Andhra Pradesh Community Based Tank Management Project (APCBTMP)
Status Note
Andhra Pradesh Community Based Tank Management Project
(with World Bank Assistance)
Project Objective:
· For selected tank based producers to improve agricultural productivity and water user associations to manage tank system effectively.
Project Period:
· The project commenced in July, 2007 and closing on July, 2016.
· Original 08-06-2007 to 31-12-2012.
· 1st Extension : 01-01-2013 to 30-9-2014.
· 2nd Extension: 01-10-2014 to 31-07-2016.
The Participatory Groundwater Management (PGM) component of APCBTMP was declared as the 2nd ranked finalist for ‘Water for Life’ UN-Water Best Practices Award 2014 edition, announced at the UNU Headquarters, Tokyo on 21 March 2014 the eve of the World Water Day.
Project Coverage:
· Rehabilitation of 2157 MI Tanks for restoration of 2.55 Lakhs Ha in 21 Districts of combined Andhra Pradesh.
· In A.P. rehabilitation of 975 minor irrigation tanks covering an ayacut of 3.01 lakhs Acres in 12 districts of the state (except Guntur District).
Project Financials:
· Total Project outlay in Combined State : Rs. 1032.00 Crores.
· Project outlay in AP : Rs. 456.67 Crores.
· Expenditure incurred up to 31.03.2016 : Rs. 403.976 Crores.
Rs. In Crores
Project Outlay / Cumulative Expr. up to March 2016 / for FY 2015-16 / Cum Expr up to / Balance16.04.16 / (2-7)
B.E / Up to / Bills pending @ PAO / (3+5+6)
2016-17 / 16.04.16
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8
Component - I / 41.33 / 29.834 / 2.17 / 0 / 0.006 / 29.84 / 11.49
Component - II / II-A (Civil works) / 348.95 / 309.034 / 29.6 / 0 / 0.298 / 309.332 / 31.798
Kind contribution recorded / 7.82 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 7.82
Sub-Total / 316.854 / 29.6 / 0 / 0.298 / 317.152
II_B (GWD) / 7.91 / 5.771 / 1.28 / 0 / 5.771 / 2.139
Total / 356.86 / 322.625 / 30.88 / 0 / 0.298 / 322.923 / 33.937
Component - III / 29.24 / 28.593 / 2.5 / 0 / 0.350 / 28.943 / 0.297
Component - IV / 29.24 / 22.27 / 5.58 / 0 / 0 / 22.27 / 6.97
Grand Total / 456.67 / 403.322 / 41.13 / 0 / 0.654 / 403.976 / 52.694
Status of Civil works:
· To renovate 975 Minor Irrigation Tanks with a cost of Rs. 343.49 crores to stabilise an ayacut of 3.01 lakhs acres in 12 districts.
· 908 MI Tanks covering an ayacut of 2.819 lakhs acres are completed.
Sl. / District / Total tanks Administrative Approval Accorded / NO. of Works Completed Up to 16.04.16 / Ayacut already stabilized (Acres) / Expn. Incurred up to 16.04.16 (Rs in lakhs) / Ongoing works / Ayacut to be stabilized (Acres) / No. of tanks handed over to WUAsNo. of Tanks / Ayacut to be stabilized (Acres) / Cost (Rs./lakhs)
1 / ATP / 142 / 42936.1 / 3339 / 139 / 42029.00 / 3248.14 / 3 / 907.10 / 127
2 / CTR / 165 / 41606.7 / 4331 / 161 / 40598.05 / 3904.44 / 4 / 1008.65 / 151
3 / EGD / 17 / 3031.92 / 201 / 17 / 3031.92 / 168.41 / 0 / 0.00 / 17
4 / KDP / 63 / 24119.43 / 3037 / 63 / 24119.43 / 3041.95 / 0 / 0.00 / 57
5 / KRI / 95 / 30395.77 / 3404 / 89 / 28476.04 / 2962.74 / 6 / 1919.73 / 89
6 / KNL / 44 / 14749.4 / 3023 / 43 / 14414.19 / 2727.88 / 1 / 335.21 / 43
7 / NLR / 127 / 57875.76 / 7334 / 121 / 55141.47 / 7007.51 / 6 / 2734.29 / 102
8 / PKM / 38 / 15288.08 / 2823 / 38 / 15288.08 / 2785.45 / 0 / 0.00 / 35
9 / SKL / 82 / 16711.37 / 1948 / 60 / 12227.83 / 991.91 / 22 / 4483.54 / 22
10 / VSP / 90 / 28396.73 / 2140 / 76 / 23979.46 / 1706.81 / 14 / 4417.27 / 59
11 / VZM / 99 / 20761.34 / 2198 / 88 / 16776.84 / 1311.23 / 11 / 3984.50 / 57
12 / WGD / 13 / 5883.45 / 571 / 13 / 5883.45 / 553.41 / 0 / 0.00 / 13
TOTAL / 975 / 301756.05 / 34349 / 908 / 281965.80 / 30409.88 / 67 / 19790.25 / 772
AW sanctioned against savings / AW sanctioned for DSP Tanks / Reimbursement
Sl / Dist / No of Works / AA Value
(Rs. In Lakhs) / No. of wks agts concld / Sl / Dist / No. of Works / AA Value
(Rs. In Lakhs) / No. of Works Tendered / Total Exp so far / Rs.403.976 Crs
1 / ATP / 10 / 434.45 / 10 / 1 / ATP / 3 / 203.86 / 3
2 / CTR / 4 / 145.15 / 4 / Reimbursable amount / Rs. 356.54 Crs
3 / KDP / 9 / 700.90 / 9 / 2 / CTR / 1 / 53.00 / 1
4 / KRI / 17 / 432.48 / 17 / Claims sent (up to 12/15) / Rs. 343.43 Crs
3 / KNL / 2 / 155.55 / 2
5 / NLR / 12 / 399.93 / 12 / Reimbursement received / Rs. 335.99 Crs
6 / PKM / 15 / 885.36 / 15 / 4 / VZM / 1 / 99.88 / 1
Total / 67 / 2998.27 / 67 / Total / 7 / 512.29 / 7 / Bal claims to be sent / Rs. 13.11 Crs
APCWMP Proposals (World Bank Phase-II)
· Andhra Pradesh Community based Water Management Project (APCWMP): Revised Proposals were submitted to the Secretary, MoWR, Govt. of India, Dt: 09.11.2015.
· Project Outlay: Rs 1600 Crores. (World Bank Share: 75% and GoAP share: 25%)
· Project period: 2016-2021 (5 years).
· Project Coverage: Restoration of 1,200 minor irrigation tanks covering 1.2 Lakhs Ha with a watershed approach.
· Renovation of Minor Irrigation Tanks with a Watershed Approach: Rs. 800 Crores.
· Infrastructure Strengthening in Agriculture, Horticulture, Animal Husbandry Fisheries, Agri-business and Marketing support services: Rs. 600 Crores
· Project Management and Institution Development: Rs. 200 Crores.