Expressive Therapy Clinic
Megan is a specialist in Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT), a registered Art Psychotherapist, an ACA Level 4 Counsellor and a Registered Clinical Supervisor. Megan hasworked as a consultant to Private Hospitals in Sydney developing and co-ordinating Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) programs over many years and has developed a 2 Day Intensive DBT Training which she has delivered around Australia and New Zealand and at her home base in Coolangatta. Her experience in structuring DBT Teams and training individual therapists in DBT has been extensive. She has been trained as a Team and Individual DBT Therapist through Marsha Linehan’s accredited trainers ‘Behavioral Technologies LLC’ .(For more information go to ).Megan also conducts a Weekend Workshops mixing Art Therapy with DBT and Positive Psychology and also conducts an Introduction to Art Therapy Weekend Workshop. All Expressive Therapy Clinic programs are endorsed for professional development points with:
/ and listed for CPD/PD with Australian Psychological SocietyREGISTRATION FORM - Please indicate which training you wish to attend and complete your details in box below. A deposit of $100 is required to guarantee your place:
Training and Workshop Description / Date in 2016 / Location / Yes Pls : √2 Day Intensive DBT Training / Friday 29 and Sat 30 January / Coolangatta
Introduction to Art Therapy – Weekend Workshop / Sat 20 February Sun 21 February / Coolangatta
2 Day Intensive DBT / Sun 6, Mon 7 March / Melbourne
2 Day Intensive DBT Training / Friday 27 and Sat 28May / Canberra
2 Day Intensive DBT Training / Friday 10, Saturday 11 June / Brisbane
2 Day Intensive DBT Training / Sun 26 Mon 27 June / Sydney
2 Day Intensive DBT Training / Friday 15,Saturday 16 July / Perth
2 Day Intensive DBT Training / Sun 14, Mon 15 August / Coolangatta
2 Day Intensive DBT Training / Sun 28, Mon 29 August / Adelaide
Art Therapy,DBT and Positive Psychology-Weekend Workshop / Sat 10, Sun 11 September / Coolangatta
2 Day Intensive DBT Training / Sun 9, Mon 10 October / Christchurch NZ
2 Day Intensive DBT Training / Sun 16, Mon 17 October / Auckland NZ
2 Day Intensive DBT Training / Sun 13, Mon 14 November / Launceston
To hold your place in training please return registration form to and deposit $100 into bank account below: Please include your Name and Place of Training on internet Transfer
Total Cost : EBRate applies if paid one month prior. 2 Day Intensive DBT: $550 or EBRate $495 (Inc. GST) Weekend Workshops: $440 or EBRate $385 (Inc GST) / Account Name:Expressive Therapy Clinic Pty. Ltd. / BSB National
082 352 / ACCOUNT NO:
Morning and Afternoon Tea are provided. Lunch is not provided
AASW Members discount offered $495.00 early bird rate.
©Expressive Therapy Clinic Megan Shiell, Grad.Dip.ExT,MAAThR HP2005N-208
Tweed Heads NSW 2485 Level 4 Counsellor#7159
Dialectical Behaviour Therapist
Clinical Supervisor
ABN: 86 125 148 807 Phone: 0417 084 846