Curriculum Map
Too Good for DrugsGrade: 8
Enduring Understandings:
Health concepts are essential for wellness and a health-enhancing lifestyle.
Essential Questions:
- What choices should you make to act and grow responsibly?
- How can the choices you make today, influence your future health and happiness?
Common Core Standards / Pennsylvania Standards / Content / Skills / Assessment
Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose and audience. / 10.2.6.A, 10.2.6.D, 10.1.6.C, 10.1.6.D, 10.1.6.E, / Lesson 1
Go for Your Goals
Lesson 2
Teenagers Talk
Lesson 3
Communication: Look, Listen and Ask
Lesson 4
Assert Yourself
Lesson 5
Teens and Tough Decisions
Lesson 6
Tobacco: Nasty!
Lesson 7
Al K. Holic
Lesson 8
Get Attractive, Get Real
Lesson 9
The Truth About Drugs
Lesson 10
Wheel of Fortune /
- Develop personal goals
- List steps for reaching a goal
- Demonstrate how to picture yourself overcoming obstacles to reach your goal
- Discuss how famous people overcame obstacles and persevered to reach their goals
- Discuss five areas of adolescent development
- Discuss behaviors that can interfere with positive adolescent development
- Discuss the ups and downs of being an adolescent
- Define communication
- Discuss three important elements of communication
- Demonstrate active listening skills
- Discuss the benefits of using active listening skills
- Differentiate between assertive, passive and aggressive communication styles
- List the verbal and non-verbal characteristics of assertive, passive and aggressive communication styles
- Discuss why assertive communication is usually the most effective style
- Describe his or her own preferred style
- Perform role plays to practice assertive communication
- List in priority order what goals and values are most important to him or her
- Discuss the importance of picturing positive goals and considering consequences
- Describe how using drugs can interfere with reaching personal goals
- List why s/he would not use tobacco, alcohol and marijuana
- Contrast the glamorous image and the nasty reality of using tobacco products
- Discuss the high cost of using tobacco products
- Write a letter to persuade a magazine or business to stop advertising tobacco products
- Discuss the fact that anyone can be an alcoholic
- List warning signs of alcoholism
- Describe the effects of alcoholism on the family
- Describe the effects of alcoholism on teenagers
- Discuss reasons for the legal drinking age of 21
- Discuss how society’s emphasis on ideal bodies can damage self-esteem and body image
- List the dangers of using anabolic steroids to improve body image
- Describe healthy ways to build attractive bodies
- Contrast facts and myths about illegal drugs, including hallucinogens, cocaine, inhalants, heroin and marijuana
- Differentiate between perceived and actual prevalence of drug use among teens
- Define tolerance, dependence, synergy and withdrawal
- Recite the school policies concerning illegal and prescription drugs
- Recite steps for making good decisions
- Demonstrate effective peer refusal skills
- Describe positive qualities and other developmental assets in oneself and others
- Recite consequences of using specific drugs, including tobacco, alcohol and marijuana
- Recite steps for making good decisions
- Recite steps for setting and achieving a goal
- Describe effective communication skills
- Describe positive ways to be healthy, physically fit and attractive
Turn stumbling blocks into stepping stones
Check workbook page 3
A communication Experiment
Check workbook pages 4-5
Teacher observes role plays
Check workbook pages 6-7
Check workbook page 8
Teacher observes role play
Persuasive letter
Check workbook page 9
Quiz on warning signs
Check workbook page 10
Quiz on anabolic steroids
Check workbook page11
The match game
Teacher observes role play
Check workbook page12