City Council
Meeting Minutes1
November 10, 1998
Tuesday, November 10, 1998
PRESENTB. Smith; B. Anderson, A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh, L. Chahley, W. Kinsella, L. Langley, B. Mason, R. Noce, M. Phair, R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor, D. Thiele.
B.E. Thom, Q.C., City Manager.
D.H. Edey, City Clerk.*
E.L. Britton, Office of the City Clerk*
*Attended part of the meeting.
Mayor B. Smith called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m.
Councillor B. Anderson was absent.
Dr. Roxanne Lalonde, Spiritual Assembly of Baha’is of Edmonton, led the assembly in prayer.
Councillor B. Anderson entered the meeting.
MOVED M. Phair – R. Noce
That the City Council Agenda for the November 10, 1998 meeting be adopted.
FOR THE MOTION:B. Smith; B. Anderson, A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh,
L. Chahley, W. Kinsella, L. Langley, B. Mason,
R. Noce, M. Phair, R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor,
D. Thiele.
MOVED M. Phair – W. Kinsella
That the Minutes of the September 14, 1998, September 15, 1998, September 17, 1998, October 5, 1998, October 27, 1998 and November 2, 1998 City Council Meetings be adopted.
FOR THE MOTION:B. Smith; B. Anderson, A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh,
L. Chahley, W. Kinsella, L. Langley, B. Mason,
R. Noce, M. Phair, R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor,
D. Thiele.
B.1.a.“Earth Status” honour to Belvedere Elementary School (R. Noce).
Councillor R. Noce congratulated the staff, students and parents of the Belvedere Elementary School for the “Earth Status” honour accorded to the School by the Society, Environment and Energy Development Studies Foundation (SEEDS). This honour is presented upon completing 1000 environmental projects. Belvedere Elementary School is the seventh school in Edmonton and the 110th school in Canada to reach “Earth Status”.
B.1.b.1998 Distinguished Budget Presentation Award (B. Smith).
Mayor B. Smith presented the 1998 Distinguished Budget Presentation Award to A. Maurer, Acting General Manager, Corporate Services Department; R. Garvey, City Treasurer; and R. Rosychuk, Manager, Corporate Budget Office. This award, presented, to the City of Edmonton, by the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada, is the only National Awards Program in Governmental Budgeting. Mayor Smith congratulated everyone involved in contributing to this outstanding achievement.
B.1.c.“Earth Status” honour to Calder Elementary School (R. Rosenberger).
Councillor R. Rosenberger also congratulated the staff, students and parents of the Calder Elementary School for the “Earth Status” honour accorded to the School by the Society, Environment and Energy Development Studies Foundation (SEEDS).
MOVED A. Bolstad – R. Noce
That items D.2.a., D.2.c., D.2.d., D.2.e., D.2.f., D.2.i., E.1.b., E.1.c., E.1.d., E.1.e., E.1.i., F.1.a., H.1.a. and H.1.c.. be exempted for debate; and
D.2.b.Deregulating, Selling, Leasing and Maintenance of Telephone Equipment (B. Mason).
That the October 14, 1998 Corporate Services Department report be received for information. / Corporate Svcs.D.2.g.Bergman Land Issue (R. Noce).
That the October 8, 1998 Planning and Development Department report be received for information. / Planning & Dev.D.2.h.Status Update of Negotiations Between the City of Edmonton and Guaranty Properties Limited re: Clareview Town Centre (R. Noce).
That the October 28, 1998 Planning and Development Department report be received for information. / Planning & Dev.D.3.STATUS OF REPORTS
D.3.a.Restructuring the Edmonton Taxi Cab Commission.
That the revised due date of Dec. 8, 1998 be approved. / Edmonton Taxi Cab Commission.Due: Dec. 8, 1998
D.3.bProstitution and Derelict Housing in the Norwood, Alberta Avenue and Eastwood Neighbourhoods (B. Mason).
That the revised due date of Dec. 8, 1998 be approved. / Edmonton Police ServiceDue: Dec. 8, 1998
D.3.c.Location of Liquor Sales Outlets.
That the revised due date of Feb. 2, 1999 be approved. / Planning and DevelopmentDue: Feb. 2, 1999
E.1.a.Disposition of Bylaw No. 11853, A Bylaw Requesting the Removal of Video Lottery Terminals from The City of Edmonton.
That the October 27, 1998 Corporate Services Department report be received for information. / Corporate Svcs.E.1.f.Edmonton Downtown Development Corporation Quarterly Report – November, 1998.
