Marshall Public Schools develops the potential of each learner for success in a changing world.
WELCOME! Marshall Middle School
Welcome to the 2008-2009 School Year and welcome to Marshall Middle School! As we embark upon a new school year, we hope that you will establish high expectations for yourself that will be reflected in your academic achievement, your co-curricular involvement, and your positive contributions to your school and community.
This will be our third year at Marshall Middle School with grades 5-8 under one roof. It is an exciting time as it will allow us to incorporate and maintain a true picture of a middle school! We are fortunate to have a beautiful building in which to attend these years. Our building was remodeled with the middle school concept in mind during the 05-06 school term. The Marshall Middle School building houses all students in grades 5-8, the district office, the ECFE program (Early Childhood Family Education), and the Community/Education Minority Child Advocate program.
Our students have many opportunities here at Marshall Middle School. Core, exploratory, and enrichment classes are offered on a daily basis. Co-curricular offerings take place throughout the year. In addition, we offer an After-School Program that involves both activity and academic focus. Project Success is also available after school on a daily basis. ELL classes are offered after school as well as over the summer. Also during the summer is our summer school programming for all grade levels at the Middle School.
Wherever you go and whatever you do, you will find certain regulations to guide you. Naturally, there are rules and regulations at Marshall Middle School. They are meant for your safety and well-being. Your conduct at all times should reflect the good upbringing you have had. You should show respect for the property, rights and privileges of others, just as you expect and appreciate this respect when others show it to you. Good behavior can help make your school life a happy and rewarding one.
Take pride in your school. We want you to be proud of your school and of your fellow students. Each of you has a responsibility for the school’s reputation. Be supportive of all activities at our school, either as an active participant or as an enthusiastic observer.
We encourage you to get involved and to be a positive contributor in your classes and your activities. Give 100% effort in everything you do, and good rewards will happen. We wish you all a very successful school year!
Ms. Mary Kay Thomas, Principal
Mary Kay Thomas, Principal 401 S. Saratoga (507)-537-6938 Phone
Michelle Schrantz Marshall, MN 56258 (507)-537-6942 Fax
Marshall Middle School
401 South Saratoga
Marshall, MN 56258
Ms. Suzie Rosa, Administrative Assistant
Ms. Renae Jorgenson, Student Services Secretary
“To Work as one in the Pursuit of Excellence.”
Marshall Public Schools develops the potential of each learner for success in a changing world.
Announcements are made each morning at Marshall Middle School. Students should listen carefully for important school information.
School begins at 8:00 and is dismissed at 3:05. If a student reports to school after 8:00, he or she is to check in with the office before going to his/her classroom. Also, if a student is leaving school prior to 3:05, he or she is to check out with the office. Prior notification (note or phone call) is required if a student comes to school after 8:00 AM or leaves before 3:05 PM.
September 2: First Day of School January 19: No School
October 16-17: No School-MEA Break February 16: No School
November 3: No School April 9, 10, 13: No School – Spring Break
November 27-28: No School-Thanksgiving Break May 25: No School-Memorial Day
December 24-January21: No School-Winter Break May 29: Last Day of School
September 17, 2008 October 14 and 21, 2008
October 8, 2008 January 22 and 27, 2009
November 12, 2008 April 2 and 7, 2009
December 10, 2008
January 14, 2009 *Conference dates are subject to change;
February 11, 2009 please watch for updates.
