CALL TO ORDER: The Regular Meeting of the Leechburg Area Board of School Directors was called to order at 7:40 PM in the J. D. Orr Board Room of the Parker D. Baker Building by Mr. Terry Knepshield, President.

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: The Pledge of Allegiance was recited in unison.

ROLL CALL: Mr. Neill Brady, Mr. Richard Cappo, Mr. Alfonso DeCapite, Mr. Clinton Godlesky, Mr. Terry Knepshield, Mr. David Matuscin, Mr. Bruce Predebon, Mr. William Salem and Mr. Ernie Sipolino.

Also present were: Mrs. Cynthia Portman, Elementary Principal, Ms. Karen Hulse, High School Principal, Mr. Dennis Wolfe, Substitute High School Principal, Mr. Robert Cinpinski, Solicitor, Mr. James Budzilek, Acting Superintendent, and Ms. Patricia Camp, Board Secretary.


Public Work Session Minutes ------07/07/04

Regular Monthly Board Meeting Minutes ------07/21/04

President Knepshield requested comments, corrections and additions to the Minutes. Hearing none, on a motion by Mr. DeCapite, seconded by Mr. Salem the Minutes were approved as presented.

Voice Vote – Motion Carried.

All Ayes.


Date: Time:

08/04/04 6:00 PM FULL BOARD – Personnel Issues/Real Estate Issues/Legal Issues

Superintendent’s Office

08/18/04 6:30 PM FULL BOARD – Personnel Issues/Real Estate Issues/Legal Issues

Superintendent’s Office


Date: Time:

08/04/04 8:20 PM Public Work Session

J. D. Orr Board Room


A.  ARIN Intermediate Unit Report – Mr. Bruce Predebon: Was not able to attend last

meeting, will report next month.

Lenape Monthly Report - Mr. Terry Knepshield and Mr. David Matuscin: Mr. Matuscin

reported that there was no meeting in July.

ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS: Mr. James Budzilek welcomed Ms. Karen Hulse, High School Principal to her first official School District Board Meeting. She is still in transition to Leechburg, working with Lenape Area Vocational Technical School to have her begin soon.

Mr. Shepler and Mr. Kruluts are both at conferences. He will be reporting for them this evening.

He noted that the high school advisors have suggested the high school musical “Footloose” this spring and believes it is a fine musical to attempt. Mr. Budzilek reported on English As A Second Language and the need to adopt curriculum for ESL students as discussed previously for that course of study. Action on agenda later this evening.

Mr. Wolfe reported on the Veterans’ Memorial Field. Approximately 30 tires in practice area of field, which poses a health hazard. He contacted McCutcheons in Allegheny Township and have agreed to take tires for approximately $2.00 each. Mr. Oberdorf has agreed to pay from the Athletic Fund to have the 3 blocking sleds, banking boards and poles. Mr. Wolfe suggested he contact a scrap person to remove unusable metal items from field. Mr. Sipolino has expressed concern regarding basketball pole, they have been down for five years. They were taken down when parking area paved and track in front of the bleachers in 1999 and they have been laying there. Mr. Sipolino had discussed previously using them on the tennis court area and Mr. Wolfe noted that they are not identical, one is on a standard and they other is for against the wall. Expensive to fix up, more cost effective to purchase new, if necessary. Mr. Cappo noted that scrap prices are quite high at this time and it may be to the district’s benefit to haul and sale scrap. Mr. Sipolino suggested storing light poles, offered his services to remove the scrap and Mr. Matuscin offered to cut up poles for easier removal at no cost to the district and monies received from scrap sale be placed back into the Athletic Fund. Mr. Sipolino also noted the old wood that is under the bleachers that should be removed.

Mr. Knepshield suggested placing a motion under other to authorize the administration to look into the various ideas and take care of it.

Further discussion ensued regarding Mr. Sipolino suggestion to use the wood under bleachers for the district bonfire. Administration needs to check with borough regarding wood to ensure that it does not belong to the borough.


Visitors are welcome to comment on any agenda items at this time, provided it is understood that all remarks from the floor are subject to the same parliamentary procedure followed by the Board under the direction of the president. Discussion from the floor will not be entertained while action is being taken on agenda items by the Board. Completed forms (pink forms for agenda items) will be collected for district records and will be used by the president in recognizing each speaker.

There are no visitors wishing to address the Board at this time under agenda items. Mr. Knepshield, hearing no objections, moved Remarks by Visitors on non-agenda items at this time.