That the October 28, 1998 Edmonton Downtown Development Corporation report be received for information. / EDDCE.1.g.The Avenue of Nations Business Association’s 1997 Annual Report and Audited Financial Statement.
That the Avenue of Nations Business Association’s 1997 Annual Report and Audited Financial Statement be received for information. / Planning & Dev.E.1.h.Tax Status of Senior Citizen Centres.
That the City encourage the Senior Centres organizations’ committee in their efforts to have the Province:1.Investigate the historical partnership between the affected seniors’ facilities and Alberta Municipal Affairs, including the historical commitments between the parties.
2.Establish a new review committee that represents all affected stakeholders, and that this committee include a representative from the Capital Health Authority.
3.That City representatives continue to liaise with the committee. / Corporate Svcs.
F.1.b.1998 Parks, Recreation and Cultural Advisory Board – 1998 Community Investment Travel and Hosting Grant Recommendation.
That the $10,000 unexpended balance in the overall Community Investment Grant Program be reallocated to the Community Investment Travel and Hosting Grant Program. / PRCABH.OTHER REPORTS
H.1.b.Transportation Master Plan - Process.
1.That any individuals, who have registered to speak and who have not yet made presentations to City Council, be heard on January 14, 1999.2.That after Council has heard from all of the speakers, City Council consider the Transportation Master Plan and Bylaw No. 11778 by using the following procedures:
a.ask questions of the Administration,
b.propose and deal with amendments,
c.ask if anyone present wishes to speak to new information as it relates to the Transportation Master Plan and Bylaw No. 11778,
d.close the Public Hearing,
e.deal with the Transportation Master Plan,
f.deal with Bylaw No. 11778 after having dealt with the Transportation Master Plan. / Transportation & Streets
Corporate Svcs.
(H.1.b. cont’d)
Transportation & Streets
Corporate Svcs.
FOR THE MOTION:B. Smith; B. Anderson, A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh,
L. Chahley, W. Kinsella, L. Langley, B. Mason,
R. Noce, M. Phair, R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor,
D. Thiele.
D.1.a.Central Registry for Soccer Players (R. Rosenberger).
“The Edmonton Minor Soccer Association (EMSA) has apparently been in discussions with community leagues regarding a central registry for soccer players. In order to assess the feasibility of this, I would like to provide community leagues with the answers to the following questions:1.Who is responsible for allotting times for City of Edmonton soccer fields, both indoor and outdoor, and ball diamonds?
2.Who is eligible to apply for field times?
3.What are the requirements to be eligible?
4.What, if any, costs are involved?
5.Would it be possible for an organization, such as EMSA, to apply for, and receive permission, to take over the bookings for time and space of these facilities?
6.Are there any proposed changes to the booking procedure?
7.Do community leagues or the EFCL have any say or priority in the booking of these facilities?
8.What is the potential impact on community leagues if providing the service of sports registrations to their members is reduced or eliminated?
9.Would there by any financial impact on community leagues, i.e. loss of memberships?
I would like the response for the November 30, 1998 Community Services Committee meeting.” / Community Svcs.
CS Committee
Due: Nov. 30, 1998
(D.1.a. cont’d)
Community Svcs.
CS Committee
Due: Nov. 30, 1998
D.1.b.Year 2000 (L. Chahley).
“The implications with respect to the year 2000 is causing considerable concern with the possibility of major service disruptions and related problems. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police, The Edmonton Police Service and the Canadian Military have deemed the issue of such importance, that all leave during this period has been cancelled. It is requested that a report be prepared that addresses the following questions:1.What contingency plans are being prepared in the event that major disruptions occur during that timeframe?
2.Is the Emergency Planning Officer in contact with other City departments to identify potential problems?
3.If no such plans are in place, when can they be expected?” / City Manager
Due: Jan. 5, 1999
D.1.c.Transit Services (D. Thiele).
“In my short time as a Councillor I have received several inquiries regarding transit:My questions to you regarding these are:
1.What avenues are open to improve our transportation services to suburban areas, particularly in evening and off-peak periods?
2.How feasible is it to bring the LRT above ground north of the High Level bridge and follow that right-of-way south to Whyte Avenue and 103 Street?
3.What process would be involved to open negotiations with Canadian Pacific railways to gain access to their railway right-of-way south to 23rd Avenue?” / Transportation & Streets
Due: Jan. 5, 1999
(D.1.c. cont’d)
Transportation & Streets
Due: Jan. 5, 1999
D.1.d.Quality Assurance - ISO 9001 (D. Thiele).
