NonDestructive Testing

JUNE 2013



JUNE 3-6, 2013

Marriott Rive Gauche Hotel


These minutes are not final until confirmed by the Task Group in writing or by vote at a subsequent meeting. Information herein does not constitute a communication or recommendation from the Task Group and shall not be considered as such by any agency.



1.1Call to Order / Quorum Check

The Nondestructive Testing Task Group was called to order at 9:02 a.m., 03-June-13.

It was verified that only SUBSCRIBER MEMBERS were in attendance during the closed portion of the meeting.

Each member of the Task Group was asked to introduce themselves.

The Nadcap video was shown covering Anti-Trust, Code of Ethics, Export Control, etc. The video was given at the beginning of the Open and Closed sessions.

A quorum was established with the following representatives in attendance:

Subscriber Members/Participants Present (* Indicates Voting Member)

Antonio / Ciliberto / Alenia Aermacchi S.p.A.
Peter / Bartsch / Premium Aerotec
* / Alain / Bouchet / SAFRAN Group
* / Michael / Clark / Sikorsky Aircraft Corp.
* / Massimo / Colombo / AVIO S.p.A.
* / Richard / Costantino / Goodrich (UTAS)
Herve / Courreges / Airbus
* / Chris / Dootson / BAE Systems - MAI
* / Steven / Garner / Eaton Aerospace
Adrien / Maffre / Airbus
Keith / Griffiths / Rolls-Royce Plc.
Daniel / Hoeft / Premium Aerotec
* / Robert / Hogan / Honeywell Aerospace
* / Dr Hans Hermann / Kopp / MTU Aero Engines
* / Serge / Labbé / Heroux-Devtek, Inc.
* / Marc-André / Lefebvre / Heroux-Devtek, Inc.
* / Donald / Maclean / Raytheon Company
Jose / Martinez / Liebherr Aerospace
* / Luigi / Merletti / AgustaWestland
* / Dale / Norwood / Parker Aerospace Stratoflex Products Div
Elisabeth / Pagnoux / Latecoere
Fabrizio / Quadrini / AgustaWestland
* / Robert / Rainone / Goodrich (UTAS)
Ingrid / Richard / SAFRAN Group
Rainer / Ricken / Premium Aerotec
Carl / Roche / Goodrich ISR
* / David / Royce / Pratt & Whitney / Vice Chairperson
John / Sanders / Hamilton Sundstrand (UTAS)
* / Victor / Schonberger / Israel Aerospace Industries
* / Bobby / Scott / Bombardier Inc. / Chairperson
* / Chris / Stevenson / Rolls-Royce
* / Terho / Sulkupuro / GKN Aerospace Sweden AB
* / Dominique / Tomasso / SAFRAN Group
* / Walter / Tonizzo / Heroux-Devtek, Inc.
* / Peter / Torelli / The Boeing Company
* / David / Vaughn / Spirit AeroSystems
* / Tony / Warren / Airbus / Secretary
Thierry / Wartel / SAFRAN Group
Alun / Williams / Airbus
* / Sean / Wood / Triumph Group
Grzegorz / Wryk / Rolls-Royce
Ling / Yap / The Boeing Company
Chucherko / Yves / Snecma

Other Members/Participants Present (* Indicates Voting Member)

