Matapeake Elementary School2014-2015Executive Summary

Matapeake Elementary School opened its doors on January 21, 2004. The school has compiled data for the SIT plan since the 2005-2006 school year. The 2004-2005 school year’s data was included in the SIT plan for Bayside Elementary School. Matapeake Elementary School is making significant progress towards meeting school, local and state performance targets described in the School Improvement Plan. Upon completion of the School Improvement Plan, Matapeake Elementary School’s Improvement Plan will be presented to the Superintendent, Supervisors, school based staff, and members of the community for review.

Matapeake Elementary School has been selected to be in partnership with the School-wide Integrated Framework for Transformation (SWIFT). During the 2014-2015 school-year, our School Improvement Team (SIT) will merge with our SWIFT team and become the SwIfT team. Our SWIFT team will utilize the SWIFT framework in order to increase academic achievement on the part of students at all grade levels and in all subgroups. This framework guides MES through identifying and analyzing the resources we have available in order to recognize our strengths and improve upon our opportunities for growth.

Our continued focus will be on the implementation of the Maryland College and Career Readiness Standards (MCCRS) in Reading and Math, as well as the addition of an updated Social Studies framework, Next Generation Science Standards, and infusing technology,STEM and Universal Design for Learning principles into all content areas. We will continue to provide sequential, high quality staff development to our staff to enhance the implementation of the new standards and ensure a rigorous and differentiated implementation of the standards in all classrooms from Prekindergarten to fifth grade.

We will continue to monitor the progress of each of our students by examining performance data and student work. Data analysis will be based on classwork and formative and summative assessments, which include Individual Reading Inventory (IRI) data, benchmark data in Reading and Math, as well as CogAt and Maryland School Assessment (MSA) data. The purpose of data analysis will be to make instructional decisions in order to ensure student success and be able to prepare students for the new state assessment that will begin this school year, PARCC. All certificated teachers, Reading Specialist, Math Specialist, Teacher Specialist, and the school administrator will develop Student Learning Objectives (SLO’s) to monitor student/grade level/school progress. Each individual will set rigorous yet attainable goals aligned with baseline student data and the state curriculum. Data will be regularly analyzed in order to assess students’ progress toward meeting the goals.

After analyzing school-wide data, we have found that it is a priority to provide professional development in the areas of Reading and Math for our staff. In addition, our data suggests that continued emphasis on closing the achievement gap for our subgroup populations is necessary. Special emphasis will be placed on strategies to enhance the performance of our Special Education and Gifted and Talented populations. As we plan Staff Development activities, we will cluster professional development around the areas of Effective Implementation of the Maryland College and Career Readiness Standards, Strategies to Close the Achievement Gap, Behavior Supports, Data Analysis, and Infusion of STEM into all content areas. We will continue monitoring student progress with our pre-referral team, Monitoring Exceptional Students (MES). Grade level teams will meet monthly with the Teacher Specialist in order to discuss student concerns and strategies to address those concerns. Any students who are still struggling, behaviorally or academically, will be discussed at the quarterly M.E.S. meeting. At this meeting, grade level teachers and specialists will discuss students who are still having learning difficulty or are at risk due to other factors. Strategies will be given to the classroom teacher to assist them in supporting the student. A referral to Special Education is always the last option and the team serves as the gatekeeper for referral for these services.

During the 2014-2015 school year, MES will continue initiatives in order to ensure student achievement and a positive school climate. The Intervention/Enrichment block will be utilized to meet the needs of all students, based on data analysis. As identified students leave for pull out programs in Reading and Math,the remaining students will be regrouped and provided with programming to meet their instructional needs. Students identified as Gifted and Talented will receive enrichment instruction in the their area of giftedness, as well as other content areas. Data will be regularly analyzed in order to regroup students quarterly. With this initiative, we anticipate more of our proficient students will move to the advanced rating on benchmark testing and will perform at the Advanced level on PARCC. MES will continue to implement PBIS with the goal of continuing to attain the Gold Level status and attaining the Platinum Level status when it becomes available. In addition, we will adopt the OLWEUS anti-bullying program to ensure a positive and safe learning environment for all students. In order to enhance school climate, we will continue to implement the Buddy Class program where classes are paired (PK/K:3rd; 1st:4th; 2nd:5th ) and meet monthly in order to foster school camaraderie, morale, and work together on projects aligned with our curriculum.

We are confident that these initiatives will continue to improve the high level of learning and instruction that exists at MES and will push our students to reach their full potential in all areas. We will continue to seek support from our families, our PTA, our community, and our business partner in order to assist us in meeting our goals for these initiatives. MES is a high performing school and we know that we need to continue to move forward if we are going to maintain that high level.