Transportation teams, projects, and processes that best exemplify excellence in environmental stewardship
Award Categories(plus category scoring criteria emphasis):
Environmental Stewardship Award Nomination FormPage 1 of 3
Context Sensitive Solutions (CSS)
- Exemplary application / tailoring of the principles of CSS in processes, decision-making, and outcomes related to Programs, Services, Planning, Project Development, Construction, Operations and Maintenance activities.
- Broadly informed responsiveness, flexibility, and innovation in balancing competing values and objectives with right-sized solutions that optimize benefit to cost ratios and returns upon investments.
- CSS approaches that contributed to process streamlining and overall time savings and improvements in cost-effectiveness by recognizing and avoiding likely or potential conflicts, delays and rework cycles.
Innovations in Construction, Operations Maintenance
- Environmental solutions in construction, operations, or maintenance borne out ofbest practices.
- Construction, operations, or maintenance activities carried out by a team or individual that better the environmental outcomes of a project or process.
- Approachesthat demonstrate creativity and innovation in developing environmentally sensitive solutions.
Innovations in Public & Stakeholder Engagement
- Exemplary approaches to and examples of achieving early, ongoing, meaningful, and effective public and stakeholder engagement that clearly influenced decision-making.
- Innovations and strategies that increase meaningful public participation opportunities and levels inclusive of traditionally under-represented groups and Environmental Justice considerations.
- Public engagement and participation that embodies the International Association of Public Participation’s (IAP2’s) “Core Values for the Practice of Public Participation”.
Preservation or Restorationof Historic, ArcheologicalCultural Resources
- Exemplary approaches to avoiding or minimizing adverse impacts to historic, archeological and cultural resources in transportation.
- Exemplary approaches to preserving or restoring or enhancing historic, archeological and cultural resources in transportation.
Preservation or RestorationofNatural Environments & Functions
- Exemplary approaches to avoiding or minimizing adverse impacts to natural resources and environments in transportation.
- Exemplary approaches to preserving or restoring or enhancing natural resources and environments in transportation.
- Innovations, strategies, and “green infrastructure” approaches that provide ecological benefits and services.
Nomination Information:
Please check the box below that best matches the category of nomination.If you wish to submit a specific nomination in multiple categories,fill out and submit a separate nomination form for each category.
☐ Context Sensitive Solutions
☐ Innovations inConstruction, Operations Maintenance
☐ Innovations in Public Engagement
☐ Preservation or Restoration ofHistoric, ArcheologicalCultural Resources
☐ Preservation or Restoration of Natural Environments
Name of Team/Project/Process Submittal: Click here to enter text.
Location: Click here to enter text.
Lead Contact: Click here to enter text.
Organization: Click here to enter text.
Telephone: Click here to enter text.
E-Mail: Click here to enter text.
Team/Organization(s)/Group to be recognized (as applicable):
(List names of keycontributing individuals as applicable)
Click here to enter text.
Project description (150 words or less):
Click here to enter text.
Goals and outcomes that exemplify excellence in environmental stewardship (250 words or less):
(Please explain why this nomination should be considered for the award category that you selected)
Click here to enter text.
Submitted by: Click here to enter text.
Organization: Click here to enter text.
Telephone: Click here to enter text.
E-Mail: Click here to enter text.
** Supporting Information ** – in order to further reinforce the strength of your nomination, please provide appropriate supporting data (electronic format). For projects that have been constructed, please provide three high-resolution (greater than 1 MB file size, but no greater than 3 MB to facilitate e-mail transmission) photos of the nominated project. For other projects or processes, please provide up to three photos or graphic illustrations and/or other appropriate supporting data such as copies of project reports, process flow, testimonials, etc. Photos and graphic illustrations will help inform evaluation and judging and may be displayed at the MnDOT Environmental Stewardship Conference as a component of awards recognition.
Return nomination forms via email to:
Scott Bradley
MnDOT Office of Environmental Stewardship
The deadline for nominations is Friday, January 27, 2017.
The awards will be announced at the MnDOT Environmental Stewardship Conference on April 19, 2017, and will also be included in a statewide press release to be distributed immediately after the conference.
Questions regarding the awards and nominations can be directed to Scott Bradley (email: ; phone: (651) 366-3302).
Environmental Stewardship Award Nomination FormPage 1 of 3