Mohamed / Afsal / Singapore Aero Engine Service Pte. Ltd.
Mark / Alrey / Robert Stuart Ltd.
Ender / Arslan / TAI (Turkish Aerospace Industries)
* / Andy / Bakewell / E. M. Inspection Co. Ltd.
Lei / Bao / National Analysis Center for Iron and Steel
Victor / Batyrev / Kamensk Uralsky Metallurgical Works
* / Mario Franco / Bianchi / Bytest S.r.l.
* / Martyn / Bills / Exova UK Ltd.
Marc / Brad / RIC-Chenie
Lee / Bruce / Robert Stuart Ltd.
Pavel / Burian / PBS Velka Bites, a.s.
* / Claude / Chambon / Aubert et Duval
Ray / Cosgrove / NDE, Inc.
Kim / Cosgrove / NDE, Inc.
Nathalie / Crozat-Vigier / SKF Aerospace France
Vitaly / Davydov / Kamensk Uralsky Metallurgical Works
Pavel / Doubek / PBS Velka Bites, a.s.
Michael / Dudley / Aerocom Inspection Service Limited
Andreas / Eggert / Otto Fuchs KG
* / Paul / Evans / James Fisher IMS
Hennie / Fourie / African NDT Centre
* / Richard / Gasset / Lisi Aerospace
* / David / Gray / Mitchell Labs
Stephan / Greimers / ThyssenKrupp VDM
Johanna / Harrer / Bohler Edelstahl GmbH & Co. KG
Fabienne / Héron / BabbCo
* / Helmuth / Hoeller / FACC
Paul / Johnson / Firth Rixson Forgings Ltd.
Selcuk / Kilic / Turkish Aerospace Industries
Heinrich / Kuchlbauer / Aerotech Peissenberg
* / Josef / Maier / Bohler Edelstahl GmbH & Co. KG
Cory / McGraw / PM Testing Laboratory Inc
* / Dave / Mitchell / Composite Inspection Solutions
Steve / Paul / Praxair Surface Technologies Ltd
Mark / Pennington / Firth Rixson Forgings Ltd.
Sebastian / Remond / Composite Integrity
Juay Neo / Seet / Singapore Aero Engine Service Pte. Ltd.
Simon / Sinclair / Darchem Engineering
Bernd / Spelsberg / Otto Fuchs KG
Nick / Stacey / Praxair Surface Technologies Ltd
Dariusz / Stepien / ZKMSp Z.o.o. Ladish Group
Gary / Thompson / Darchem Engineering
Savas / Ulucan / FTB LISI Aerospace
Jerry / Wahlin / AAA Plating & Inspection, Inc.
* / Gary / White / Orbit Industries Inc.
Liu / Zheng / National Analysis Center for Iron and Steel

PRI Staff Present

Mark / Aubele
Mike / Gutridge
Phil / Ford
Dave / Marcyjanik
Andy / Statham

1.2New Member’s Presentation

A new members presentation was delivered by Phil Ford showing the structure and operation of the Task Group.

The minutes from the February 2013 meeting were approved as written.

Motion made by Dave Vaughn and seconded by Sean Wood to approve the minutes

of the last meeting. Motion Passed.

Phil Ford reviewed the meeting agenda and any potential changes discussed.

2.0PRI Report / RAIL / NMC Metrics – OPEN

Phil Ford gave a presentation on the Staff report which included details of Staff delegation, which did not reveal any concerns that would need to be addressed by the Task Group. Delegation, that has been previously granted, is continued for all NDT Staff Engineers. Dave Marcyjanik is in the process of attaining delegation.

A discussion took place regarding the Task Group newsletter and the type of articles required for the subsequent issues. Staff requested all items be sent to them.

A presentation was given showing the Rolling Action Items List (RAIL) open items and all items from the February 2013 meeting.

3.0 Clarification Database – OPEN

The Clarification Database was presented by Andy Bakewell and discussed. The database is

available on eAuditNet for review.

Some of the open items discussed will be considered closed upon the next issue of the relevant


Various items, which were highlighted, will be discussed during the Task Group method team

breakout sessions.

A discussion took place on the clarification database becoming a controlled document by the Task

Group. This also included a proposed vote on the content by the Task Group members.

4.0Supplier Report & Discussion – OPEN

Gary White gave a presentation on the current status of the supplier support committee and its objectives for the future.

5.0Nadcap and NDT Procedure Review – OPEN

Dave Marcyjanik provided an update to the group on the revised procedures that affect the Nadcap NDT program.

There were no amendments to the procedures that required action by the Task Group.

6.0Checklist Ballot Resolution – OPEN

Phil Ford gave a presentation on the process used for the revision of the checklists including the process used for the review and subsequent ballot. There were no comments remaining to be resolved from the current ballot. They were resolved between meetings. There were several proposed changes that were for the next revision slated for February 2014.

Each item discussed has been documented on the Document Change Spreadsheet which is to be posted on eAuditNet.

ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to establish teleconference meeting for AC7114 sub-group to discuss. (Due Date 30-June-13)

7.0Method Sub-Team – Breakout Sessions – OPEN

Phil Ford gave a presentation on the Method Sub-Teams and the expectation of the teams.

8.0Task Group Regular Business Items – CLOSED

The Chairman verified that only Subscribers (Blue Badge holders) were in attendance at the closed meeting.

Three observations were performed since the last meeting:

Audit 144397 observed by Justin Payne – Cessna

Audit 152567 observed by Pete Torelli – Boeing

Audit 146629 observed by Jan Richard Torkelson – Lockheed Martin

Three audits were performed as scope extension since the last meeting.

