Limited / Not Yet Demonstrated
  1. connect and analyze series-parallel resistive circuits

1.1identify resistors that are in series / I can consistentlyidentify resistors that are in series. / I can usually identify resistors that are in series. / I sometimes need assistance to identify resistors that are in series. / I often need assistance to identify resistors that are in series. / I have not yet provided evidence of this performance task.
1.2 identify resistors that are in parallel / I can consistently identify resistors that are in parallel. / I can usually identify resistors that are in parallel. / I sometimes need assistance to identify resistors that are in parallel. / I often need assistance to identify resistors that are in parallel. / I have not yet provided evidence of this performance task.
1.3 calculate the total resistance of a
series-parallel circuit / I can consistentlycalculate the total resistance of a
series-parallel circuit. / I can usually calculate the total resistance of a series-parallel circuit. / I sometimes need assistance to calculate the total resistance of a series-parallel circuit. / I often need assistance to calculate the total resistance of a
series-parallel circuit. / I have not yet provided evidence of this performance task.
1.4 apply Kirchhoff’s current law to a series-parallel circuit / I can consistently apply Kirchhoff’s current law to a series-parallel circuit. / I can usually apply Kirchhoff’s current law to a series-parallel circuit. / I sometimes need assistance to apply Kirchhoff’s current law to a series-parallel circuit. / I often need assistance to apply Kirchhoff’s current law to a
series-parallel circuit. / I have not yet provided evidence of this performance task.
1.5 apply Kirchhoff’s voltage law to a series-parallel circuit / I can consistently apply Kirchhoff’s voltage law to a series-parallel circuit. / I can usually apply Kirchhoff’s voltage law to a series-parallel circuit. / I sometimes need assistance to apply Kirchhoff’s voltage law to a series-parallel circuit. / I often need assistance to apply Kirchhoff’s voltage law to a
series-parallel circuit. / I have not yet provided evidence of this performance task.
1.6 solve problems involving series-parallel circuits / I can consistently solve problems involving series-parallel circuits. / I can usually solve problems involving series-parallel circuits. / I sometimes need assistance to solve problems involving series-parallel circuits. / I often need assistance to solve problems involving series-parallel circuits. / I have not yet provided evidence of this performance task.
Teacher feedback and assessment.

Electrician Apprenticeship AssessmentCTS, TMT: ETA3410 / 1

© Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada2015



Level:First Period Apprenticeship, Section One

Prerequisite:ETA3410: Resistive Circuits

Description:Students describe an Edison 3-wire distribution system commonly found in homes and in commercial establishments.

Parameters:Access to a materials work centre and to instruction from an individual with journeyperson certification as an electrician.

ILM Resources:Edison 3-Wire Distribution Systems 030102f

This sample rubric is for assessing technical elements that students need to know to be successful if they challenge the first-period apprenticeship exam. The rubric does not include the last two common outcomes that address the demonstration of teamwork and personal management and identification of steps to achieve personal goals. It is the certificated teacher’s responsibility to ensure that all outcomes are taught and assessed.

Assessment Tools / Notes
Checklist /
  • Prior to instruction, a copy of the checklist should be provided to the student to review outcomes that will need to be demonstrated.
  • The student may use this checklist as a guide when completing this course.
  • The teacher should review and sign the checklist when the course is complete to ensure student outcomes have been successfully demonstrated.

Rubric /
  • Prior to instruction, a copy of the rubric should be provided to the student to review and reflect on meeting expectations set out in the criteria.
  • This rubric may be used as one element of an assessment process. Teachers should use both formative and summative assessments to ensure students’ competency in this course.