March 11, 2009
April 8, 2009
May 13, 2009
Middle School Staff 2008-2009
Mathematics, Grade 5 Steve Fleck and Brenda Deutz
Language Arts, Grade 5 Karen Peterson, Kari Ehlers, and Arlene Markell
Social Studies, Grade 5 Mark Schwanebeck
Science, Grade 5 Nadine Weedman
Mathematics, Grade 6 Mary Jo Hmielewski and Wanda Huettl
Language Arts, Grade 6 Jennifer Deutz and Jean Mather
Social Studies, Grade 6 John Allen
Science, Grade 6 Danielle Thor
Social Studies, Grade 7 Dana Moore
Science, Grade 7 Carrie Sueker
Mathematics, Grade 7 Peter Thor and Kari Meyer
Language Arts, Grade 7 Cathie Crouse and Michelle Jewett
Social Studies, Grade 8 Sandy Carpenter
Science, Grade 8 Nancy Thooft
Mathematics, Grade 8 Sarah Clark and Jessica Leibfried
Language Arts, Grade 8 Mary Noyes and Chris Shaffer
Health and Physical Education, Grades 5-8 Cheri Buysse, Cheryl Henn, and Blaine Schnaible
General Music and Choir, Grades 5-8 Wes Meyer and Lorraine Schmidt
Orchestra Wes Meyer
Spanish, Grades 5-8 Samantha Stenzel and Lisa Swope
ELL, Grades 5-8 Lori Dyce and Katie Areneson
Special Education, Grade 5 and 6 Tom Critchley and Dixie Enerson
Special Education, Grades 5-8 tbd
Special Education, Grades 7 and 8 Tom Guttormsson and Dustin Hinckley
Band, Grades 5 and 6 Sharla Smook
Band, Grades 7 and 8 Chad Przymus
Art, Grades 5-8 Jennifer Ufkin
Computer Applications and Integration Stacy Schuh
Family And Consumer Science (FACS) Bonnie Pohl
Media Center Amy Peterson
Secretary/Clerk Renae Jorgenson
School Counselor(s)/Social Worker(s) Heather Bigler, Jennifer Hey, and Sharon Odland,
School Nurse Tracy Weber
Custodians Bruce Garrels, Don Dretsch, and Ron Schultz
Minority Child Advocate Gustavo Estrada
School Resource Officer Officer Sara VanLeeuwee
Administrative Assistant Suzie Rosa
Assistant Principal Michelle Schrantz
Principal Mary Kay Thomas
Marshall Middle School will open its cafeteria doors at 7:30 AM on each regularly scheduled school day. No supervision is available until this time or outside of the cafeteria. Students should not be dropped off at the building before 7:30 without teacher notification and permission.
Each student is assigned a locker for the storage of books and coats. It is the student’s responsibility to see that his/her locker is kept in an orderly manner and locked at all times. It is recommended that you do not leave money or other valuables in your locker. Students must use the locker they are assigned. Students are not allowed to share lockers with other students. (Policy #502) Note: Lockers are school property and may be inspected or searched for reasonable cause at any time by the school principal or designee. The Marshall Police Department also may make the search. Any items in the locker may also be inspected or searched if reasonable cause exists. Materials that may be of an offensive nature must not be placed in lockers.
*Lunch Prices *Breakfast Prices
Student Lunch 1.80 Student Breakfast 1.05
Reduced Lunch .45 Reduced Breakfast .35
Adult Lunch 3.00 Adult Breakfast 1.50
Additional milk .40
*These prices were for the 2007-08 school year and may change pending school board approval.
Students are required to prepay money into their lunch account. They may prepay as many days as they wish. As students go through the lunch line, their account will be debited for the proper charge. Ala cart purchases at the Middle School will be cash only. Marshall Public Schools is on a computerized accounting program. Their same account may also be used to pay for breakfast. Make all checks payable to Taher, not Marshall Public Schools.
Students who bring their lunch may purchase milk, juice, bottled water, or other healthy options in the cafeteria. All food must be consumed in the cafeteria.
Parents of children who may be eligible for free and reduced priced meals must complete the application forms available in the school office. Students who were eligible at the end of the 2007-2008 school year will be eligible, but they must reapply before October 1, 2008.
This grace period will allow time to complete and return the new application form. If a family's financial situation changes during the school year, families may apply for free and reduced meals at any time during the school year. Applications are available from the office and are confidential.
If a student becomes ill in school, he/she should report to the school nurse or student service office. If the illness would occur between classes, if possible, the student should report to his/her class before coming to the health office. The school nurse will call parents as needed, and students are not to leave the building without school permission or without signing out at the office.
All prescription medication given at school must be stored in the nurse's office. The prescription must be in the original, labeled container and be accompanied by 1) a doctor's written order, 2) a signed written permission from the parent/guardian to dispense medication, 3) a slip enclosed in the bottle indicating the number of pills sent.
