Course Change Notification Form
This form is to be used to seek approval from ESSA for changes intended to be made to an accredited course and/or notification of other changes relevant to the course continuing to meet accreditation requirements.
Course means the degree or the program of study
Unit means a subject within the course of study
Please complete the following:
Date of Change Notification:Name of Education Provider:
Name of School/Discipline/Department:
Course Name:
Course Code :
Accreditation Level Awarded:
Date Accreditation Awarded:
Date of Accreditation Expiry:
Are some or all of the changes being made in order to transition the course to meeting new accreditation requirements? / Yes / No
(please delete as applicable)
Completing this Form:
- This form must be completed in full, signed by the education provider’s authorised signatory (typically the Head of School or Discipline) and submitted to the Course Accreditation Manager via email to .
- Each change must be numbered and the Details of Change table must be replicated and completed for each change submitted.
- Where relevant, supporting information must be provided as appendices to this form. For example:
- For replacement of academic expertise, profiles of new staff must be provided.
- For changes to unit sequencing, an updated course structure must be provided.
- For changes to learning outcomes/objectives and/or assessments, updated unit outlines must be submitted with all changes clearly highlighted.
- For changes to unit content that cover accreditation criteria, mapping is required to indicate where content previously covered within a unit is now covered within the course. If relevant, updated unit outlines must be provided, with all changes clearly highlighted. Note, this mapping is not required for changes to content that covered old criteria if the change is being introduced in order to transition a course to meeting the new elements of graduate outcomes, as per the new accreditation requirements. However, detail of content that is being removed and not replaced, must be provided.
Process for Change Submissions:
- Changes will be reviewed. If necessary, further information may be requested.
- Where relevant, an invoice to review changes will be provided to the education provider. In this instance, outcomes will not be reported until full payment for review of the changes has been made.
- Recommended outcomes will be presented to the Course Accreditation Committee for consideration.
- Formal outcomes will be reported to the education provider.
Summary of Changes
Please indicate below () the nature of changes being presented within this submission.
1 / The university structure, i.e. to the School or Faculty within which the discipline is located:2 / Staffing (for changes that relate to staff who were submitted as meeting the minimum staffing requirements for accreditation)
3 / Course or unit name/s:
4 / Course or unit code/s:
5 / Course sequencing:
6 / Replacement of existing units with new units:
7 / Unit learning outcomes/objectives:
8 / Assessment types:
9 / Enrolment numbers (increase of 20% or more):
10 / Practicum (to transition to new requirements):
11 / Practicum placements and/or supervisors (significant loss of):
12 / Facilities (loss or change of):
13 / Course duration, format, philosophy or mode of delivery:
14 / Other (please specify below):
Note: Twelve months of notice is required to be provided regarding intended changes for items 5, 6 and 7. Approval of such changes should not be sought retrospectively.
Details of Changes
Please replicate and complete the following table for each change submitted:
Change Number:Details of Change:
Please summarise details
Rationale for the Change:
If relevant, please summarise rationale
List Supporting Information Provided:
List appendix documents
Is this change required to be approved by the relevant university authority? / Yes / No
If yes, has this change been approved by the relevant university authority? / Yes / No
If no, when is this change expected to be considered for approval?
The signatory (typically the Head of School or Discipline):
- Declares that the education provider has provided them with authority for the course.
- Declares that all information provided within this notification is correct as of the date of submission and that the information provided is not misleading in any way.
- Agrees to provide any additional information requested by ESSA in order to facilitate consideration of this course change notification.
- Acknowledges that the submission of this notification is not to be construed by the education provider that the changes will be approved by ESSA.
- Acknowledges that for changes pending the required university approval, outcomes will be subject to ESSA being notified that the required university approval has been received, before the changes are implemented.
- Acknowledges that if the changes are not approved by ESSA and are implemented regardless, the accreditation of the course may be revoked. In this event, it is the education provider’s authority to inform all students enrolled in the course regarding the revoked accreditation status. The education provider indemnifies ESSA against any claims made by any party (financial or otherwise) as a consequence of the accreditation status being revoked.
Name of Signatory:
Date: / Signature:
Course Change Notification Form v2.0 (September 2017)1