Visitors are welcome to make comments relating to topics not covered on the agenda, within reasonable limits of time, and under the rules pertaining to parliamentary procedure as provided in the district policy. Completed forms (gold forms for non-agenda items) will be collected for district records and will be used by the president in recognizing each speaker.

Ms. Barbara Turiak

LEA President

215 First Street

Leechburg, PA 15656

Last month I didn’t have the opportunity to first congratulate our new officers and also to welcome new members. Positive beginning to new school year, everything new and different. Teachers are here to help make everything run smoothly.

Ms. Lindsey Smith

Junior Student School Board Representative

Reported on “Rock The Vote” program to encourage voting, focused mostly towards younger people, but benefits all citizens to vote. On September 18, 2004, would like to hold a “Rock The Vote” program with a couple bands, one being a Christian band, a computer lab for on-line voter registration and paper registration, brochures/posters/polling place locations provided by State Representative Jeffery Coleman’s office. Would like to have State Representative candidates available to speak to the participants about the importance of voting.

Mr. Budzilek commended Ms. Smith on her undertaking the challenge to increase the voter registration in our area, as she has discussed with him during the summer. An outstanding task to undertake this year. Discussion ensued regarding all parties being invited to enforce positive emphasis of voting, not a political speech. Deadline for voter registration is thirty days prior to the election.



1.  Mr. DeCapite made a motion, seconded by Mr. Salem to table the Contract for Food Service Director as presented in (Exhibit A).

Voice Vote – Motion Tabled.

All Ayes.



1.  Mr. DeCapite made a motion, seconded by Mr. Godlesky to rescind the approval to hire Ms. Janessa Petro to the position of Elementary Physical Education Instructor at Step I of Collective Bargaining Agreement Teacher Salary Schedule as presented in (Exhibit B).


Mr. Cinpinski Both number 1 and 2 under New Business Personnel, Mr. Budzilek that both of these individuals have contacted you and indicated verbally their intention not to be employed at the district. This is the reason for the action being taken and to clarify these motions.

Voice Vote – Motion carried.

All Ayes.

2.  Mr. DeCapite made a motion, seconded by Mr. Salem to rescind the approval to hire Ms. Sparrow Africa to the position of Instructional Support Specialist and to rescind the approval of the creation of the position of Instructional Support Specialist as presented in (Exhibit C).

Voice Vote – Motion carried.

All Ayes.

3.  Mr. Salem made a motion, seconded by Mr. DeCapite to approve the Memorandum of Understanding between the Leechburg Area School District and the Leechburg Education Association regarding the System Administration position as presented in (Exhibit D).

Voice Vote – Motion carried.

All Ayes.

4.  Mr. Salem made a motion, seconded by Mr. DeCapite to approve the following persons as Mentor Teachers for listed positions as presented in (Exhibit E).

Name / Mentored Position
Ellen Toy / Health and Physical Education
Valerie Ripple / English/Social Studies
Nicolette Diani / Elementary Teacher

Voice Vote – Motion carried.

All Ayes.

5.  Mr. Salem made a motion, seconded by Mr. Godlesky to create the position of Stage Manager as presented in (Exhibit F). Subject to review and agreement with the Leechburg Education Association.

Discussion ensued regarding Mr. DeCapite’s questions regarding whether this is a paid assignment and if a teacher will be applying, to which Mr. Budzilek responded yes to both questions. Also discussed whether a calendar of auditorium use could be kept in the high school principal’s office. Mr. Budzilek responded that this practice is currently in place, however, this position would include assistance with running lighting and sound systems, evening and daily events. This will be a supplemental position and subject to recognition and discussion with the Leechburg Education Association. Ms. Turiak, LEA President, responded that this position has been previously discussed with the union. Mr. Cinpinski noted that final agreement subject to working out satisfactory final agreement.

Mr. Sipolino questioned item #6 on exhibit, adding that this person holding this position notifying the maintenance supervisor when use has been completed so that maintenance can take care of any maintenance/custodial issues. Mr. Cinpinski suggested added any and all other duties and responsibilities reasonably assigned relating to the stage and any and all equipment.

Voice Vote – Motion carried.

All Ayes.

6.  Mr. Salem made a motion, seconded by Mr. Cappo to approve the Department Head Job Description as presented in (Exhibit G).