“It is my understanding that Drainage Services (Design/Construction) has attained a quality assurance called ISO 9001.My questions are:
1.Please explain the meaning of ISO 9001, and the process involved in attaining it.
2.How does this status affect the ability of your Department to compete on projects inside and outside the City of Edmonton?
3.What kind of services does your Design/Construction branch provide in comparison to other contractors?” / Asset Mgmt. & Public Works
Due: Jan. 5, 1999
D.1.e.Safety Concerns - Proposed Development at 6104 – 109 Street (B. Anderson).
“I would like the Transportation and Streets Department to evaluate the possibility of doing a comprehensive transportation review addressing safety concerns and the effect on traffic of the proposed development at 6104 – 109 Street, being undertaken by Brentwood Development. The study would answer the following questions:1.Will the establishment of a business at this location negatively impact or limit options available to solve future transportation problems in southwest Edmonton?
2.Does the review of zoning applications and development permits by the Transportation and Streets Department, routinely address pedestrian safety concerns? What is the scope of their review?
3.If the establishment of a business at this location impedes the flow of traffic, what solutions will be available to correct the problem and if there are costs incurred who will pay the costs?
4.The neighbourhoods have outlined numerous pedestrian safety concerns. How can these fears be allayed? If the proposals to address these safety concerns cost money, who will determine if changes are necessary and who will pay the costs?
5.I would also like to know the cost of such a comprehensive review.
I would like this information to be presented at the December 1, 1998 Utilities and Public Works Committee meeting.” / Transportation & Streets
UPW Committee
Due: Dec. 1, 1998
(D.1.e. cont’d)
Transportation & Streets
UPW Committee
Due: Dec. 1, 1998
D.1.f.Review Process for Requests to Zoning Changes (B. Anderson).
“This inquiry is directed to the Planning and Development Department. I would like the department to review the redesignation, permit, variance, and appeal process that is currently in place. My questions focus on the proposed development at 6104 – 109 Street. How might the Planning and Development Department help avoid using a process that resulted in few, if any, community concerns about the original general redesignation of a site and well over a 1000 individuals in the affected neighbourhoods being aggressively opposed to the eventual specific use of the same site. The report should address the following areas:1.The feasibility of establishing guidelines outlining what would constitute acceptable community consultation, particularly if the change(s) being sought involve a DC5 site specific designation.
2.The feasibility of applications for changes in land uses being required to substantiate community support for proposed zoning changes in writing.
3.A review of the DC5 site specific designation addressing the following:
a)An attempt to make the application process more consistent by using the most specific description of the allowable land uses at all stages of the process, i.e. newspaper ads, site signage, and in all communication with communities affected by the proposed redistricting.
b)The possibility of making the disclosure of site plans mandatory when seeking a DC5 designation, (not at the discretion of the developer).
c)In addition to ensuring that proposed changes in land use are compatible with the existing neighbourhood(s), that there is an attempt to make sure that the eventual development will not create a situation that is incompatible with the neighbourhood traffic flow and pedestrian safety.
I would like this information to be presented at the December 16, 1998 Executive Committee meeting. / Planning & Dev.
Exec. Committee
Due: Dec. 16, 1998
(D.1.f. cont’d)
Planning & Dev.
Exec. Committee
Due: Dec. 16, 1998
D.1.g.Transportation Master Plan (M. Phair).
“I would like the following information regarding the Transportation Master Plan before January 14, 1999:1.If Council wishes to delete the upgrading of 75 Street as the inner-ring road, what changes would need to be made to the Plan? If 50th Street, 34th Street, 17th Street or Highway 14X were to be substituted as the eastern section of the inner-ring road, what changes would need to be made to the Plan?
2.If Council were to give priority to the LRT over busways in the Plan what changes and additions would need to be made to the Transportation Master Plan?” / Transportation & Streets
Due: Jan. 5, 1999
D.1.h.Social Well-Being And Sustainability of Communities (M. Phair).
“I would like a suggested process that Council might use in developing its vision for the social well-being and sustainability of communities. Please include comments on:1.Whether a process for developing a social agenda similar to Council’s Vision for Economic Prosperity would be useful;
2.Suggested goals and outcomes of such a process;
3.Possible terms of reference for the process; and
4.What other organizations or groups might be included in such a process; and
I would appreciate it if this inquiry would return to the Community Services Committee by December 14, 1998. / Community Svcs.
CS Committee
Due: Dec. 14, 1998
D.1.i.EDE’s Trade and Business Mission to Eastern Canada (M. Phair).