Four Auditor Advisories were issued, 12-06 NDT (Amendment), 13-01 NDT, 13-05 NDT, 13-06 NDT.

Three Supplier Advisories were issued, 2240, 2259, 2263.

Two failed audits were overturned by the Task Group.

There were no lapsed audits since the last meeting.

The delegation oversight was 45.7%. Quorum was achieved.


No resolution requests were made.


There were no ethics or appeals brought forward. Two extensions to a suppliers accreditation, audits147816 and 134691, which were addressed during a teleconference call were presented.

11.0NEW Business – CLOSED

A review took place of the proposed amendments to NTGOP-001, Appendix NDT.

Phil Ford presented the current audit report reviewers list showing who had not met the required criteria to continue as an audit reviewer.

Motion made by Dave Royce and seconded by Mike Clark to approve the acceptance for the

continuation of the audit reviewers listed as eligible until the NTGOP-001 Appendix NDT is

amended. Motion Passed.

Phil Ford gave an overview of the draft NOP 012.

Marc Andre Lefebvre was put forward as a Subscriber Audit Reviewer of the Task Group.

Motion made by Dave Vaughn and seconded by Pete Torelli to approve Marc Andre Lefebvre

of Heroux Devek as a Task Group Subscriber Audit Reviewer. Motion Passed.

A discussion took place on the availability of audit packages and audit information prior to being available to the Task Group in eAuditNet.

Motion made by Pete Torelli and seconded by Dave Vaughn to approve that the due process be

observed and audit reports, etc., would not be available for review until they were uploaded into

eAuditNet. Any questions shall be directed to the Staff Engineers. Motion Passed.

A discussion took place on improving the red-line auditor consistency report.

Motion made by Dave Royce and seconded by Dave Vaughn, (Abstention - 1), to approve the process whereby the Staff Engineers are to proceed with the review of procedures before the audit and this review is to be carried out with the Auditors. Motion Passed.

Steve Garner has agreed to join the AC7114/4 RT Method Sub Team.

ACTION ITEM: Phil Ford to add Steve Garner to the Method Sub Team. (Due Date: 30-Jun-13)

Alain Bouchet discussed the compliance job tracker used by other Task Groups to see if the

NDT Task Group could utilize a similar format. To be brought forward in ‘New Business “OPEN” ' session.


No issues brought forward for discussion.

13.0NDT Checklist Review – OPEN

Phil Ford gave a presentation on the Task Groups expectations of members when they ballot a checklist or supplement.

14.0SSC Report Out on the SSC Meeting – OPEN

Gary White gave an overview of the Supplier Support Committee and its activities.

The Special Machining Task Group gave a presentation to the SSC about the machining of high energy rotating components.

The PRI IT group gave a presentation describing the enhancements released in eAuditNet which included a discussion on cycle times. There was also a discussion on the SSC matrix.

During the meeting the Communication Sub Team created a RAIL which is to have a report out at the October 2013 Pittsburgh meeting.

In August the new Supplier Survey will be released containing 15 questions.

15.0Technical Issues and Open Discussion Items – OPEN

Andy Bakewell discussed the use of Flux Indicator strips verses QQI’S during the MPI testing of fasteners. The Task Group was not able to make a decision as it was thought that the decision should be made by the relevant design authority.

A discussion took place on the next revision of EN4179/NAS410. The Task Group decided not to make any comments until the documents have been officially released.

16.0New Business – OPEN

A new Supplier voting member was proposed by Gary White: Cory McGraw from PM Testing.

Motion made by Gary White and seconded by Dave Vaughn, (Abstention – 1), to approve Cory

McGraw as a Task Group Supplier Voting Member. Motion Passed.

The following Supplier Voting Members are currently close to falling outside the criteria defined for

maintaining voting membership.

Dwayne Cooper – RTI

Shawn Ballou – Wyman Gordon

Guy Saenz – Hi Tech Metal Finishing

The following Supplier Voting Member has exceeded the criteria defined to remain as a voting


Patrick O’Leary – Nu Pro (Stroud UK)

Motion made by Bobby Scott and seconded by Dave Royce for the Staff Engineers to contact Patrick O’Leary to determine if his company will support his continued participation as a Supplier Voting Member. Motion Passed.

ACTION ITEM: Phil Ford to contact Patrick to determine if he wishes to continue. (Due Date: 30-Jun-13)

The following Subscriber Voting Member is currently close to falling outside the criteria defined for

maintaining voting membership.

