(1 to 5) / Rate level of readiness now (1 to 5) / What else needs to be done / Date for completion
Awareness of good practice for prescribing antipsychotic medicines in dementia / Complete CPPE Antipsychotic review in dementia e-learning / Pharmacist
Awareness of alternative interventions to antipsychotics / Read evidence on non-pharmacological and pharmacological treatments for BPSD
Contact CCG dementia lead to find which non- pharmacological treatments are available in the area
Gather contacts and information for signposting of patients / Pharmacy technician
Identify patients who require review of antipsychotic medication / Search PMR for suitable patients / Dispensing staff
Review repeat prescriptions on collection
Review acute prescriptions on presentation
Agree joint working with GPs / Review referral
Contact surgeries to discuss
Hospital pharmacists;
Check discharge
Information is
complete / Audit of discharge information
These columns are to be completed later in the programme
The Call to Action main themes;
Establish a clear dialogue and agree joint working practices for reviews with all prescribing partners.
Become better informed about best practice guidelines for the prescribing of antipsychotic medication, and alternative interventions, for people with dementia.
Provide support and sign-posting to alternative resources for people with dementia and their carers.
Specifically for Community pharmacists:Query every prescription for an antipsychotic for people aged 65 years or over and/or those known to have dementia and search for, and audit, all people 65 years and over who have received antipsychotic medication in the last 3 months.
Specifically for Hospital pharmacists:Query every prescription for an antipsychotic for people aged 65 years and over and ensure that discharge information is up to date regarding the actions GPs should take (in line with NICE guidelines).
All antipsychotics are flagged on transfer documentation with a clearly identifiable review date
CCG and commissioning pharmacists: Include antipsychotic within QOF action plan and QIPP target. Review/challenge high prescribers.
All pharmacists; Report back on progress in these activities.