“Last week EDE’s major trade and business mission to eastern Canada visited Ottawa and Toronto. The scheduled events included visits both to senior federal government officials and elected officials. I would like to know why there was no elected City representative on this tour?” / EDEDue: Jan. 5, 1999
D.1.j.General Manager – Corporate Services Department (M. Phair).
“Just before the civic election, the position of General Manager of Corporate Services became vacant. I would like to know the following:1.What encouragement has been given to current eligible employees of the City to apply for this position?
2.What measures are being taken to encourage women and persons of minority groups who are qualified to apply for this position?
I would like this information to return to the Executive Committee. / City Manager
Exec. Committee
Due: Jan. 5, 1999
D.2.a.Strategy for Year-End Expenditures (A. Bolstad).
MOVED A. Bolstad – B. Anderson
That the October 14, 1998 Corporate Services Department report be referred to the Executive Committee for discussion. / Corporate Svcs.Exec. Committee
Due:Nov. 18, 1998
FOR THE MOTION: B. Smith; B. Anderson, A. Bolstad, W. Kinsella,
B. Mason, R. Noce, M. Phair, R. Rosenberger,
J. Taylor, D. Thiele.
OPPOSED:T. Cavanagh, L. Chahley, L. Langley.
D.2.c.Campaign Signs (M. Phair).
MOVED M. Phair – W. Kinsella
That the October 23, 1998 Transportation and Streets Department report be referred to the Utilities and Public Works Committee for discussion. / Transportation & StreetsUPW Committee
Due: Nov. 17, 1998
FOR THE MOTION: B. Smith; B Anderson, A. Bolstad, W. Kinsella,
L. Langley, B. Mason, R. Noce, M. Phair,
R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor, D. Thiele.
OPPOSED:T. Cavanagh, L. Chahley.
D.2.d.Noise Barriers (L. Langley).
MOVED L. Langley – M. Phair
That the October 7, 1998 Transportation and Streets Department report be referred to the Utilities and Public Works Committee for discussion. / Transportation & StreetsUPW Committee
Due:Nov. 17, 1998
FOR THE MOTION: B. Smith; B Anderson, A. Bolstad, L. Chahley,
W. Kinsella, L. Langley, R. Noce, M. Phair,
R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor, D. Thiele.
OPPOSED:T. Cavanagh, B. Mason.
D.2.e.Proposed Developments on University Farms (L. Langley).
MOVED L. Langley – M. Phair
That the October 15, 1998 Planning and Development report be referred to the Executive Committee for discussion. / Planning & Dev.Exec. Committee
Due:Nov. 18, 1998
FOR THE MOTION: B. Smith; B Anderson, A. Bolstad, W. Kinsella,
L. Langley, R. Noce, M. Phair, R. Rosenberger,
J. Taylor, D. Thiele.
OPPOSED:T. Cavanagh, L. Chahley, B. Mason.
D.2.f. Pine Shakes on the Roofs of New Homes (L. Langley).
MOVED L. Langley – D. Thiele
That the October 28, 1998 Planning and Development Department report be referred to the Executive Committee for discussion. / Planning & Dev.Exec. Committee
Due:Nov. 18, 1998
FOR THE MOTION: B. Smith; B Anderson, A. Bolstad, W. Kinsella,
L. Langley, M. Phair, R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor,
D. Thiele.
OPPOSED:T. Cavanagh, L. Chahley, B. Mason, R. Noce.
D.2.i.Possible Sale of the Trappers (M. Phair) – In Private.
MOVED M. Phair – R. Noce
That the October 28, 1998 Planning and Development Department report be referred to the Executive Committee (In Private) for discussion. / Planning & Dev.Exec. Committee
Due:Nov. 18, 1998
FOR THE MOTION: B. Smith; B Anderson, A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh,
W. Kinsella, L. Langley, B. Mason, R. Noce,
M. Phair, R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor, D. Thiele.
OPPOSED:L. Chahley.
E.1.c.Response to “Discussion Paper on Farm Property Assessment and Taxation”.
MOVED T. Cavanagh – A. Bolstad
That the responses in Attachment 2 (of the October 27, 1998 Corporate Services Department report) be approved as the City’s position on the Discussion Paper on Farm Property Assessment and Taxation.
S. White, City Assessor; and S. Dilworth, Corporate Services Department, answered Council’s questions.
AMENDMENT MOVED A. Bolstad – B. Anderson
That the following be added after the word “Taxation”:
“and that the City’s submission on Taxation of Farm Policy include a statement that makes it clear that the City of Edmonton supports legislation that allows municipalities to apply different mill rates on farm property.
FOR THE AMENDMENT:B. Smith; B Anderson, A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh,