Course Description and Policies
English/Language Arts
Ms. DiFrancesco
The goal of this language arts course is for students to interpret text and discover meaningful connections between the text and their own lives through a series of language arts activities. These activities include listening, speaking, thinking and writing about literature. This course is aligned with the California Standards in Language Arts.
It is important for you to know that I am here because I love kids and teaching. Please trust that I have your best interests in mind at all times.
Community: This class is a safe space. Bullying, ridicule, and harassment will not be tolerated and will result in disciplinary action.
Materials: Students are required to be prepared for class, and are expected to bring the following every day
- Pens with blue or black ink (no pencil, except for scantron tests)
- Highlighter (any color)
- College-Ruled loose leaf paper (no bound notebooks or wide ruled-paper)
- Covered textbook
- Any other assigned books
- A binder for storing papers
- A calendar for writing assignments and tests
- Assignments that have been returned
- Notes
- Positive attitude and good manners
Computers: Students must type, print, and staple the final drafts of all essays and projects, before class, as assigned. Students will be given advance notice if they must type an assignment. Available computers on campus are as follows: in the library, in the computer lab (G6), in various teachers' rooms. Students may also type at home, at someone else's home, at a pay location, and/or at a public library. You may not print assignments in my room, nor may you email them to me, or hand me your flash drive (unless a specific arrangement has been made with me for that assignment). Papers must look neat and professional.
Attendance: Students are expected to be in class every day. Excessive absences and tardies are unacceptable. All absences and tardies must be cleared through the school.
Make-Up Work: Students have one day of grace for each day of absence to make up missed assignments due to excused absences only. Students are responsible for all notes, assignments, and tests missed during an absence. Test make-ups are to be arranged with me and may occur during nutrition, lunch, and/or after school.
Extra Credit: Extra credit is not available to make up for missed assignments. Extra credit may be earned throughout the year for various assignments and school-related activities as approved.
Questions and/or Problems: Please ask questions before, during, or after class if you need help. I am usually available during nutrition and lunch unless I'm at a meeting. I am happy to help you, but cannot do so if you do not ask. For parent(s)/guardian(s), I am available during fourth (4) period for conferences via phone or in person.
Grading Scale: Your work must be stapled and headed correctly before it is turned in. Any assignment without a name will be given a score of zero (0) points. Late assignments will not be accepted. Grading in this class follows this scale:
90-100% = A
80-89% = B
70-79% = C
60-69% = D
59% or below = F
(available online).
Student's name ______Period _____
Student's signature ______
Parent/Guardian's name ______
Parent/Guardian's signature ______
Parent/Guardian's daytime phone number (____)______