COST: FREE to SFSP Members/$15.00 for all Non-members
Visit for membership information!
TIME: 4:00pm to 5:30pm
The Columbus Bar Association
175 South Third Street, Suite 1100
Columbus, Ohio43215-5193
614.221.4112 fax 614.221.4850
*The October seminar will be held at the site of the firm presenting.
October 23, 2003“Developing a Management Team while Planning for a Transition in Ownership”
Speaker: Squire, Sanders & Dempsey, LLP*
CE: 1.5
November 19, 2003“Managing Your Practice to Maximize Your Sales”
Speaker: Ann W. Hartmann MBA, CLU, ChFC, AEP
CE: 2.0
January 15, 2004“When the Bloom if Off of the Rose (Divorce Planning)”
Speaker: Jeff Grossman, Esq.
CE: 1.5
February 19, 2004“Bank Owned Life Insurance (BOLI)”
Speaker: Bernard E. McCoy CLU, ChFC, RHU
CE: 1.5
March 18, 2004“Planning for the Affluent Client”
Speaker: Todd M. Kegler of Kegler, Hill, Brown & Ritter
April 22, 2004“Investing in a Changing Economic Climate”
Speaker: Brinker Capital
May 20, 2004“Comprehensive Financial Planning”
Speaker: Kristen J. Sydney CLU, ChFC, JD, CFP
Refreshments will be provided at each meeting. CE and CLEcredits will be provided when possible.
2003-2004 Seminar Series
Yes, I am an SFSP Member.
No, I am not yet a member of SFSP.
ADDRESS: ______
PHONE: ______FAX: ______EMAIL: ______
Please register me for the following:
October 23, 2003
November 19, 2003
January 15, 2004
February 19, 2004
March 18, 2004
April 22, 2004
May 20, 2004
Visit us on the web at
Please return to: SFSP Columbus Chapter, 17 S. High Street, Suite 200, Columbus, OH 43215
Fax: (614) 221-1989
Please include payment with registration.
The Columbus Bar Association
175 South Third Street, Suite 1100
Columbus, Ohio43215-5193
614.221.4112 fax 614.221.4850
View map:
Third Street is one-way, southbound only
Fourth Street is one-way, northbound only
Town Street is two-way, eastbound & westbound
Rich Street is one-way, westbound only
Main Street is one-way, eastbound only
From the West
Take Interstate 70 East to the High Street/Front Street Exit
Stay to the left on the off ramp
Turn left at Front Street, from the off ramp, you'll be traveling north
Stay to the right on Front Street
Turn right at the second light at Main Street, you'll be traveling east
Enter the CityCenter parking garage from the left lane on Main Street
The CBA building is one block north of the garage, at the corner of Town and Third
From the East
Take Interstate 70 west to the Fourth Street Exit
Turn right at Fourth Street, you'll be traveling north
Turn left at Rich Street, you'll be traveling west
Enter the CityCenter parking garage from the left lane on Rich Street
The CBA building is one block north of the garage, at the corner of Town and Third
From the North via Interstate 71
Take Interstate 71 South to Broad Street
Turn right at Broad Street, you'll be traveling west
Turn left at Third Street, you'll be traveling south
Pass the FirstarBankBuilding at Town Street (it's the black glass building on the right)
Turn right at Rich Street, you'll be traveling west
Enter the CityCenter parking garage from the left lane on Rich Street
The CBA building is one block north of the garage, at the corner of Town and Third
From the North via Route 315
Take Rt. 315 South to the Third Street Exit
You'll be traveling south on Third Street
Come through downtown, past the Statehouse and the Hyatt at Capitol Square
Turn right on Rich Street, you'll be traveling west
Enter the CityCenter parking garage from the left lane on Rich Street
The CBA building is one block north of the garage, at the corner of Town and Third
From the South via Interstate 71
Take Interstate 71 North to Interstate 70 East
Take Interstate 70 East to the High Street/Front Street Exit
Stay to the left on the off ramp
Turn left at High Street, from the off ramp, you'll be traveling north
Stay to the right on High Street
Turn right at the second light at Main Street, you'll be traveling east
Enter the CityCenter parking garage from the left lane on Main Street
The CBA building is one block north of the garage, at the corner of Town and Third