Greg Hall – Cessna

The following Subscriber Voting Member has exceeded the criteria defined to remain as a voting


Tim Doane – 309th Maintenance Wing

Motion made by David Vaughn and seconded by Steve Garner for Tim Doane to continued participation as a Subscriber Voting Member as an e-mail has been received by PRI staff requesting he be allowed to continue as a Subscriber Voting Member. Motion Passed.

A discussion took place on the inclusion of a detailed description of the appropriate NDT disciplines

for organisations approved to ISO17025. Paul Evans and Gary White confirmed that all

certificates did carry the relevant NDT methods so the requirements of NOP-002 were met.

Alain Bouchet discussed the use of a compliance job tracker similar to those used by other Task

Groups. It was perceived that use of a form would allow more visibility to jobs processed in prior audits for both the Supplier and next Auditor. An new ad-hoc team was established to discuss the activity and develop a draft proposal for discussion by the Task Group.

Ad-hoc team members:

Alain Bouchet

Paul Evans

Nathalie Crozat Vigiel

Dave Gray

Bobby Scott

ACTION ITEM: Mike Gutridge to set up the new ad-hoc team and send a request for all to attend the WebEx meeting. (Due Date: 30-Jun-13)

Mike Gutridge gave a presentation on time intervals for such processes as but not limited to

Process control checks and calibration frequencies. The Task Group discussed how this would

apply to the calibration frequencies for NDT equipment.

A new member of the Computerized Radiography ad-hoc team was proposed:

Dalton Svensen from API Pacific Cast Technologies

As per NTGOP-001, Appendix NDT, members of ad-hoc teams must be approved by the Task Group if criteria has not been met.

Motion made by Dave Vaughn and seconded by Chris Stephenson to approve Dalton Svensen as

a member of the Computerized Radiography ad-hHoc team. Motion Passed.

ACTION ITEM: Phil Ford to add Dalton Svensen to the CR ad-hoc team and send a request for him to attend the next WebEx meeting. (Due Date: 30-Jun-13.)

17.0Ad-Hoc Team – Breakout Sessions – OPEN

The Task Group decided that there would not be a supplier symposium during the October 2013 meeting in Pittsburgh.

A break out session took place to discuss Pre-penetrant etch and Etch Inspection.

It is envisaged that initially there would be some training and qualification required. There will be a joint CP/NDT training session held in October 2013. The ad-hoc group has asked for interested parties to submit any available internal Etch Inspection checklists that would enable the establishment of a baseline checklist. Task Group members are requested to submit any information including photo’s etc. that could be included in the training sessions . Ad-hoc sub-teams were established to address Pre-penetrant etch checklist, Etch Inspection checklist and format training criteria.

ACTION ITEM : Mike Gutridge to correlate all information submitted in preparation for the next Etch Inspection WebEx. (Due Date: 30-Jun-13)

18.0Report Out on the Planning & Operations Meeting – OPEN

Bobby Scott gave a brief overview of the discussions at the Planning & Operations meeting.

19.0Report out on Auditor Conference Theme – OPEN

Mike Gutridge gave a report of the discussions that took place during the ad-hoc breakout session. Planning is underway with all presentations due to PRI by 16 August 2013.

20.0Report out on Supplier Symposium – OPEN

A discussion took place on the subject for the next Supplier Symposium.

Motion made by Bob Hogan and seconded by Dave Vaughn to not hold a Supplier Symposium at

the Pittsburgh meeting in October 2013. Motion Passed.

21.0Develop Agenda for October 2013 – OPEN

Motion made by Dave Royce and seconded by Sean Wood to have a three day Task Group

meeting at the October 2013 meeting in Pittsburgh. Motion Passed.

ACTION ITEM: Phil Ford to generate the October agenda to cover 3 days. (Due Date: 20-Jun-13)

22.0RAIL & Clarification Database Review – OPEN

Andy Bakewell review the clarification database which is available within eAuditNet.

Motion made by Dave Vaughn and seconded by Steve Garner to approve the changes to the

clarification database. Motion Passed.

23.0Meeting Facilitation Feedback – OPEN

The only meeting facilitation feedback given was regarding having two microphones instead of three as in previous meetings. The reason was explained by Mike Gutridge.

Motion made by Dave Vaughn and seconded by Sean Wood to move to Subscriber only meeting at 1:00pm 6-June-13. Motion Passed.

ADJOURNMENT – 6-JUNE-13 – Meeting was adjourned at 1:00 p.m.

Minutes Prepared by: Tony Warren. Email

***** For PRI Staff use only: ******
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