Children who have prescribed inhalers for asthma or reactive airway disorders may possess inhalers and use as prescribed in school, provided the following requirements are met: 1) parent must provide an annual written authorization, 2) the inhaler must be properly labeled for the student, and 3) the school nurse must annually assess student's knowledge and skill level to possess and use in school settings.
Over the counter medications must be stored in the nurse's office and may only be dispensed by the school nurse or trained designee. These medications must be in the original container and accompanied by written authorization from the parent/guardian.
Any medications and medication permission forms transported to school should be left in the office upon entering the building. For safety reasons, students should not be carrying or storing medications in their lockers, school bags, or pockets (asthma inhalers excluded).
Distribution of prescription medication by a student is illegal and will result in suspension and police referral. (Policy #516)
When there is a need to delay the start, close school early, or cancel school for a day, an announcement will be on local radio stations, KARL-107 FM, KMHL-1400 AM, KKCK-99.7 AM, and Minneapolis WCCO-830 AM. You may also check Please have a plan in place with your child in case of all early dismissals. All students need an emergency contact identified in the Campus Student Services system.
Note: When school is canceled or closed early due to inclement weather, all extracurricular and co-curricular practices and activities at Marshall Middle School will also be canceled for that day and evening.
It is requested that all calls to students be made only on an emergency basis. Students will not be called to the telephone during a class unless the school deems the request an emergency. Messages will only be delivered to the student at a time when classes will not be disrupted. Because classes are in session throughout the day, we do not guarantee a message will get to a student at the end of the day.
Students will not be allowed to use the school office phone except during an emergency or when it is considered necessary by office personnel. A phone is available in the administrative offices or in advisory teachers’ rooms for students to use if there is a school related need to use it.
For the safety and security of our young people, all visitors to the school are to check in at the office upon entering the building. Guests of students will not be allowed to attend classes during the school day.
Parents/guardians are encouraged to visit the school, to eat lunch with your child, to chaperone field trips, and/or to have conferences with teachers, the counselor, or the principal. Please telephone Marshall Middle School at 537-6938 to make an appointment for a conference. For the purpose of safety, we request that all parents stop in the office as they enter the building.
Students that wish to ride their bicycles to school must park their bikes in one of the bike racks located on the Middle School grounds in front of the school building. Students may not leave them at any other location. Marshall Public Schools is not responsible for damage or theft of bicycles while on school property, and students are strongly encouraged to use a lock when leaving a bicycle on school property. For the safety of all, students must walk their bicycles on all sidewalks and school grounds.
For the safety of all bus riders, a Pupil Transportation Safety Policy (District Policy #709) has been adopted by the School Board. Copies of this policy are available in the school office. Any questions regarding the policy are to be addressed to Mr. Bruce Lamprecht, District Transportation Director, at 537-6924.
Only regular bus students are allowed to ride to and from their home on the bus.
The 1994 Legislature made significant changes in the laws and rules governing pupil transportation in Minnesota. One of the most significant changes may be that the new law now clearly states that riding a school bus is a privilege, not a right, and that privilege can be suspended when students do not comply with policies, rules, or laws. It also states that the School District conduct and discipline policies apply to the school bus and to bus stop areas as well as to school buildings and grounds. The school bus is an extension of the classroom. If a student is removed from the bus for misbehavior, the suspension will also be for any co-curricular or field trips that would fall within the suspension period.
Bus routes may be viewed at Southwest Coaches’ web site: or call them at 532-4043.
Regular school attendance is the best way to assure that students receive the best education. All students are expected to be present and punctual for all their classes throughout the year. State Statute requires all students under the age of 16 to attend school on a daily basis. Minnesota Statue 260A.02 Sec. 38 Subd.3 states, “Continuing truant” means a child who…is absent from instruction in a school…without valid excuse within a singe year for: three or more class periods on three days if the child is in middle school, junior high school, or high school. When illness or family obligations necessitate a student’s absence, parents are requested to telephone Marshall Middle School at 537-6938 between 7:30 and 8:00 a.m. or leave a message on the school’s voicemail to inform the office personnel of the student’s absence. If parents do not phone, school personnel will phone the parent at home or at their place of employment about the absence.