Discussion ensued regarding Mr. DeCapite’s question as to how often the Department Heads will meet and Mr. Budzilek’s response of that being at the discretion of the building principals and superintendent. Contract states that there are hours during the summer months that work must be completed but also throughout the school year. Needs according to our Strategic Plan and role of the Department Heads and principals’ meetings. Mr. Brady questioned whether Department Heads could report to the Board of progress and after lengthy discussion it was decided that the administration will provide Department Head reports to the Board. Mr. DeCapite also questioned class visitations, whether this was an observation by the Department Head and Mr. Budzilek responded that the Department Heads would not evaluate teachers. Mr. Knepshield requested clarification and Mr. Budzilek responded with an example of a Department Head attending a conference and sharing information and instructional strategies with persons in their department. Sitting in class to work with teacher to implement information and instructional strategy with no supervisory positions or roles.

Voice Vote – Motion carried.

All Ayes.

7.  Mr. Salem made a motion, seconded by Mr. DeCapite to approve the following persons as Leechburg Area School District Department Heads as listed:

Name / Mentored Position
Karen Stevenson / Department Head-Technology
Patricia Osborne / Department Head-Science
Valerie Ripple / Department Head-Language Arts
Scott Hooks / Department Head-Social Studies
Kathy Hooks / Department Head-Fine Arts
Jill Sorisio / Department Head-Mathematics

Discussion ensued regarding how Department Heads selected. Positions were advertised and application process took place. Mr. Budzilek noted that he is very happy with the selections. Four teachers from the high school and two from the elementary school with equal representation throughout district. One position had two applicants but after discussions with one individual, they withdrew and wanted other person to take position.

Voice Vote – Motion carried.

All Ayes.

8.  Mr. Salem made a motion, seconded by Mr. Sipolino to approve the following Substitute Positions for the 2004-2005 school term:

Name / Position
Batiz, Julie / Instructional Aide, Café, Secretary
Beresik, Kristin / Elementary
Booker, Joseph / Custodial
Bosin, Martin / Elementary
Broda, Marcella / Cafe', Instructional Aide
Bush, Alene / Biology
Contino, Mary Ann / English
Coutch, Christina / Café
Donelow, Wendy / Elementary
Dubovi, Roberta / Instructional Aide, Nurse
Fabry, Heather / Elementary
Ferrari, David / Librarian
Fletcher, Leslie / Elementary
Fondrk, Patricia / Elementary
Frederick, Donald / Elementary
Hawk, Linda / Café
Klazon, Jennifer / Instructional Aide
Lucchino, Linda / Elementary
Lucchino, Linda / Library
Mamros, George / Elementary
Martinka, Gary / Custodian
Mattu, Jennifer / Elementary
McBryar, Kimberley / Elementary
McIlrath, Diane / Secretary, Cafe
Miller, Darlene / Nurse
Papurello, Enrico / Library, Principal
Santoro, Jay / Social Studies
Scitticatt, Molly / Early Childhood
Sherbondy, Tanya / Elementary
Snyder, Kris / Instructional Aide, Secretary
Solomon, Robert / Biology
Teagarden, Maria / Secretary
Troutman, Patricia / Secretary, Instructional Aide, Cafeteria
Wallace, Sandra / Secretary, Instructional Aide
Whittaker, Debra / Elementary
Wolfe, Dennis / Principal

Voice Vote – Motion carried.

All Ayes.



1.  Mr. Salem made a motion, seconded by Mr. Brady to terminate the Supplemental Administrative Compensation Agreement with Mr. Matthew A. Kruluts as presented in (Exhibit A1).

Voice Vote – Motion carried.

All Ayes.

2.  Mr. Salem made a motion, seconded by Mr. DeCapite to approve the Supplemental Administrative Compensation Agreement between the Leechburg Area School District Alternative Education Consortium and Mr. Matthew A. Kruluts, Alternative Education Principal Supervisor, as presented in (Exhibit A2). Subject to verification of Secondary Principal Certification. Clarification being that the same is time spent in position is over and above the daily duties and responsibilities of his current position of school psychologist/special programs coordinator.

Voice Vote – Motion carried.

All Ayes.


1.  Mr. DeCapite made a motion, seconded by Mr. Salem to approve the Alternative Education Consortium Agreement between Leechburg Area, Freeport Area, and Apollo-Ridge School Districts as presented in (Exhibit H). Subject to the School District Solicitor final review.

Voice Vote – Motion carried.

All Ayes.

2.  Mr. Salem made a motion, seconded by Mr. DeCapite to approve the Tax Abatement Review Committee's Recommendations regarding applications for Real Estate Tax Abatements under Policy 605.3 New Construction as presented in (Exhibit I). Condition and subject to the terms and conditions of the appropriate policy.